
Fairy Tail: The Grinder

After dying, I met ROB. Who offered to reincarnate me in a random world with a special wish, to compensate for "accidentally" killing me. Though, for some reason, he didn't seem very pleased with the situation. Why do I say so? Because as soon as I told him that I wanted a System, he disposed of me. Not even letting me explain properly what kind of System I wanted. As a result, when I woke up in my new body, I received the beautiful surprise that the system that he gave me was the most basic shit that could exist. I wanted a Multiversal System! What the heck do I do with this excuse of a system?! Where's my OP shop?! Where is my super OP cheat?! Where is my long list of stats?! Why can't I even level up?! -Sigh...- Well, whatever. I guess I will have to settle with it. Huh? What do you mean I have to work out? *** A/N: Just gonna update this whenever I want. So don't expect any consistency or schedule. I can't bother with having any of those.

Anonyrius · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

The "Reincarnation"


Today has been quite a strange day.

It was going as usual. With me minding my business, and just living my daily life like I did every day.

Playing some online games, buying some snacks, studying a little (Not really)... The usual.

However, when I was thinking that the day would end just like all the others, something happened.

While I was out of home going to see a friend of mine, planning to play some games, a dark cloud suddenly appeared out of nowhere and began hovering above me.

However, that was not all.

The cloud also seemed to follow me around. No matter where I went.

If I moved right, the cloud moved right.

If I moved left, the cloud moved left.

If I ran, the cloud rapidly moved after me.

Seeing that, I rapidly had the feeling that the cloud meant bad news. So, even though I knew that it would follow me, I decided to try and run away from it with all I had.

And the pursuit lasted for quite a few minutes.

However, surprisingly, after a while, I actually managed to leave it behind! Which caused me a bit of happiness at that moment, as I didn't know what would have happened if I had kept being under that ominous cloud.


And then, I died.

How, you ask?

The cloud fucking shot a bolt of lightning at me from the distance.

Apparently, it didn't like being outrun.

Petty little shit.

Anyway, that sums it up.

After that happened, I woke up in this place... and with this guy in front of me.

"Did you finish recalling how you died?"


The guy standing in front of me had the appearance of some random rich douchebag.

He had blond hair, his skin was slightly shiny, and he was wearing some really expensive-looking clothes that seemed to be made out of gold due to how shiny and golden they were.

However, the most noticeable thing about him was his gaze full of contempt.

He was gazing at me like one would gaze at a disgusting bug.

'What's up with this dude...?'

Seeing that, I kind of felt annoyed. However, guessing what kind of situation I was in, I made sure to just keep those thoughts to myself.

After all, dying, and then waking up in some kind of afterlife with a dude of extravagant appearance standing in front of me... This whole situation resembled those tropes from the novels and numerous Fanfictions that I had read a lot during my time alive.

The famous troupe of reincarnation (Or Transmigration) with wishes!


That, or he was just the doorkeeper of Hell who is about to throw me down there.

Meh, it's a 50/50.

"Would you stop it with your unnecessary blabbering?!"

"Oh, sorry. Didn't know you could read my mind"

'So he is one of those guys that can read minds, huh? Better not insult him in my head then'

Gritting his teeth as he watched me make a mental note, the guy in front of me let out an exasperated sigh, before he then took a giant roulette out of one of his pockets as if he was in a cartoon, and then put it on the ground while looking at me with a gaze that seemed to say "Shut up".

'Alright, alright...'

Nodding My head, I gestured to him that I was listening. To which he responded by ignoring me before he began explaining.

"Alright, you died because of a mistake of mine, blablabla, sorry, and now you are getting reincarnated in a new world with a wish of your choosing as compensation for my mistake. Got that? If you did, then hurry up and make the wish"

'Well, that was a fast explanation'

Sweatdropping a bit as I wondered why he seemed like he wanted to get done with whatever was happening here, I did my best to ignore the lack of honesty in his apology, and simply began thinking of what to ask for.

'Leaving his attitude aside... A wish, huh? I think I know exactly what to ask for'

However, my thinking lasted very little, as soon I remembered the most classic wish troupe that existed in almost every novel and fanfiction, and nodded my head with an expectant look on my face.

'A system...'

Honestly, at some point, even I got bored of reading about systems. They were fucking everywhere, and most of them were so fucking OP, that they ruined the pace of the stories very quickly.

However, we are not in a story now, are we?

Who cares if it is a boring troupe? Since I'm reincarnating, I don't give a shit about that!

It will make me boringly OP? I don't see the problem in that!

Grinning slightly, I then remembered several fanfictions that I had read once and had a certain type of system come to my mind.

'Multiversal system'

That kind of system usually allowed for traveling between several works of fiction.

And I was all into that!

Why stay in one world, when I can have access to thousands?


Making up my mind about the wish, I cleared my throat, and before then I looked back at the ROB, who was looking at me with an annoyed face, and smiled satisfied.

"I want a system—"


However, before I was even able to finish speaking, the ROB cut me off, before he then swoop his hand at me. Which somehow made my body rapidly start fading away.


"Good luck in your new life or whatever."

"Hey, wait. I haven't finished—"

Seeing my impending reincarnation, I tried to tell him that I hadn't finished explaining my wish yet. However, my body was disappearing at such a rate, that before I was even able to finish speaking, my body had already completely vanished.


After that, I don't know where I ended, or how much time passed.

However, eventually, I felt drowsiness seeping into my body.

And while I still felt wronged about the attitude of that ROB, that didn't stop my consciousness from drifting into a deep sleep.


Leaving those words behind in my mind, soon I felt my consciousness weaken, before then eventually, I felt completely unconscious. Unaware of what happened after that.





|Back at the afterlife, 3rd Person POV:|


"Hmph, why should I waste my time doing this shit?"

Grumbling angrily, the ROB from before could be seen clicking his tongue as he played with the roulette that he had taken out of his pocket before.

It was apparent by now that he hadn't reincarnated that soul from before just because he wanted to, nor because of goodwill.

No, the real reason he did it was because...

"So, did that mortal leave?"

Someone had told him to do so.


Suddenly appearing out of thin air, a man of golden hair and shiny hair wearing a suit walked towards the ROB as he looked around with a raised eyebrow.


Seeing him, the ROB scoffed with a discontent expression, before he looked to the side and replied.

"Yes, Dad"

"Good" Hearing him, the man nodded with a satisfied expression.

Indeed, the one who had arrived was his father.

And he was also the one who had ordered him to reincarnate the soul from before.

As for the reason...

"But dad... Why do I have to go through so much trouble just for accidentally killing a mortal?"

"Accidentally? Young man, do you think I didn't see you shooting that lightning bolt at him?"

"Bah, what does it matter anyways? He is just a mortal!"

"-Sigh...- You have a lot to learn, my son..."

It was because his son was a brat.

Massaging his temple, the father of the ROB let out an exasperated sigh, before he then walked towards the roulette and glanced at his son with a strict expression.

"Anyways, since he is already in the process of reincarnation, now you have to let the roulette choose to which world he will go"



"Alright, alright"

Rolling his eyes, the ROB groaned, before he approached the roulette with lazy steps and then spun it around while barely putting in the effort.


After that, the roulette spun around at an enormous speed. Resembling even the wheel of a car at full speed due to how fast it was spinning.

It wasn't until a few minutes passed that the roulette finally started slowing down. Eventually stopping in a certain part of the roulette that said "EarthLand".

Seeing that, the ROB's dad raised an eyebrow as he muttered "Hoh... EarthLand, huh? It's quite an interesting world... Though, its lower Gods are pretty unlikeable. I wonder if he will find any problems when living there...", all while scowling a little as he said the last part.

Humming in thought, the man then turned to look at his son, who was just looking at the air absentmindedly, before he raised an eyebrow and asked him while squinting his eyes, "You granted him his wish, right?".

Hearing his father's question, the ROB rolled his eyes while crossing his arms before saying with an impatient tone "Yeah. He got exactly what he asked for. If we are done here, can I leave already?".

Shaking his head with disappointment in his eyes, the man let out a sigh as he said with resignation in his tone, "Alright, alright. Off you go", before he began shooing him away with his hand.

Pumping up his fist while exclaiming "Yes!" after hearing that, the ROB grinned, before he started walking away from the area. Eventually vanishing into thin air, and leaving his father alone in the space where he had met the soul.


Staring at the air in contemplation now that he was alone, the man then looked into the distance, before he then shook his head.

"I'm just over worrying. Whatever wish he asked for, it should be enough for him to fend against those lower Gods if they try to mess with him... After all, even if my son is a brat, he is still a Higher God. A wish granted by him isn't something so simple"

Nodding his head as if to reassure himself, the man then turned his head, before he began walking away.

Eventually disappearing into thin air, just like his son.


〖To be Continued〗