
Fairy Tail: The Demon King

Two children separated when their home is attacked, two orphans who take different roads in life, one who was captured as a slave becomes one of the beacons of light, a queen of fairies, while the other one who escaped, becomes corrupt with darkness and evil, a demon king This is the story of the reunion between the beacon of light and the bringer of evil

noob_writer · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

A new guild and an old grudge


A young man with black hair and eyes that looked to be 18 years of age can be seen sitting in a dark room along with a man that was dressed in a strange outfit that made him look like a jester,

"let me get this straight, if I join your guild, you will share all the information that you have about my target?" asked the young man as the older man nodded,

"yes, Mr.Triton, I will be honest with you, the mastery over your magic that you have shown has already surpassed my element 4 and even my dragon slayer if you join my guild then I will provide you with all the information I have about the cult of zeref whom you have been rumored to search for from a long time along" the young man had a blank face before he replied,

"very well Jose Porla, I will join your guild but I want to state my conditions before joining, I will not take any orders from you or anyone and will only act if I think that you or your precious element 4 and you dragon slayer are in life-threatening situations, I will go where ever I want and I will take any mission I want without any restrictions, and lastly, I want all the information you have on Grimoire Heart along with the cult and the rest of the Balam Alliance along with information on ancient ruins containing markings of the Magia language and the Drenorius hieroglyphs" he said as Jose rose an eyebrow,

"consider it done but do you mind me asking why?"

"let's just say that I have a bone to pick with a certain former teacher of mine as well as a scaredy-cat who is only capable of using illusions from a guild with only 6 people in it, as for the ruins, that's personal business" he said as hatred practically radiated from him even though his face was still blank,

"Then I believe we are done here, welcome to Phantom Lord, Ren Triton," Jose said in a dramatic way as a savage grin came on his face,



It had been a year since Ren had joined Phantom Lord and as per their agreement Jose had given him all the information he had about ancient ruins along with the information on Balam Alliance,

this leads us to his current location,

as he walked through the corridors of the ancient pyramid which was clearly built by the ancient cult of Drenorius who was one of the five cults responsible for the creation of Demon lacrima, he soon arrived at the center of the pyramid where just like in the previous ruins, a gigantic lacrima was glowing with a faint light on which words were written in an ancient language that was different from the one used by the Magia,

'Εδώ βρίσκεται ο Δάσκαλος του Δάκρυα Hingoiw, ο δαίμονας του οποίου η ταχύτητα είναι αδιαμφισβήτητη ακόμη και στο είδος του, ελπίζουμε ότι δεν θα έρθει ποτέ μια μέρα όπου η ανθρωπότητα θα χρειαζόταν και πάλι την εξουσία του, αλλά ο τάφος αυτός χτίζεται μόνο σε περίπτωση που μια μέρα σαν αυτή μπορεί να έρθει στο μέλλον, μπορεί να είναι μαζί σου ο'

'Here lies the Lightning Demon Hingoiw, the demon whose speed is unmatched even among his kind, we hope that a day never comes where humanity would need his power once more, but this tomb is built just in case that a day like that may come in the future, may Ankhseram be with you'

Ren just walked straight to the crystal and before he could do anything, the lacrima shattered and from within, a crystal-shaped in the form of a lightning bold flew into him, Ren expected this and did nothing but watch as it entered his body and merge with him on a fundamental level,

after countless hours of study he had found out a few months ago that the Demon Lacrima attracted each other, this was the reason why the fire demon, water demon and now the lightning demon lacrima had got to him on their own, the attraction force depends on how many demon lacrima he had in his body,

When he only had the Earth demon lacrima, it had next to no attractive force towards its kin, thus the water lacrima had to be forcefully implanted in his body by Hades, when he got to the fire demon lacrima, the earth and water lacrima combined together formed a small attractive force, but it was still negligible, thus he was forced into destroying the entire temple in which it was sealed so that he could destroy the magic formation that automatically gathered the ethernano in the atmosphere to fuel the seal, when he arrived at the wind demon lacrima, the combined attractive force of water, earth, and fire lacrima was considerable, that is why the moment he destroyed its seal, the wind lacrima flew to him on its own, and now the combined might of the four elemental demon lacrima was strong enough to attract a demon lacrima that was still inside its seal, thus the current situation,

Just as he was about to experiment with his new powers, a small lacrima ball flew out from his coat and floated near his face, on the crystal Jose's serious face can be seen,

'Ren, our previous plan to attack fairy tail has gone awry and are now mobilizing the guild for a war, we need your help in taking out the S rank members of Fairy Tail' he said as Ren replied,

"I don't care about your wars Porla, I will only intervene if you are in a life-threatening situation-"

'even if I give you information about the location of a particular group of cultists that had attacked many towns in Fiore 9 years ago?' Jose said with a crazy grin as he saw the slight flinch in Ren's body,

"you better hold up your end of the deal once this stupid war of yours is over Jose, you do not want to get another unhealable scar on your body do you?" Ren said as he shattered the lacrima,ignoring the furious face of Jose,

he looked around himself before sighing, he then mumbled,

"well, guess I have to test the limits of this lacrima on the go"

he then suddenly disappeared in a purple bolt of lightning followed by a loud boom,

It was time for the Demon King to make an appearance again,