
Chapter 75: The Battle of Fairy Tail! (2)

Chapter 75: The Battle of Fairy Tail! (2)

~Third POV~

[X784, October 15]

"Welcome all citizens of Magnolia!! And to our guests from nearby towns!"

At this current time, the Fairy Tail Miss Fairy Contest has just begun Max the announcer is the announcer to start the events for today, "Ah I hear some guests from land of the Dead have come to see the show too! Please return to your graves after the show, okay?"


The members of the audience are all laughing at Max's joke as he continues to hype up the crowd for today's events, "Now the moment you've all been waiting for!!!! The competition to see which nymph is the prettiest fairy in all of Fairy Tail!!!! Let the Fairy Tail contest begin!!!!!!!!!"


The loud crowd cheered outward in anticipation with multiple members of the crowd all roaring out happily as Max uses his sand magic to unveil behind the curtains, "MC-ing this event is yours truly the sand wizard, Max!"

As Max introduced himself Gray looks over at Natsu next to him with a bit of sweat running down on his face commenting on Max's hard work, "He's running the shop and doing all sorts of stuff. Must be hard huh? Not that you're interested at all!"

He noticed Natsu merely munching down on bread as Max unveils the first in the contest, "And for entry number 1!!! An exotic beauty with a stomach that contains a hole to another dimension… Cana Alberona!!!"


The crowd cheers happily seeing as Cana waves her hair as she uses her Card Magic twirling around her as Max comments on the actions, "Now it's time to cast some magic to show how appealing you are!!! Look at that!! She's got so many flying cards, you can hardly see her… and she's changed into swimwear!!!"

Cana soon revealing her swimwear causes the men to be wooed over by her body and the curves she's showing off as Makarov nods accepting this with a bleeding nose with the rest of the men watching blissfully happy.

Cana soon takes her leave as the next to appear with Max Juvia changing into water awe the crowd as he comments on it, "Now we present entry number 2!!! A new member, but her abilities are S-Class!! A woman whose beauty brings the rain, Juvia Lockser!!!"



"Wow! Her body is made of water!!!"


As soon as Juvia was done she dons a swimsuit in the process as she wows the crowd hoping Gray to see her Max comments further, "Ohhh! Now that's a magical performance that brings out the swim in swimwear!!!"

Exiting out next comes Mirajane as did the rest of the girls that followed Levy and Bisca soon Lucy but hers gets interrupted by Evergreen turning her to stone causing the audience to run away from the scene.

Next, after Lucy was Evergreen as she participated in the event with her turning the other girls Levy, Mirajane, Lucy, Juvia, Bisca, Cana, and Erza to stone as a whole with cries of shock happening around the guild.


"She turned everyone in the backstage waiting room into stone?!!"

"My sister…"

"Even Erza!!!"

Makarov stomps on his foot hard onto the ground angered by the scene demanding Evergreen to return them to normal, "You fool!!! You turn them back right now!!!"


Suddenly a lightning bolt struck the stage as it reveals to be Laxus along with Bicslow and Fried as he openly announces to his guildmates, "The festival starts now!!!! Now let's play old man!!!"

Of course, his words caused reactions to some of the guildmembers in shock for his actions.


"Fried and Bicslow too?!!"

"It's the Thunder Tribe, Laxus's bodyguards!!!!"

Having enough of Laxus's prank he did Makarov demanded his family member to release the members turned into stone, "Stop being a fool!! We've still got preparations to do for Fantasia!! Now turn everyone back to normal!!!"

Laxus merely sneers at Makarov eyes squinting as he mocks his old man in front of him, "Fantasia's at night. I wonder how many will remain alive in it?"



Proving his point he used a lightning bolt to nearly strike the stone statue of Lucy but moved at the last second away not destroying her causing the rest of the members to glare at him but the beads of sweat are shown nervous not to act in front of Laxus hence he tries to destroy the stone statues of the girls.

Laxus merely proves his point telling the rest of the guild what to expect if they interfere right now, "You break the rules, we break a hostage. You heard it right? Entertainment!!!!"

Makarov on the other hand had enough of Laxus's shit he pulled as veins popped out of his face to fully express his anger with his tone to match his emotion, "If you think this is a game, Laxus, you're in for a very rude awakening!!"

Laxus on the other hand didn't feel any fear nor take his old man's words seriously as he replies with a grin on his face, "Oh, we're very serious about this this!!"

Fried agrees with Laxus as he began to reply what they intend to have planned, "This is our chance to see just who are the most powerful wizards in Fairy Tail."

Bicslow agrees as his totems fly around with his tongue sticking out, "Yeah!! Let's play!!!"

After that Laxus then begins to explain the rules of his little game to everyone listening intently to the challenge, "The rules are simple. The last one standing is the winner. It's the battle of Fairy Tail!!!!"

As the ongoing commotion happened with Laxus starting the battle of Fairy Tail in another part of Magnolia the two main protagonists of the story are at the store booths…

To be exact a woman's clothing store much to Rou's growing frustration.


~Rou POV~

Expressing a deadpan look on my face I couldn't help but voice my sarcasm leaning on the walls of the clothing store with a raised brow, "Mavis… I know you wanted to go shopping during the Fantasia but… isn't that a bit much?"

After having some good time for ourselves we decided to take this chance to unwind and wait for our reward as we helped ourselves to shopping clothing at her request wanting to try out some new clothing.

And by new clothing I mean a literal stack of them in front of me with Mavis pilling some on and gathering more using her Telekinesis as she floats towards me with a dumbfounded expression on her face, "What do you mean Rou? I mean all of this is clearly important for any damsel such as myself. And besides we can have more time to enjoy ourselves. After this, we can pick a good gift for Yuri when we go to the cemetery."

You do know that isn't normal casually mention it while shopping right?


Shrugging at that she wasn't wrong since we wanted to enjoy how the future here how the Fantasia should happen more than the ones in the past.

Of course, Makarov told us we should enjoy ourselves and we took his words to take the time off since we already finish the construction ahead of time.

But mostly a special privilege for us since we haven't caused any property damage when we go on a quest or repair any damages done in our quest.

Once again showing Alchemy's superiority to magic when it compares for the convenient reconstruction of destroyed mountains or buildings to villages or towns.

That's score number 69 for Alchemy and score 34 for Magic. Once again science has proven to be the faithful ally.

Although judging by now Laxus should be doing his child tantrum to making his ultimatum to Makarov about the whole issue about now and I could've stopped this but….

He does make a good point though. Fairy Tail, has grown a bit soft not that it's bad or anything like that of course.

It just doesn't feel what's the word… expected?

Yeah expected.

I expected them to be at least stronger than what the anime or manga portrayed them and yet when reaching this level, I can't feel as if they aren't doing their all.

But then again, I can't exactly force them, now can I?

I mean I could, but the guild isn't the military nor would we do so as the guild was meant to be a safe haven for our own to be here and rest their bodies as well as have a place to call home.

Although we could put a training program…

I shook my head of those ideas immediately as I returned my own thoughts of Mavis's summer wear, she talks to me, "So Rou think this Summer wear works on me? Or should I go with something more fantasy?"

Rubbing my chin on the idea I replied with my honest thoughts on the matter in a serious tone making her deadpan at my response, "Could be good? Although I think what you wear is fine then again, I did hear Macao say a woman should go what makes their fancy?"

Mavis just gives me a deadpan stare looking at the same attire she wore and new ones to match the old ones grown up pointing her hands down on herself, "You mean the same ones I've been wearing in the past 13 years? I mean I don't hate it just felt the need to look different is all. I mean you change your clothing style from time to time. Any input?"

Well –


And there goes our Fantasia date down the drain.

Is there some god out there that doesn't want me to have a good day with my lovely lover?

Because I'm just about to hit up God Slayer Magic and meet the guy or groups that have been messing with my day.

That's the second time Fairy Tail somehow ruined their way into my dates I lean my head over with Wakaba and Macao fighting it out there as I raised an innocent eyebrow, "Well… that's something you don't see every day? Care to see my beautiful fairy?"

Mavis raises an eyebrow as she tilts her head at the scene of them fighting and then to the runes of Letter Magic pouting distastefully, "Awww… damn it. There goes our perfectly good date day down the drain. What the heck is it this time? A parallel world invasion? Are evil doublegangers out for our magic? More Time Travel BS?!"


Kind of right on all fronts actually.

Not in that exact order but close enough to be the same thoughts exactly.

I'm so glad that we are on the same topic.

"Oh! I've found the newbies!!"

We both stopped to see a knight wannabe as Mavis politely began to talk to the guy in a confused tone, "Uh… sorry if we haven't met but who are you? We're kind of out of the loop of what's going on here?"

Oh boy…

Here we go again some asshole is going to attack my wife again. Better bring out the Fist of PAIN.

And PAIN is an acronym for Painful Agonizing Inflicting Nerves. In short terms… My Fist of PAIN to your face.

I'm getting better at acronyms lately. But first deal with massive dick for ruining our day of enjoying ourselves.