
Fairy Tail: The Fourth Master

A day before the S-Class trials, Natsu was tasked to complete a certain mission that will take a long time, making him give up his position as one of the candidates. When he returned, he found out that the Tenrou Island, along with all his friends there, has disappeared. How will the son of the Fire Dragon King deal with this situation? *I'm new to this so please go easy on me. I will really appreciate it if you could give me some advice to improve* *Also, this is Harem story, so if you can't stand it, then I'm sorry. Though I'll make sure that not all beautiful women will fall in love with him at first sight. I'll make sure to keep it more realistic*

ImmortalCupCake · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Chapter 12

The cloak figure just stared at the saint and cat duo, not doing anything, when he suddenly bowed and introduce himself.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, 9th Wizard Saint, Jura Nekis-dono, and the exceed, Happy-dono. I apologize for my intrusion, but I must quickly leave."

Finished with his words, green flaming wings appeared on his back as he flew off, with Jura just letting him be.

After all, what could he do? He was injured, his magic power still hasn't recovered, and Natsu is unconscious.

Fighting a mysterious man with power at the same, possibly, surpassing the one who just wipe the ground with him, is basically asking for death.

Jura stared at sky and let out a sigh, it is going to be long day for him, he will make sure to take a vacation once he return to his guild.


Three days later.

Right now, Natsu is currently sitting at the bed of the infirmary at the royal palace, he just regained his consciousness a day earlier and his body aches with a very little movement he makes.

Jura already went back to his guild while Happy was 'happily' eating fishes at the kitchen, right now.

He was getting really anxious, it has been a week already and the Tenrou group should've already arrive back in Fairytail right now.

He wondered just who is the one who succeeded the trials and became an S-class mage.

'I sure hope its not Gray, I won't accept it! Heck even metal-face is okay, but certainly not Gray! No way! Even if my flames were to be frozen over, I won't let that stripper be an S-class before me!'

He suddenly flinched as he tried to get up from his bed, only to be greeted by a terrorizing body pains.


"You shouldn't move too much, Natsu-sama."

Natsu, with his half lidded eyes glance at the door, and saw a beautiful, no, more like cute girl at the age of Wendy, with emerald green hair and emerald eyes.

"Princess? Hmm~? Ah! You're Hisui right?"

Truth be told, Natsu isn't really that good at remembering names, it is already a miracle that he remembered her name on their second meeting.

"Haha~ I can't help it, I'm just not used on staying in one place without moving." Natsu said woth a sheepish grin.

The princess giggles and sat at the chair beside the bed, as she look at Natsu with gratefulness.

"Thank you very much, Natsu-sama. If it weren't for you, the titan should still be terrorizing many towns even now."

Natsu just laugh and waved it off, "Its nothing, really, that's what we do. Jura was also a great help, if it wasn't for him, I don't know if I can fight the titan alone."

"You don't have to sell yourself short, Natsu-sama, you did great for taking down a Saint-class beast, even with help." Hisui replied.

"Haha~ thank you, Hisui." Natsu replied with laugh, though Hisui glance at Natsu in shock.

Natsu tilted his head in confusion, "Is there something wrong?"

Hisui shook her head rapidly, "T-There's nothing wrong Natsu-sama! I-I was just surprise as this is the first time that other than my father call me by my name. It feels refreshing."

"Ohh~!Then, I will call you Hisui from now on!" Natsu nodded before he gave her a grin, "I'm Natsu Dragneel, a mage from Fairytail, let's be friends, shall we?"

Looking at the trmbling, extended hand of Natsu, Hisui couldn't help but smile, at long last, after staying in the castle all her life, she finally met someone, who she can call a friend.

"I'm Hisui E. Fiore, and I'm glad to be your friend, Natsu." She replied, taking Natsu's hand and shook it.