
Fairy Tail: I Am Not The Most Terrifying Wizard

Deception Magic? "It's just a weak magic that merely deceives the five senses, 7 basic emotions and six desires," Everit would often say, but no one truly believed it! Natsu: I remember spending an entire day with Everit in the forest, only to realize from Happy that we were actually fishing by the river that day! Gray: I thought I had worn clothes countless times until Master scolded me for walking around shirtless all year! Erza: I used to dismiss Everit's magic as mere trickery. It wasn't until my face erupted in acne after unknowingly consuming chili peppers for a month! Lucy: I once underestimated Everit's strength. It wasn't until we were utterly exhausted from battling the Dark Mages that we realized he had already... Wendy: Despite Mr. Everit's gentle demeanor, he’s really scary. Laxus: Everit, I'd rather not fight with you. "..." Everit could only sigh, "I'm just a weak wizard without offensive magic." ********* *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.69shu.pro/book/57523.htm Fairy Tail: I am not the most terrifying wizard 妖尾:我才不是最恐怖的魔导士 This is a translation of Chinese Novel. **** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. https://www.patreon.com/AniScout

Ani_Scout · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 56.2 : Changeling Magic!!

Happy [Everit] suddenly pointed at Cana, saying, "Feel sorrow, Cana!"

"Huh?" Cana, puzzled, set down the barrel, and a wave of profound sadness washed over her.


Cana sank to the ground, tears streaming down her face, overwhelmed with grief!

"Incredible!" Happy [Everit] exclaimed in amazement, then pointed at Macao.

"Hey, hey," Macao was taken aback.

"Feel anger!"

"Ah— I'm furious! Natsu, let's spar!" Macao shouted, charging towards Lucy [Natsu].

"No!" Lucy [Natsu] leaped back in alarm. As Macao closed in, she instinctively threw a punch.


Macao was sent flying!

"I'm sorry!" Lucy [Natsu] apologized hastily, a burst of flames escaping her lips.

"Ugh!" Lucy [Natsu] quickly clamped her mouth shut.

"Hahaha!" Happy [Everit] chuckled proudly, "I finally understand Everit's power!"

"Who's next?"

Happy [Everit] extended his finger, tracing circles in the air, sending shivers down the spines of those touched!

At that moment, everyone realized,

Happy, the dragon slayer, had transformed into a dragon himself!

Acquiring Everit's magic would turn them into Everit?

It was too dreadful!

"Natsu!" Happy [Everit] pointed at Lucy [Natsu].

"No, Happy, I'm Lucy!" Lucy [Natsu] protested fearfully.

"It's fine, Natsu, address me as Master Happy!"

"..." Lucy [Natsu] braced herself for the impending "punishment".

But seconds passed, and nothing happened.

"Happy, that's not how my magic works," Everit [Happy] intervened.

"Oh, how about this?" Happy [Everit] grinned, pointing at Everit [Happy], "Repent, Everit."


Everit [Happy] instantly repented, saying, "I apologize, Mr. Happy, for my past jests. You're undeniably handsome, powerful, and a skilled fisherman. Unlike me, always teasing and occasionally meddling with yours and Natsu's fishing. Doing such bad things is really too much."

Because Happy was visibly hovering!

Never expected that!

Usually, Everit relies more on his five senses to deceive. If one is deceived, he will be deceived.

But now,

Happy [Everit] prefers to use emotional manipulation!

Look at the repentant expression on Everit's [Happy] face!

It turns out that Everit can subdue everyone in an instant! 

Deception magic... so frightening!

Happy [Everit] pointed at Juvia [Gray] and said, "Worship me, Gray!"

"Master Everit, you're so magnificent!"

He then pointed at Mirajane [Erza] and said, "Erza, you also show respect to me!"

"Happy, you're incredible. To wield Everit's magic so adeptly. You are the most handsome, the most heroic, and the most powerful person in the world." The mightiest, the most adorable, the most invincible, the bluest, the best flying, and the most unique cat!" Mirajane [Erza] said.




As Happy [Everit] continued to use magic, the entire guild showered him with praise, with all sorts of extravagant compliments!

"Master!" Happy [Everit] pointed at Makarov, who had just entered the guild. The elderly man looked bewildered.

"Worship me!"

"Everit, you're the most powerful wizard in the Fairy Tail Guild! I want you to become an S-class wizard!" Makarov exclaimed immediately.


Happy [Everit] put his hands on his hips and laughed proudly.

"There's nothing you can do, Everit." Lucy [Natsu] turned to Everit [Happy] for assistance, only to find him still confessing.

"Privately, I apologize for taking advantage to steal your fish."

"I'm sorry for stuffing mustard in your fish as payback for laughing at me."

"I truly apologize for placing loaches in your fish basket to frighten you."

"." Lucy [Natsu] turned her head helplessly.

At that moment, a young boy quietly approached behind Happy [Everit].

Romeo, Macao's son, aspired to become a wizard and always hung around the guild.

He was one of the few unaffected by the situation. Recognizing the urgency, he secretly hid a bottle of beer behind his back.

"Happy!" Romeo exclaimed.

"What?" Happy [Everit] turned around, and Romeo jumped up, stuffing the beer bottle into his mouth.


Followed by the sound of him hitting the ground.

Everyone in the guild ceased their forced actions and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Happy." Everit [Happy] gritted his teeth.

But suddenly, he felt himself being lifted up and turned around.

"Elu. Ah, isn't that right, Mirajane?"

Mirajane [Erza] hugged Everit [Happy] and sat him on a stool, smiling, "With a body of Happy, it's easy to lift Everit. There aren't many chances to play around with him."

When she said this, everyone's eyes lit up!

"Everit!" Natsu [Lucy] shouted, rushing to Everit's side, pulling out a watercolor pen, and began drawing on Everit's face.

"Hahaha, Natsu, you're terrible at drawing! Look at me!" Gray [Juvia] squeezed over, taking out a pen and joining in.

"Hey, you two!"

Everit [Happy] struggled frantically.

"Ah, I won't let you get away with this," Mirajane [Erza] said, smiling 'sweetly'.

"What do you plan to do?" Everit [Happy] asked, horror-stricken.

"Don't worry, Everit. I just remembered an article I read recently. It featured a dancer who specialized in hula dance, so..."

"No!" Everit [Happy] exclaimed.

"It's fine; it's Happy's body after all," Mirajane [Erza] replied.


"I'm here to assist!" Erza [Mirajane] chimed in.

"Damn it—" Happy's body was too feeble, and no matter how hard Everit tried, he could only succumb to their whims, ultimately coerced into donning a small grass skirt.

Mirajane [Erza] held Everit's [Happy] hands with one hand and his feet with the other.

Erza [Mirajane] pinched Everit's [Happy] belly and swayed it from side to side.

"Not bad, Everit!"

"What talent, Everit!"

"Erza, I want to see belly dancing!"

"I want to see pole dancing!"

The onlookers cheered.

"Damn it!!!"

Everit couldn't resist and finally had to give in, lying down.

"Ahem, alright, enough frivolity; there isn't much time to fool around," Makarov interjected.

All eyes turned to him.

"This kind of magic isn't merely for amusement," Makarov stated with a serious expression.

There was a slight panic among the group at his words.

Makarov continued, "If I recall correctly, this is an ancient magic known as changeling. If it's not reversed within thirty minutes, it will be irreversible!"

"What?!!!" Everyone was shocked.

"Guild Master, do you mean by irreversible—" Erza [Mirajane] gasped, "we'll be stuck in other people's bodies?!"

"Perhaps it's through spiritual acknowledgment that our souls undergo complete transformation. To adapt to this vessel's framework, not only does magic alter, but personalities and perceptions as well," Makarov stated with a grave expression.

"Guild Master, how do we reverse the magic?" Erza [Mirajane] inquired.

"Ah, I'm not certain," Makarov responded with a helpless shake of his head.

"Don't go messing with that sort of thing, Natsu!" Lucy [Natsu] shouted.

"Let's go find Levy!" Gray [Juvia] exclaimed.

"Where's Levy?"

It dawned on everyone that Levy was an expert in this field—utterly professional!

"I have no idea!" came the unanimous response.

"How much time do we have?" Erza [Mirajane] pressed.

"Fifteen minutes!" Cana reported.

"Please, everyone, come help us find Levy!"

"Of course, no problem!"

Without hesitation, everyone set off in search of Levy!

"Darn it, I wish Warren were here!" Gray [Juvia] lamented, clenching his fist.

Warren's telepathic magic allowed for broad telepathic communication, but he was on a mission elsewhere today.

Mirajane [Erza] also ceased her playful banter with Everit.

"Everit, it's time to fly. Can you manage?"

"Of course."

Everit promptly summoned his magic, sprouting wings and taking flight.

Compared to his deception magic, Happy's flight spell was straightforward and easy to master.

"Darn it, this feels so weird!"

Natsu and Gray, now inhabiting female bodies, struggled with their newfound forms, stumbling to the ground in unison after just a few steps!


Lucy and Juvia, too, blushed as they experienced sensations they were unfamiliar with.

Whether walking or running, they couldn't shake this peculiar sensation.

But urgency prevailed in the current circumstances.

Disregarding their discomfort, they resorted to a lizard-like running technique—some lizards could splay their legs and dart swiftly across water.

Thanks to Natsu and Gray's robust physicality, this method of running proved surprisingly swift!

Just a moment longer.

The chase didn't last long.

The two halted once more—it was too tumultuous!

Erza [Mirajane] shook her head; it seemed there was little hope for these four individuals.

Everit [Happy] swiftly soared into the sky.

"I've found her!"

He spotted Levy, in the park.

"Is that Laxus?"

In the park, not only were Levy and her companions present, but also the Iron Dragon Gajeel and Laxus.

Observing the standoff from both sides, it appeared they were locked in confrontation.

Before Everit could approach, Laxus launched an attack on Gajeel!


He struck Gajeel with a thunderous punch!'


Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters.
