
Fairy Tail: Magical Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the usual cliche right folks so let me say again this story is about a reincarntor journey through the world of Fairy Tail the badass wizards and waifu galore right? Except for one problem with the MC realizing his born the same year as Mavis in the year of X673 all the way to the past does this disuade him? No he will use anything to his advantage and possibly learn the lessons of life and magic in his new... Magical Life.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
91 Chs

Chapter 76: The Battle of Fairy Tail! (3)

Chapter 76: The Battle of Fairy Tail! (3)

~Third POV~

After listening to Mavis's words in genuine confusion Bicslow seeing this laugh hard at his fellow wizards of the complete lack of info, "Hahaha! Oh, man! You two are missing out on the biggest event happening to Fairy Tail?! What the heck are you two doing?"

"On a date."


Listening to their words Bicslow took a moment to genuinely pause before shrugging since it is the Fantasia today, he didn't think his fellow members would be enjoying their day, "Oh… yeah that makes sense now. And you two are a thing…"

Faking in a thinker moment he returns to his jolly self to explain the situation to the two of the battle of Fairy Tail with his tongue sticking out, "But that doesn't matter!! You see Fairy Tail is under a battle royale to see who would stand out on top or else the hostages would be harmed you see!!!"


Going for a leg swipe towards the two Rou merely went in front of Mavis with his arms cross-guard as he guarded her but Bicslow totems are all surrounding him as he made his battle cry, "Hyaaaa-hoooo!! Now go my babies!!"

"Let's go!!!"







As the totems attacked the two with lasers Mavis cried out in shock as Rou grabbed her as she reached for her new clothes getting destroyed in the crossfire Rou flinched seeing the damage done, 'Ouch… Bicslow is soooo going to regret his actions in the next few seconds of his life. Never, and I mean NEVER cross the paths of a woman's clothes and their desires to buy them.'

Landing safely away from the destruction Bickslow gives another command to his totems directly, "Line formation!"






Gathering into a linear line up the totems followed as ordered as they soon unleash a curved energy laser blast directed at the two of them Mavis has her eyes mourning for her new clothes now gone, "No… I was going to use that for a change of attire… now it's all gone because of some event…"

Bicslow, seeing the two avoided his attack, pointed towards the duo as he grins happily at the scene getting overconfident, "You're pretty good for a punk younger than me! But next is our victory formation – Ack!"

Suddenly Bicslow was force choked hold by the neck as Mavis's eyes landed on Bicslow struggling to get air in as she lectures him, "You destroyed all the new clothes I was planning to buy… they were all cute too… and you come in and destroy public property that I would come to buy on my own time to show off my charms but it gets ruins by you…"

Rou on the other hand merely leans back seeing Bicslow struggle for air under Mavis's wrath as he casually uses Dispel on his Magic shaking his head helplessly, "Sigh… you poor, poor, bastard. Really should've let me deal, with him but you good sir had to destroy the clothes a maiden there. Never should you get between a maiden's clothes or else you pay the consequences for your actions~"


Mavis force holds him using Telekinesis Magic keeping Bicslow's face not allowing for his Eye Magic to look at her as his head was forced up into the air gasping for air and fear crawling as he can't feel his magic being used.

Mavis sighs at this as she began to finish the fight easily enough with Bicslow struggling as she shakes her head, "Sigh… you and your group are certainly a bunch of troublesome people forcing your guild mates to fight amongst each other. You need to reflect on your actions, good sir. As such… get yeeted son!!"




Like that Bicslow was suddenly thrown out by the sheer force of Mavis Telekinesis Spell out of the building as Rou whistles at how far she had thrown the man out of the clothing store, "Whew… That's a home run babe. But it seems like the whole guild is in quite an uproar huh?"

Mavis sighs at this as she goes over the ruined clothes but then asked the shopkeeper a curious question, "Say shopkeeper is it okay to assume that you will be throwing these destroyed clothes?"

The shopkeeper peeked his head over after Bicslow attacked slowly hearing Mavis's question replying, "Uh… yes…?"

Mavis smiles at this and takes the leftover ruins of the clothing into her Requip as she thanks the shopkeeper, "In that case, I'll take these off your hands, good sir! And please have a safe and wonderful day!!"

Like that the two left with Rou helplessly sighing but smiling at her antics getting the idea of what she's doing, 'Sigh… she's quite the swindler ain't she? I mean she can easily repair the clothing instantly with Alchemy and got it all for free. But hey free stuff for her and she hadn't had to pay a pretty penny.'

As the two left they see the ongoing fights happening all around the town of Magnolia occurring causing the two sighed at the events happening with Mavis to start speaking out first at this, "Sigh… seems like we have to put our date on hold for this don't we? And we were having such a nice time as well during the Fantasia."

Remembering that Rou flinches recalling who might be the ones to repair the damages done after the Battle of Fairy Tail, "Fuck. I just realized we might be the ones to clean all this up quickly after the shit Laxus just pulled that we might actually miss the Fantasia event happening."

Mavis's eyes widen at this realizing what Rou meant as she puts her hands in her hair that what he spoke out is true, "Ahhhhh! Damn it! I thought we would get away from property damages and not repair them."

Rou sighs at this as well stretching his arms and realizing what he plans to do immediately replying to Mavis's words, "Yeah… I actually do want to enjoy the Fantasia not take the role of janitor and repair man during it. Laxus is soooo asking for an ass beating now."

Mavis nods in agreement as fire lit up in her eyes remembering the words of Bicslow that they caused it making her pull her long blond hair, "Ahhh! Rou if you don't find him first then I freaking will!!! That boy better be prepared for whooping!!"



The two paused as they heard their names being called out Gray comes out rushing out seeing the two surprised as he gets their attention, "Where the heck were you two? Something big happened to the guild?!"

"On a date."

Gray froze at that looking between them and the damaged store to the right before recalling a fact from Mirajane told him that those two were a thing before sighing, "Sigh… right forgot you two are a thing. But sorry to burst your day you two but something happened to the guild. But judging from the destruction you two are aware of what happened?"

The two nodded with Rou giving his best summarization of Laxus's intent of harming the guild with a deadpan expression, "You mean how little whiney little lightning bitch throwing a tantrum of something about the guild? And won't play a fair fight against his grandpa dearest because he'll know whiny baby lose."

Gray blinked his eyes looking at Rou with an unsure expression but regardless replies to his question, "Uh… not the exact words I would use but yeah something like that. But who did you guys face anyway?"

Mavis answered Gray's question much to his surprise the matter of who they fought in a casual manner, "I think the fellow was named Bicslow. He tried to attack us when we told him of the lack of awareness going on. But that doesn't matter the sooner we defeat Laxus the sooner everything will return to normal no?"

Gray nods his head in agreement as he also mentions the Master's predicament of not being able to leave, "Yeah! With 3 of us we might stand a chance but… if we had the master it would be quicker. But with the Jutsu Shiki runes, it makes it hard to get past."

Blinking at this Mavis and Rou heard the rules trapping them as Gray explains the situation of what's going on…


Elsewhere back at the guild…


"Winner: Mavis and Rou."

"Bicslow: Has been retired."

Natsu, Happy, and Makarov's eyes all sighed in relief seeing that one of Laxus's members was defeated in less than a few seconds with Natsu speaking out, "Ha! Looks like your thunder whatever ain't much for those two!! Your group has nothing on them!!"

Laxus sitting with them as a Thought Projection merely scoffs at Bicslow's defeat against the other guild members, "Tch. He was just weak that is all about it. But you can't solely just be relying on those with only 24 members remaining."

Makarov merely remains calm as he recalls there are actually two members along with Gray that could defeat Laxus with relative ease, 'Right… amidst this chaos, I forgot there are actually two that can beat my son some sense. And yet it pains me to see my own children fight with each other. But it's my responsibility…'

Makarov spoke out his words just about to give up wanting the madness to end, "Fine. Very well. I surrender. Now stop all this, Laxus."

However, contrary to wanting all of this to end peacefully Laxus grins wickedly at Makarov's kindness to surrender revealing his true goal, "We can't have that…!!! I mean, if the master of the world famous Fairy Tail guild is willing to admit defeat so easily… the only right thing for him to do is resign his position and transfer his seat position of master of Fairy Tail to me!!!"

Listening to his true objective Makarov expresses in pure shock of his grandson words in disbelief, "So that's what you've been plotting from the start!!!"

Laxus expresses a feral grin trying to pressure Makarov to give up his spot, "There's only an hour and a half left before those stone statues of women turn to sand!!! Think it over very carefully!!!!"

Feeling the pressure against them Makarov for his part didn't put him in a good mood and yet though he knew they weren't down for the count yet as he thought to himself, 'It's a shame I have to let my seniors take care of this mess but… all of Fairy Tail lies in the hands of them now. The founders Mavis Vermillion and Rou Ake… I trust in the both of you and tales about you to bring this mess to an end.'