

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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210 Chs

Chapter 112: The Battle of Fairy Tail (9)

A/N: Here's another chapter for today since it's nearing the end of the Battle of Fairy Tail Arc. Enjoy~


Chapter 112: The Battle of Fairy Tail (9)

~Third POV~

Erza, Mystogan, and Silva all went on guard noticing Laxus's mood grinning like a feral animal beginning to build up his Magic Power for another spell, "You know what!!! How about we end this here and now!! Silva, Erza, Mystogan… the old man, the idiots in the guild, the entire town of Magnolia should just be wiped out of existence!!!!"



Everyone soon felt shocked seeing Laxus use one of the Three Great Spells of Fairy Tail as the earth under him cracked trying to unleash <Fairy Law>.

Despite Silva trying to remain calm the Magic Power Laxus was producing reminded him of how far he had come he clicked his teeth seeing someone stronger than him causing him to shake up realizing how big the difference in power he was compared to him.



Gathering more Magic Power into the palms of his hands Mystogan realized the situation voicing his concern about what Laxus was about to do, "That Spell…! If I'm not mistaken what Laxus is attempting to do is one of Fairy Tail's Great Magic Spells… <Fairy Law>!! It's a spell that takes out everything the caster sees as an enemy!!!"

Erza's eyes widen recognizing the name of the spell as she yells at him to stop, "Laxus no! Stop!!"

Silva tried to use <Dispel > on it but to his surprise, he couldn't once he began reading what stopped him in place.


[User can't use <Dispel > on <Fairy Law> as it uses <True Magic> and thus needs the <True Magic> skill to nullify the spell effects!]

Everyone realized the situation was turning grim but soon another person came crashing through the Kardina Cathedral.



Slamming through the ceiling of the cathedral Mirajane soon revealed herself in her Satan Soul form glaring at demanding him to stop and listen as tears ran down her eyes, "Laxus…!!! The Master… your grandfather is close to death!! So, stop this now and go see the Master!!!"



Continuing to gather power he momentarily stopped as Silva paused with shock setting in disbelief from Mira's words, "C… Close to death… the Master is gonna…"

Like that a wave of guilt hit him like a ton of bricks his eyes in disbelief thinking to himself in a shameful tone, 'Wait the Master is hurt… but I thought I had more time taking care of Laxus but…'

Biting his lips Silva contemplated his actions feeling bitter about the situation that he took the game as more important than people's lives regretting his actions.

However, what he heard from Laxus made him refocus his attention on what to do next glaring at him.

Laxus on the other hand merely grinned on the outside the news feeling differently inside himself replying to Mira's words, "Perfect timing, huh? That means my chances of being the next Guild Master are born again!!!"

Listening to the audacity of his words they all looked shocked at him with Silva's expression unreadable bringing out Lord Camelot and Lostvayne as Laxus yelled out, "Hyahahaha!!! Good riddance, Fairy Tail!!!!! I'll start the whole thing over from scratch!!! One that can't lose!!! One that'll make everybody shudder in fear!!! The world's strongest guild!!!!"

Despite everything going on and things changing Silva thought to himself looking at the shield glowing at his resolve, 'Despite knowing how this supposed story would end and the changes… I got too careless and arrogant taking this like a game. Stupid… Stupid idiot… when did I become this arrogant… when did I get this uncaring…'

Resolving himself to make up for his mistake Silva responded to the situation by activating Lostvayne's ability in a determined tone, "Sacred Treasure Activate."





Each clone summoned has Lord Camelot equipped as the original tightly gripped the handle of the shield berating himself for allowing himself to be arrogant with people's lives on the line, 'I just wanted to stand by them and be useful. I don't want to stand on the sidelines without doing anything or any inaction any longer. But in the end, I allowed my greed to prevail instead of taking care of this seriously but instead took this as a game…'

Each one of the clones all raised Lord Camelot prepared to counter <Fairy Law> with its Nobel Phantasm his heart resolved what needs to be done, 'I won't anymore. If a threat needs to be taken care of don't hesitate and no longer play around… This time I'll take this seriously forward in the future. But first Laxus needs to be stopped so… <Lord Camelot> and everyone please lend me your strength…'


Building up Magic Power within the shield the remaining eyes set towards Silva and his clones as Lord Camelot shined brightly blue with his intent shown activating the Noble Phantasm uttering chants needed to call upon Lord Camelot's power, "With my True Name revealed, I stand amid disaster. That which heals all wounds and grudges, our glorious homeland…."




Laxus sees Silva and his clones readying himself with a determined expression as he gloats his victory against everyone activating their spells, "You think that puny little shield can stop this!!! You have been an eyesore long enough Knights!! It's time to end this once and for all!!! <Fairy Law>… is invoked!!!"




Clasping his hands together Silva and clones slammed Lord Camelot's each activating its Nobel Phantasm uttering the shield name shining brilliantly by his will to stand against all odds to defend in a determined tone, "Manifest yourself, <Lord Camelot>!!!"



Slamming down their shields it began to emit blue light as it materialized a wall of defense getting Laxus's attention as it clashed with <Fairy Law> but then realized the walls were now enclosing around him containing the spell in place much to his shock, "WHAT!!!! IMPOSSIBLE!!!!"







Laxus tried to put more power in <Fairy Law> spell but the walls of the castle remained in place keeping the spell in place as the shield held strong to Silva's will.

Mystogan asked in a curious tone despite the small earthquakes contained within, "What a marvelous shield… to be able to contain even one of the Three Great Fairy Tail's spells… what exactly is the power and comfort it feels around it…"

Erza and Mira both felt a sense of safety and comfort when the shields were raised as Silva explained to Mystogan's question in a determined tone, "That's my Shield Lord Camelot special ability that can only be used once a day. By uttering the chant and invoking its name it will summon forth the castle walls that proportionate to the willpower and heart of the caster. So long as the heart doesn't break, those walls too shall never crumble."

Seeing such walls defend against even <Fairy Law> finally fading as Laxus put more power into his spell only to fail feeling exhausted yelling how he could lose, "How…?!! HOW!!!! That's not possible…! How could I lose to the likes of you…!!!"

The walls soon fall down showing Laxus's tired expression panting tired using his Magic Power to fuel <Fairy Law> didn't even break the shields of Lord Camelot as Silva chose to turn it off sensing Laxus used up the majority of his Magic Power.

The 3 S-Classes prepared themselves as Silva replied to Laxus jabbing his thumb where his heart was in a serious tone, "The reason you lost is simple. You didn't have the heart… you threw away your precious comrades and family for power. In some way, I guess you and I are similar in that you want power."

Listening briefly to his words Silva continued with a grin wanting to end things despite angering Laxus pointing out the fact, "If you even wanted to harm Fairy Tail or want to get rid of them. You could've had those traps be death matches. But you didn't despite it all and want to help the Guild in your own way…"

Pausing a bit Silva continued in a neutral tone of why Laxus was wrong from the start as his tone turned serious, "But wanting for useless power won't mean much with things stand… I wouldn't be here on my own if it wasn't for the people who helped me when I was weak. But you're not getting this guild 'cause it's a place we come to call home."




Roaring out lashing out at Silva everyone began to attack with Mira coming to his aid holding off his attack feeling the shock gritting her teeth responding to him as Darkness Magic coils around her arm, "The guild doesn't belong to you Laxus… <Explosion Punch>!!!"


Launched from the explosion above Laxus regained his composure wanting to strike Silva down to prove his point despite being heavily disadvantaged, "Shut up!!! You don't know jack shit!! You're gonna disappear, and there won't be a smudge left of you!!!"




Holding between his hands arm raised releasing Magical Power into his attack calling out his attack taking the form of an electric spear javelining it in Silva's direction, "<LIGHTNING DRAGON HEAVENLY SPEAR>!!!"




Releasing a massive electric spear aimed at him Erza soon came around with her using <Telekinesis > to fly above then slamming down when she changed her Adamantine Armor responding to Laxus while defending Silva, "Think it over hard, Laxus we are family in this guild!! <Adamantine Barrier>!!!"


A magic circle soon appeared tanking the lightning Laxus produced managing to take the hit as the lightning dispersed with him staggering and exhausted Silva finished things with the final blow, "It doesn't matter if you are the master son or not by blood!! Everyone in this guild is family and puny blood has no say!!! It's time to end this!! <MANA BURST>!!!"




Lighting up his Hrunting sword in a brilliant blue light Silva made one sword motion down using <Mana Burst> directed at Laxus finally causing him to go down unconscious causing a minor spiderweb crater to form from the clash.



Destroying the rubble nearby forming a crater and earning himself a level up Laxus was finally knocked out as Mystogan responded at the scene, "It seems like the needless fighting has finally come to an end."


Vanishing away out of sight Erza saw Mystogan gone breathing a sigh of relief at the turn of events in a tired tone, "Sigh… I still don't get that man at all. But it was fortunate he was able to assist us in the end shame I wished I could've talked more to the mysterious member in our guild."

Mira merely laughed at the situation as Silva grabbed hold of Laxus in an amused tone, "Hahaha!!! Yeah, you know Mystogan. He wants to be mysterious and all."

Erza soon darts her eyes on Laxus's figure as Silva helps the man out speaking in a serious tone, "And Silva what do you intend to do with him?"

He replied in an honest tone gesturing to get Laxus treated at a hospital right away explaining to the two of them, "I need to get this guy to a hospital. Despite the shit he pulled his still a member of our guild for now… The master will know what to do with him."

They both nodded as their eyes darted toward Natsu along with the rest of the female members as he yelled out loud, "Finally!!! Here I am Laxus!! Better be prepared to get your ass kicked – what the hell…"

Natsu soon realized Laxus was already defeated with Erza chuckling at the dumbfounded expression on his face, "Sorry Natsu but it seems like you were a bit slow. The fight is over already I'm afraid."

Natsu merely drops down in despair seeing everyone but they have fought distraught by the events that unfolded, "WHAT THE HELL!!! I CALL BS!!! It's cheap that I was kept out of the fight damn it!! I want a redo – Ack!"

Lucy having enough of Natsu's antics slammed her fist on his head enough to get his senses in order sighing in disbelief at him, "Enough!! Seriously Natsu sometimes I think you're a battle manic when everyone was fighting hard."

Not helping the situation Silva raised his hand slowly volunteering to fight Natsu in a sheepish tone, "Ugh… if it helps I could fight you Natsu if you want?"


Recalling the events of being curbed stomp against Silva using his <Glyphs > bringing back his motion sickness he shook his head in surrender, "You know on second thought fighting with friends is not a good way after all… hehehe…"


The group merely laughed at Natsu's reluctance to fight against Silva as Cana looked carefully at him with doubt in her heart as she thought, 'Is his training really that useful to keep up against that monster Laxus… and if enters the S-Class Trials because of his recent achievements… more than likely…'

Keeping her doubts to herself Cana shook her head and thought about it another time with everyone soon leaving the Kardina Cathedral to assist their Guild members in their time of need.

Silva raised his finger to the bridge of his nose tilting up as if he had glasses, thinking to himself to help the guild in his own way, 'I think it's time to introduce the guild to a small taste of Doctor Doni Bobes special. Hehehe…!!! But in all seriousness best to throw them salves to heal up. Man, I could go for a Senzu Bean if I had any... maybe the reward from the chest might...'