

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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210 Chs

Chapter 172: Secret Boss Rush Quest (1)

A/N: Thank you guys for your thoughts and opinions! Now time to return to some Fairy Tail Magic folks and have a good merry Christmas's!


Chapter 172: Secret Boss Rush Quest (1)

~Silva K. POV~

[November 9, X790]


Feeling the wind brushing past my face everything has certainly since tried my best to help the guild.

They can handle taking care of the rest for the time being as I requested for Macao, I take this quest….

The SSS-Class Quest that Gildarts failed. Or the sequel known as the 100-year Quest.

Opening my Requip screen I glance towards the multiple items I have collected in my side quest over the years.

Heck, I might as well be an overachiever with the number of weapons I gained over the few years including paying for mine and Lucy's apartment and everyone else's for the past 6 years when everyone returns.

Going through the books that I took an interest in was the best way to pass the time calming my nerves.

This is a big mission after all that requires taking down some dragon punks or possibly dealing with them in different ways according to the mission request.

Hopefully, things go swell but then again…

Observing a mirror showing my reflection expressing my smirk confidently, "I wasn't the same weakling I was years ago. I'm the strongest."

Enough said.


A few hours have passed till I finally heard the announcement through the speakers.


I stopped reading as my ship rode across the sea leaving Ishgar in my search for the old man as one of the sailors spoke out, "Alright! Were finally arrived at the stop of Grace Port! Welcome all to the Giltena Continent folks!!"

Standing up I smirked as I reached my destination the continent of Guiltena it's an unknown continent that Ishgar hasn't known much about which excites me considering the enemies I'll face.

Hopefully, they'll give me big EXP defeating them. Hopefully getting some Alchemic knowledge in this land would be fruitful since here Alchemy is the top powerhouse Guild in Guiltena despite it being controlled by the Dragon God of Gold or Metal as a living concept…

A Concept I can separate with my Enchantments especially combined with <Infinity > those dragons are toast.

The top Alchemist guild at this time should be called Gold Owl right?

Gold Owl is an Alchemist Guild located in the continent of Guiltina that's proclaimed to be the best around the Continent of Guiltina Gold Owl is an Alchemist Guild that its members not only practice Alchemy but are also tasked with finding precious or rare items that they would use as Alchemy materials.

They also possess the ability to transmute objects into different creations, and if the Alchemist in question is skilled enough or has the assistance of other Alchemists, they can replace damaged body parts.


There was very little info to go off on in my search about the Gold Owl when I tried to search for any information relating to them in Fiore. Sadly because of Ishgar, there was very lack of information about them I could get in my homeland.

But they aren't weak is what I can get from my meta-knowledge.

I only received very little about them but being cautious about them is the right move because of the lack of info I got from my sources they are a group NOT to be underestimated even by my standards.

Unlike in Magic or Spirit Arts, both fighting styles I have a deep or great understanding Alchemy isn't one of them. I don't know much hence my caution over Alchemist is at an all-time high.

Being an Alchemy Guild, the majority of the members don't utilize Magic, apart from a select few that do. Instead, they use Alchemy, which the Guild is noted to be the number one Alchemist Guild in Guiltina.

The guild appears to value the preservation of life and the recruitment of strong individuals to bolster their ranks.

From my conversation with the people on the ship say about the Gold Owl Guild Master they, stated that the Guild's master is strong or other rumors about him.

I'm not sure how strong he is but I bet I'm stronger.

Although surely some sightseeing would do me some good at the very least. Nothing says traveling the world without enjoying the sights, right?

Maybe some souvenirs would do better…



After leaving town and finding the location of the oldest guild alive path I looked at the white particles dropping down one would assume this was snow and yet the sun was still up.

Even when the sun's out this is light, not snow common mistake at first glance but rather… it's Magic or Ethernano itself.

The Ethernano is coalescing into crystals big enough for the eye to see. Quite the fascinating sight to behold and yet this place tells me this area is highly condensed with Magic then by that logic…

Either this place has a large amount of Magic Power, or someone is unconsciously producing it, and if I'm correct…

The road I walk on should lead towards one of the oldest Guilds in this world that kicked started making Wizard Guilds in the first place.

Magia Dragon is one of the Legal Guilds in Guiltina. In X633, Elefseria established the first Magic Guild in the history of the world to protect Mages.

Not much is known about the Magia Dragon Guild except that it is the first Legal Guild in the world and is located somewhere in the continent of Guiltina.

Elefseria is the first person to hold the title of Guild Master, and the founder of Magia Dragon the man that did the impossible.

That man is a legend in the Wizards community as the rumors relate to him goes. Even finishing this request would be equal to granting a wish. I just wonder how true his claims are.

In the year X633, Elefseria bore witness to countless Mages who were killed by those who believed Magic to be an evil power. He tearfully declared that Mages would need to be protected and united, thus forming Magia Dragon, the first Guild in the history of Earth Land.

It's probably safe to assume is when that day is when many mages are persecuted by the common folks because they have magic, and they didn't.

Sigh… Persecution, fears, and death do go hand in hand with paranoia making things way harder than they should.

Following the magic power crystalized I began to follow the path enjoying the walk towards the mountainside of this continent enjoying the adventure I embarked on. Is this what those two felt always traveling around the world?

They always wander finding glorious treasures and defeating impossible challenges. 

Shaking my head, I merely began to move forward as the image of a guild became clearer as time went by following the path ahead.

Witnessing the Magia Dragon Guild was a sight to behold.

Magia Dragon's exact location is unknown however, its guild building appears to be in a snowy area with mountains sitting not far from it. The building is identified by a pair of large banners held up by a pair of poles above its entrance.

Magia Dragon's headquarters itself appears to be a worn-down castle with vines growing around it. Topping the whole structure is a massive statue of a Dragon with its head pointing at the sky while both of its wings are spread out on each side.

Going inside I don't find anyone inside of the Magia Dragon but do sense one person here as I voiced out to the person, "You can come out now! I know you around here somewhere, are you here to request our guild today?"



My head soon darts to a massive dragon figure echoing the empty building eyes widening seeing another dragon in the flesh responding in a deep tone, "Well met, 96th hero. I am Elefersia, The Dragon of Law, fulfill my wish ye, mage."

Smirking at this pointing my finger at the dragon I couldn't help but be curious replying to the old timer, "Interesting old man. But now I'm curious this is supposed to be a mage guild, right? Who are you? You ain't no dragon but human right?"

Smirking at this a puff of smoke emerged from the old timer dragon revealing his true form as an old man with a wrinkled face, long white-grayish hair, and a drab old-style magician with a wizard's hat he introduced himself, "Fufu… well seen. I am the originator of all mage guilds. Elefersia the First Master of Magia Dragon. But tell me…"

His expression soon turned serious darting at me as he spoke stroking his white beard, "Do you have what it takes to complete this job? The last one didn't make much of himself alive while others before him died. Do you have what it takes?"

I merely smirked jabbing my thumb to myself replying to the old geezer confidently, "Yeah. Because I'm the strongest."

He merely raised an eyebrow at me but regardless took up a Magic Contract explaining the rules to me, "Certainly an arrogant bastard but whatever. First, I am going to need you to sign this contract. It states that you will under no circumstance, speak of the specifics of the 96 years quest to anyone. And, even if you should lose your life in this quest, neither the client nor the magic council can be held liable."

Curtly nodding accepting the danger Elefersia began to explain to me as he took out a Lacrima showing the supposed 'five' Dragon Gods, "Giltena's Holy Pentadrakes. Seal these five dragons. This here is a Dragon Extermination Mission."

Catching my full attention he began to explain in a serious tone earning my wariness of the future battles ahead, "This mission won't be like any other young man. The battle ahead is dangerous to locate the Holy Pentadrakes but I have a lead of one. The Water Dragon God Mercphobia. If you travel southwest through Valeria, you will find the harbor town Elmina. It once worshipped Mercphobia as a God. Some clue to his whereabouts should still remain there."

Nodding in understanding the old man pointed his finger up addressing the reward once I completed this mission, "One final matter remains. Your reward. One thing… I shall grant you whatever you desire. From all this is the world, I shall grant you one thing of your choosing!!!!!!"


[Secret Quest is activated!]


Secret Boss Rush Quest: 99 (100) Years Quest


Description: [THE GAMER] embarks on the 99 (100) years quest to "seal" five potentially destructive Dragons in hiding known as the Five Dragon Gods, all going to be in equal standing with Acnologia In the future.

Objective: Exterminate/Seal the Five Dragon Gods [0/5].

Bonus Objective #1: Complete it under the remaining time left before continuing the Fairy Tail Storyline.

Rewards: 5,000,000J, Storm and Stress, Fine Tuned, Bold as Brass, Sharp as a Tick, Pomp, and Circumstance, Purifying Core, and Army of One.

Bonus Reward: Set of Dragon Balls.

Please choose one of the rewards:

-Blessed Random Item Box (Select)

-Cursed Random Item Box (Select)

Failure: None if you leave now/Fight a Dragon God potentially dying.

[Accept: Y] or [Deny: N]



Been a VERY long while since I got a quest. Since I never received my Daily Quest, my original take was expected of me too. But that was when they generated that never happened to me but this time I activated it...

This means the secret Quest was always active from the very beginning. Makes sense I guess since it was supposed to be a secret anyway. Still, I could only think how hard it would've been if I was weaker…

But I'm not anymore. And with the rewards helping Mavis is already cleared! No hesitation in my heart is needed!

Challenge accepted!

Those Dragon Balls will be mine for my guild and my friends!