
Fairy Tail: I Am Not The Most Terrifying Wizard

Deception Magic? "It's just a weak magic that merely deceives the five senses, 7 basic emotions and six desires," Everit would often say, but no one truly believed it! Natsu: I remember spending an entire day with Everit in the forest, only to realize from Happy that we were actually fishing by the river that day! Gray: I thought I had worn clothes countless times until Master scolded me for walking around shirtless all year! Erza: I used to dismiss Everit's magic as mere trickery. It wasn't until my face erupted in acne after unknowingly consuming chili peppers for a month! Lucy: I once underestimated Everit's strength. It wasn't until we were utterly exhausted from battling the Dark Mages that we realized he had already... Wendy: Despite Mr. Everit's gentle demeanor, he’s really scary. Laxus: Everit, I'd rather not fight with you. "..." Everit could only sigh, "I'm just a weak wizard without offensive magic." ********* *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.69shu.pro/book/57523.htm Fairy Tail: I am not the most terrifying wizard 妖尾:我才不是最恐怖的魔导士 This is a translation of Chinese Novel. **** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. https://www.patreon.com/AniScout

Ani_Scout · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

Chapter 56.1 : Switching Bodies!!

Everit's Diary:

On the nth day, I might have overexerted myself yesterday. Upon reaching the guild, I suddenly dozed off while listening to Miss Mirajane's song. [Thank you, Miss Mirajane, for escorting me home. She's an angel!]

On the n+1th day, I woke up with a pounding headache, so I spent the day lying down and immersing myself in novels.

On the n+2nd day, I felt rejuvenated in the morning. I intended to go fishing with Natsu, but he wasn't around; most likely, he was at Lucy's place. I decided not to disturb them and resigned myself to my luck. Fishing together can wait.

On the n+3rd day, I showcased some magic tricks on the street. While doing so, I noticed Juvia getting a haircut and altering her hairstyle. She appeared even more charming than before, causing Gray to blush. Indeed, he's always had a soft spot for such looks. Juvia inadvertently touched upon his cute side.

On the n+4th day, I managed the shop for half the day. Business was booming, but I closed early to avoid disrupting lunch. Tomorrow, I plan to head to the guild and take on a simpler task. The Harvest Festival celebration approaches, and I must make ample purchases.

Everit arrived at the guild.

It was a "rare" encounter with Natsu.

He stood before the job board with Gray, eyeing a rather peculiar request—one offering handsome pay but with vague details.

Everit took down the enigmatic job offer and placed it on the table.

Curious, everyone gathered around to inspect it.

"Everit, you've had your rest," Erza remarked.

"Yes," Everit agreed, sidling up to Erza and examining the document on the table.

"This seems to be ancient writing."

"I can't make out much of it, but I can grasp a bit," Natsu declared, finding some comprehensible words on the parchment before commencing to read.

"Ugo deru rasuchi boro kania"

"I don't get it at all," Gray chimed in.

"Juvia is equally perplexed," Juvia added, shaking her head.

"It's glowing!" Lucy suddenly exclaimed.

Indeed, the document was emitting a radiant array of colors, akin to a rainbow.

Everit retreated decisively, only to realize his feet were missing and he tumbled off the table.

"Wait, where's the table?" he muttered, rubbing his head and glancing above.

The sensation of his body felt off, and the perspective was bizarre.

"Ancient Writing, Rainbow Colour Light..." Everit's eyes widened as unsettling thoughts crept into his mind.

"What's happening? It's so cold!" exclaimed Gray, shirtless and shivering.

"Why do I feel so unsteady? It's like I've misplaced my backpack," Juvia murmured, her confusion evident, before suddenly freezing.

"It's peculiar, like something's about to burst forth," she added.

Natsu couldn't contain himself. Before he could finish speaking, a burst of flames shot towards Mirajane.

"Miss Mirajane, watch out!" Everyone cried out in shock.

"Huh?" Mirajane exclaimed, startled. "Requip!"

"???" Everyone exchanged puzzled glances.

Wasn't that Erza's magic?

'Boom!' Another burst of flames engulfed Mirajane!

"Idiot, Natsu, close your mouth!" Juvia panicked, summoning her magic.

"Ice Make!"

But as her magic surged, she transformed into a puddle of water and splashed to the ground.


"Hmm." Erza's surprise was evident but not panicked. She looked down, a faint smile gracing her lips. "As expected, I'm older than Erza."

"That's odd. It feels so heavy on my chest. What's happening?" Lucy exclaimed, placing her hands on her chest in shock.

"Huh?!" Natsu stared at Lucy incredulously.

"Are you Natsu?!" he shouted. "Stop this!"

Natsu charged forward.

"Lucy, you, me?" Lucy looked bewildered as Natsu crashed into her, knocking her down.

"Hey, hey, hey, Natsu, don't be so rough with the ladies!" voices around chided.


Happy leaped onto the table, commanding attention. "Everyone, hold your positions, don't do anything!"

The room fell silent.

"I have an announcement!" Happy declared. "Don't be confused by the current circumstances. Clearly, we were just attacked by magic, resulting in a soul exchange!"

"In simpler terms—"

"Natsu switched with Lucy. Natsu's soul is now in Lucy, and Lucy's soul is in Natsu!"

"Gray and Juvia!"

"Me, Everit, and Happy!"

"And me!" Erza raised her hand. "Actually, I'm Mirajane."

"Mira. That explains it. No wonder I feel heavier," Erza abruptly halted in the middle of her sentence.

"Oh, by the way, Juvia, how do I change back?" Gray [Juvia] inquired.

"Ah, Gray-sama, you just need to suppress your magical energy," Juvia [Gray] replied.

"Hmm." Gray [Juvia] pondered for a moment, then successfully transformed back into his human form. 

However, he immediately complained, "I'm really not used to this, in every aspect. Fighting with such an inconvenient body."

"Gray-sama, you'll get used to it, but Juvia also feels uncomfortable," Juvia [Gray] admitted, blushing.

"Lucy's breasts are too cumbersome," Natsu [Lucy] bluntly remarked.

"Shut up!" Lucy [Natsu] retorted, sitting on top of Natsu [Lucy] and forcefully covering his mouth.

"This is your fault." Natsu [Lucy] attempted to resist, but found himself...


No matter how much Natsu [Lucy] resisted, he realized he couldn't move!

"Haha!" Lucy [Natsu] laughed, sensing the strength of Natsu's body. She hadn't expected such a stark power difference. Normally, she was swept away by Natsu's formidable strength, but now it was completely reversed!


Natsu [Lucy] struggled to suppress Lucy [Natsu], but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free.

Meanwhile, on the other side—

"Hmm." Gray [Juvia] absentmindedly grasped the edge of his clothes.

"Gray-sama, stop it!" Juvia [Gray] warned, always vigilant of Gray's tendencies, and pounced on him.

Gray [Juvia] found himself overwhelmed.

"Hey, Juvia, what are you doing?"

"Gray-sama, this is my body. Don't undress yourself!"

"I'm not thinking of that. Do you take me for a pervert?"

"Then what are you doing? Remove your hands from your clothes!"


Everyone suddenly realized—

Undressing was a habit deeply ingrained in Gray's soul.

"Erza's armor is so uncomfortable," Mirajane [Erza] remarked. "I'm searching for it. Do you only have clothes like this?"


As the magic took effect, Mirajane [Erza] appeared before everyone wearing a maid outfit.



"Thank you, Miss Mirajane!"

"Maid Outfit. So Sexy!"

Everyone cheered.

"Mira," Erza [Mirajane] was at a loss for words. She clenched her fists, feeling the immense power within her, "Your strength is truly formidable."

"It's nothing," Mirajane [Erza] replied with a gentle smile.

"By the way,"

At that moment, all eyes turned to Everit.

More precisely, they were on Happy [Everit].

"Happy, can you use Everit's magic?" Macao asked curiously.

"Yes, show us!" Everyone was intrigued.

"..." Happy [Everit] furrowed his brows, pondering for a moment before shaking his head. "No. There are two aspects to Everit's magic. The first eludes my understanding entirely, and the second is equally perplexing. But I can still try."


Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters.
