
Fairy Tail: Another Dragon Slayer

I'm just writing for fun. Anyway same old cliche reincarnation. Guy dies gets reincarnated to Fairy Tail with no cheats or system just a blessing. Mc is an idiot from time to time. Slow pace for a couple of chapters so please be patient. Since I'm writing for fun probably gonna follow the cannon with some changes here and there. Any comments and suggestions are highly appreciated.

_Daemon_ · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 6

Its been 1 week since the spar. Dino, Ur, Gray, and Lyon are currently at town buying some groceries.

Dino, Gray, and Lyon were sitting at the side of the road wiating for Ur who was talking while buying groceries from her feiends shop.


"Ur... You two new pupils? Oh my~ they're so cute, especially the one with long black hair."

"The one with the long hair is Dino. He's a very talented mage, even better than Lyon by a long shot. The other one is Gray, a really rebellious and troblesome one, but he's a lot calmer now since Dino came." Ur said with munching an apple.

"I bet the three of them will be very good looking men in the future. Hey, Why don't you give me one of them when they grow up?" said Ur's friend.

"You can have the two since they're noisy but leave Dino alone." Ur said plainly.

"Oh my~ are you going to marry Dino when he grows up?" Ur's friend said with a teasing expression.

"Its not like that. He's just an amazing cook." Ur said blushing while thinking of how immoral it was since Dino is just 9 years old.

'Maybe when he's 10 years older.' She thought but shaked her head trying to remove the thought.

"You know Ur, your not getting any younger. Don't you think its time to think about your own happiness?" Said a lady while giving Ur a bag or vegetables.

"Just mind your own business." Grumbled Ur while paying since she couldn't handle anymore teasing from her friend.


"Hey Dino. How'd you become so strong?" Lyon asked since he was beaten by Dino alot of times already, even before he started learning ice-make magic from Ur.

Gray was also curious since the guy he met less than 2 months ago is alot stronger than him even before he trained with Ur.

"I went to hell." Dino said while remembering the torturous training Kurnugi gave him.

"What do you mean by hell?" Lyon was confused while Gray didn't believe him.

"It was just some training by a grumpy dragon." He said

"Dragon!? What kind of dragon?!" The two were shocked by his words.

"Dragon this nuts on your face. Hahahaha!" Dino said.

(A/N: Sorry. I just wanted to write a nut joke.)

The two boys gave Dino a deadpan look since even though this guy is older than them and acts more mature than his age he sometimes acts more childish than a 3 year old.

Feeling the stares of the two boys, Dino decided to change the topic. "Ahem, anyway you just need to train to get stronger. By the way, do you two have any dreams or goals you want to do?"

The two boys forgot about the stupid joke he said and Lyon excitedly said "I want to win from Ur one day. That's my goal. Of course I want to beat you too Dino since I never won from you. What about you Gray, do you also want to beat Ur?"

Gray suddenly turned gloomy, "I don't care and I'm not interested about that. I just want to defeat Deliora. Once I get more powerful, I'll bid that shitty woman goodbye."


"Who's a shitty woman, huh!?" Ur said angryly while punching Gray's head.

"Ouch! Then teach me stronger magic!" Gray said.

"I already am. You should always remember that molding magic is an unrestrained magic. Once you found your shape, you'll be stronger than ever before." Said Ur.

"Tsk." Gray clicked his tongue while unknowingly started stripping off his clother.

"Wait, why the hell are you stripping!" Ur said and punched his head again.

"Wha- It's because of you that I created this wierd habit!" Said Gray while picking up and wearing his clothes again.


"Are you telling me that I'm a pervert!? Don't you blame your teacher for your wierd habit!" Ur yelled with punching Gray again on the head.

The crowd of people were looking at the duo with wierd looks while Dino and Lyon were laughing their ass off.

"L-Lets just go." Ur embarrasedly said and picked up Gray while Dino and Lyon followed behind them.

While walking through the snow covered street they came across a merchant caravan and heard some interesting news making Gray stop.

"Hey, did you hear about Deliora?"

"No, why is something happening?"

"I heard 'it' moved to the northern continent, somewhere around Burago."

"For real!? Does that mean Isvan is finally going to have some peace once again!?"

The three looked at Gray who's face kept changing expression.

"Hey Gray, are you ok!?" Asked Dino.

"H-huh!? Yeah I'm fine" He said but in his mind he was already planning to go fight Deliora. 'Burago. Just you wait Deliora, I will avenge mom and dad.' He thought while clenching his hand into a fist.

Dino didn't think much of it since he thought Gray was thinking of how to get stronger faster.


When they returned, they noticed Gray was a lot more gloomy than usual. He immediately went to his room and packed all his belongings.

"Gray! What are you doing!?" Ur asked since he saw Gray packing his things.

"Don't try to stop me, I'm going to avenge mom and dad! I heard Deliora is going to Burago. I'm going to defeat it." Gray said while placing his bag on his back.

"Stop right now! You can't beat Deliora! Your not good enough yet! If you leave, I'll expel you!" Ur said trying to stop Gray.

"Yeah, sure! Sounds good! If I die I. I'll hold a grude against you for not teaching me some powerful magic." Gray said before leaving.


"Ur, you okay?" Asked Dino worriedly looking at the woman infront of her who seemed about to break down and cry.

Dino couldn't take it anymore seeing her like that and just hugged her.

Feeling the warmth of Dino's hug, she hugged him back. "Dino, what should I do?" She asked.

"Its okay. I'll bring him back even if I have to beat him up half-dead." Dino said and procceeded to get his things before following Gray. After preparing his stuff he went out but.

"Dino! Stop! We're coming with you!" Ur and Lyon both said.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine going alone to take him back." Dino said.

"With your sense of direction, it will take years before you can get to Burago!" Yelled Ur.

"Ah shit. I forgot about that. Hahahaha! Then what are you waiting for, let's go." said Dino while laughing.



Yosh another chapter done. For those who don't know. I couldn't find Isvan anywhere in the map of Fairy Tail/Earthland so I just placed it in Iceberg since it's the only place I can remember where there is snow.

(Here's the map)

Anyway I posted earlier since I'm going to my province to help in my aunts house construction (since I'm a fresh grad and unemployed with no license or work experience) and there is no signal there the last time I went there. I will be back in a week at most. Hopefully I can write 5 or more chapters and just drop them all at the same time.

Anyway see you guys next week or earlier. Chiao   (*・ω・)ノ