
Fairy Tail: The Fourth Master

A day before the S-Class trials, Natsu was tasked to complete a certain mission that will take a long time, making him give up his position as one of the candidates. When he returned, he found out that the Tenrou Island, along with all his friends there, has disappeared. How will the son of the Fire Dragon King deal with this situation? *I'm new to this so please go easy on me. I will really appreciate it if you could give me some advice to improve* *Also, this is Harem story, so if you can't stand it, then I'm sorry. Though I'll make sure that not all beautiful women will fall in love with him at first sight. I'll make sure to keep it more realistic*

ImmortalCupCake · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Chapter 11

"I-Im-Impossible! You shouldn't have survive all that!" The man stared at Natsu in shock and disbelief, even their leader couldn't just shrugged off that attack of his with no damage.

But now, this lunatic who ate the titan crystal did just that, he survive his attacks with a little to no damage.

The man couldn't accept this!

Suddenly, he saw Natsu taking a deep breath, his eyes immediately widened in fear as he pushed his magic to its very limits and ran.

However, before he could get far away, he heard a demonic sounding voice from behind him,

"Titanic Meteor Dragon's Mighty Roar!!!"

Large wave of reddish-gold flames shot towards him as the man's eyes displayed fear for the very fisrt time.


His body was engulfed by the gigantic wave of flames that even with his body who withstood months of torture couldn't endure.

As the flames disappeared, what was left was a devastated and burnt land that reaches up to hundreds of meters long and dozens of meters wide.

At the beginning of the devastated land, was an unconscious and naked Natsu who is already back to his original appearance, laying on the ground with his chest.


Few minutes later, Jura and Happy arrived and saw the burnt land along with an unconscious Natsu.

Their eyes immediately grew wide as they both ran towards him.



Jura immediately checked if Natsu was alright. He sighed in relief knowing that he's still alive, but he's injuries were pretty grave.

If not treated immediately, he will surely die, and if by luck he survived then he will basically say goodbye to his mage-life.

Then, as if he remembered something, Jura began to search his clothing looking for something.

He smiled as he still felt it on his pocket, he was pretty lucky that it wasn't blown away at all.

Jura then put his hand on his pocket and took out a small vial with a red liquid inside it.

He quickly turned Natsu's body and his eyes wandered at a certain place as his eyes immediately grew wide.

'Damn! Natsu-dono is bigger than mine!'

However, he soon snap out of his thoughts as there is something much more important.

Jura opened Natsu's mouth and force him to drink the liquid on the vial.

"What is that Jura?" Happy asks as he saw that Natsu's wounds slowly began to heal the moment he 'drank' the liquid.

"It is a healing potion Happy-dono." Jura replied, as he took off his clothes and covered Natsu with it, "It was given by the council to all Saints in case of emergency."

(AN: I doubt there is none, there is a lacrima that can give dragon slaying magic, a lacrima that can absorb the magic power from a country buster level attack, I doubt a simple healing potion hasn't been made)

"Eh? But we haven't seen it before?" Happy asks, causing Jura to smile as he replied, "This potion is very precious, there is only a handful of them and each one costs at the minimum of five million jewels."

"FIVE MILLION JEWELS?!!" Happy exclaimed, as Jura just laugh, expecting the exceed's reaction.

The atmosphere was quite joyful, forgetting about the fight earlier.

However, the two soon felt a humongous amount of magic power that literally made the air tremble.

The duo shakily move their heads and spotted they were fighting slowly standing up.

"Da..mn yo..u" the two heard a hoarse voice full of hate and malice, it even sent a shiver down their spine.

"I wi..ll sh..ow you all, the mi..ght of a t..itan sla..yer"

The man's body keep releasing powerful lightning arcs as the weather started to change.

His magic power rejects the effect of gravity as rocks and rubbles started to float within a dozen of meters around him.

His body started to expand along with his power, however, before he could finish his transformation, a hand pierced his chest from the back as the man stopped moving.

The man's eyes darted towards the hand on his chest, holding a bloodied light blue crystal.

With his remaining strength, the man turned his head, and saw a man wearing a brown cloak with his face hidden.

His eyes immediately grew wide as he stared at the cloak man in anger.

"DAMN YOU LUSC-blergh!" The man didn't get to finish his sentence as he coughed up blood and fell down, dead.

"Thandrus-dono, you have fulfilled your purpose. There is already no point on letting you have this power, just go and die for our leader."

The cloak figure stood there with a bloody crystal on his hand, staring at the saint and the cat who is glaring at cloak figure warily.