
Chapter 79: The Battle of Fairy Tail! (6)

Chapter 79: The Battle of Fairy Tail! (6)

~Rou POV~


That felt good~


Skidding away from my sudden punch to the face I see Laxus was livid gritting his teeth at my sudden attack as I turned my back towards Fried already trying to attack, "Laxus-sama!!! You have no idea what you stumbled into newbie but I'll be sure to make you regret your actions!!!!!"

Fried began to use his Magic swinging his sword trying to use his Dark Écriture is a Caster Magic and a type of Letter Magic and Eye Magic involving the usage of writing runes for various effects.

It is a form of Letter Magic that allows the caster to write runes, sometimes without a writing tool such as a pen or a quill, for various types of effects. Essentially, the spells used for this Magic work only on what the caster writes with it; in other words, what they write goes as follows, making it a sort of "rule" in using Dark Écriture.

The properties of the Magic are centered on the writing of the runes; however, if rewritten correctly, the effects will change. The runes can be written on an object, person, or even in midair for the results to take place.

The runes can be written for different purposes, such as traps, and offensively can be cast upon an opponent to inflict either physical or mental injury. The caster can also conjure an element for the usage of this Magic, like poison. Death is also a possible effect.

However, simple usage of this Magic that is convenient for the user, such as teleportation or flight, can also be used. Other types of spells include actual transformations, in which the caster is able to "Demonize" and transform themselves into Demonic forms and be granted a different appearance, even enhanced strength, and durability.

But his expression turned into shock while I twirled my finger at him catching a naughty child in place stealing a cookie jar, "Nu-uh. Did someone just notice you couldn't find themselves doing magic?"

I didn't get enough time as I heard Fried looking shocked seeing my rules soon enough gritting his teeth realizing what I just did, "Jutsu Shiki. Your rule of 'Only those that seen TRUTH once can use their full power as those that haven't will have no power'… you intend to defeat the both of us while we're at our weakest –Ack!"


Without missing a beat I rushed at him with my own enhanced speed slamming my fist straight to his face slamming him towards as Pillar interrupted him, "Word to the wise don't talk while you're facing an enemy so unbecoming – Tch."


Twirling my left hand back I felt Laxus fist slamming my hand as I raised an eyebrow at the man as he growls, "So what? Just because I don't have magic doesn't mean I can beat the living shit out of you myself!!"

Merely giving him a smug grin in return as I tightened his fist clenching tight not letting go nor keeping my eyes off Fried, "Sure you can beat me without magic. But… I don't need to use Magic to discipline but then I'll be named a hypocrite. I will use any and every advantage I can get my hands on to defeat my foes easily. Which reminds me... Requip! Card Magic: Fire Ball."


Using Requip Knight Style I summoned up my card in front of Laxus as his eyes widen as a Fire Ball popped out and went straight towards he kept his guard up engulfing him in an explosion as I see Fried trying to run away.

Oh, no mister you aren't getting the chance to change my rules.

My best assumption Laxus plays distraction and Fried tries to undo my Spell but I didn't let Fried do as he pleases using Telekinesis Spell to bring him over, "Get over here!!"


Dragging Fried to me using my Telekinesis Spell coming over to my side as he opens his sword trying to go for a swing but…



He merely slashed towards my Smoke body using Fairy Transmutation: Smoke Human as he helplessly looked defeated seeing how futile it is to fight me now, "Sorry kid but I'm afraid you all need some explaining to do. Cause this little showdown is over."




Slamming my fist into his gut in a form of a jab I let go of Fried as he faints down having my eyes towards Laxus as he brushes off eyes darting with pure anger as he glares at me, "Damn it! Damn it!! DAMN, IT!!!! Everything I planned and worked towards all to be ended by some unknown punk!!"

Pitying the man before as I shake my head at his antics clearly giving him his just deserts, "Sigh, you wonder why you fail? It's quite obvious."

Placing my thumb at my heart only furthers Laxus' anger as I reply my own answer with a hardened glare, "You lack the heart. When one fights for their friends, family, or loved ones the power of the heart grows to what it needs to be. As I trusted my friends to complete their objective their trust in me to deal with you lot gives me strength."


Roaring out loud defiant to the end waving his arms out defiant to the very end with veins popping out his face, "Like hell, I'm lacking heart BS!! All a Wizard needs is power and powerful spells to be strong!! Strength is what matters newbie!! That's what my Fairy Tail is all about becoming so strong that nothing will ever make those mock us tremble or think twice of ever bad-mouthing us ever again!! Is that so wrong?!!!"

Smirking at this I couldn't help but point out to the tsundere despite his tantrum all he ever want is to show the world we aren't someone too badmouth as I couldn't help but laugh out loud misunderstanding the situation more, "Hahaha! You're a fucking tsundere!!! Unbelievable!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!"


Cried out loud I replied wiping off a tear off my face as I replied to the man causing those listening nearby to hear, "For such a big tough guy you sure act like a Tsundere? A big teddy bear even."

Laxus face shadows as the rest probably froze hearing it as I couldn't help myself shaking my head at the man, "Ahhh… that was a good laugh. But despite your actions, you only wanted what was best but power isn't going to do it and that was never the original purpose of Fairy Tail to begin with."

He merely scoffs at me demanding what is the real purpose with a demanding expression but his eyes glint with loss, "Then tell me what is the purpose then!! A Wizard Guild is only worth the power they gain or do with! AHHHH!!"

Rushing towards me despite not having magic I replied canceling my own alchemy changing this fight into a fist fight with me grinning, "The question, do fairies have tails or not? Or even the more basic one: Do fairies exist…? It's an eternal mystery and an eternal adventure. This guild is like a family, one that honors peace above all else. We'll be friends and comrades but in just labels alone!"



Slamming each other's fists into our faces feeling each other emotions and intentions as I finish off the very same words I heard from her a long time ago, "Friends means heart! To trust each other unconditionally! And I'd like you all to rely on me… the same way I, too, may one day come to rely on you!!!"


I slammed a right hook to his face but Laxus returned with a roundhouse kick to my sides feeling the sensation of pain coursing through me.


But I returned with an uppercut to his chest knocking the air right out of him but only to be returned with a sledgehammer when he raised both his arms and clasp his hands together bringing them down on my head.


Feeling the knockback of his attack I returned with a headbutt to his face making him recoil back as I go for a jab to his eyes but moved and returned with a straight punch to my chest feeling the hit but I returned it back with gusto.


Like that, our fist soon became a slugfest not wanting to be wrong trying to be the victor as we beat the living shit out of each other stopping Laxus Thunder Palace and forcing him to fight like me.

A normal man who fought with all of his spirit and heart to win I couldn't help but grin getting the chance to beating the living shit out of him.

But also teach him a lesson in the process for the future although in some clashes the image of Laxus fades into Yuri remembering my time as we clashed fist like the good old times as he certainly has his image.

He really is his relative huh?

Grinning at this sensation of my old emotions I couldn't help but feel like good old times sake.


A slugfest between manly men's emotions and drives is being tested to see which last. Something Yuri and I often put heads with rather with words our fist do the talking.

Good times…



~Mavis POV~

We soon found ourselves at the Kardina Cathedral as we heard the sounds of fighting happening with Erza and Gray by my side we found the Jutsu Shiki with Gray being the first to respond, "Damn it! It must be one of Fried's works like the rest. Rou must be in trouble with these rules."

Gazing over the rules set in place I had my doubts as I mentioned to the other members, "No. I can certainly tell these are Rou's own handwriting, so I guess he wanted to make sure he dealt with Fried but also Laxus it seems."

Looking over to see the ongoing fight happening turning to be a slug fist the two were about to enter but I stopped them just outside the Cathedral getting Erza's attention, "Wha-? Mavis, why are you preventing us to help our friend?"

Remaining calm I replied with a knowing smirk that I trusted Rou to take care of this mess in a calm tone to Erza, "Easy. I trust in Rou to defeat Laxus and perhaps convince him through his slug fist. That always seem to work with one of our friends Yuri by beating the living crap out of each other whenever conflict arose. Simply trust in your friends and let him cook."

Erza waited before she nods but also demanded another thing to which I nodded in agreement of understanding, "Very well then. But if Rou seems in trouble, I won't hesitate to jump into the situation to help out. For now, I'll trust our friend's judgment."

I nodded happily as did Gray as we all listen to the conversation making me smile that Rou still remembers the reason why Fairy Tail was created and even after what Laxus pulls he still wants to trust him.

That was one of his faults that he seemed hesitant to trust people and only ever opens up to a few people close to him like me, Precht, Warrod, Wraith, and Yuri.

Yuri was the one to forcibly push Rou's buttons and in return, he pushed his but ultimately became good friends in the end although it did usually end with a slugfest between them because of their overactive impulses.

"I see I'm not needed…"

Listening to an unknown stranger I turned around as did the rest with Erza and Gray seemingly knowing the person in surprise, "Mystogan!"


The other S-Class Wizard in our Guild huh?

Mystogan, is a S-Class Mage of Fairy Tail and is also considered the most mysterious member of the guild, as he did not show himself, or his face, at all but at least I can get a good look at the guy myself.

Mystogan possesses dark eyes, hair, and tattoo on the right side of his face. He wears a dark blue cloak and his arms and legs are mostly covered in bandages. He wore a dark blue bandana with a silver forehead protector and a green mask that obscured the bottom half of his face to hide his identity from his guildmates.

From what the rumors say about him he usually carries his Magic Staves on his back, which are held by a dark green strap going across his main body.

Listening more Mystogan began to turn around and leave as he commented to us seeing no need to interfere, "I see my haste here was wasted. But thankfully you four managed to handle the issue. I'll trust you all to handle this."


Vanishing like the wind huh?

Using one of the Magic Staves I have to admit I didn't see that one coming because of how cliché it was but honestly, I'm glad things have ended this way as it did.

Trusting others is essential as it is what builds a civilization as well as a foundation to place trust in others to help build a prosperous home.

That's my Fairy Tail.

A place where everyone can belong and have a place to call home.