
Fairy Tail: Another Dragon Slayer

I'm just writing for fun. Anyway same old cliche reincarnation. Guy dies gets reincarnated to Fairy Tail with no cheats or system just a blessing. Mc is an idiot from time to time. Slow pace for a couple of chapters so please be patient. Since I'm writing for fun probably gonna follow the cannon with some changes here and there. Any comments and suggestions are highly appreciated.

_Daemon_ · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 5

In the freezing mountains of the land of Iceberg. A child was continuously swinging his sword in a repetitive manner.

"996! 997! 998! 999! 1000! Haaa~ Done!" The child yelled and wiped the sweat from his face and body. The child has long dark hair and amber grey eyes, he is Dino. (A/N : For anyone wondering what MC looks like, he is the human version of inuyasha, and his Dragon soul form is the demon version minus the animal ears.)

"Haaa~ I can't believe that its been a month since I stayed here." Dino said while preparing to go back.

"And where do you think you're going!?" Said a feminine voice making Dino look back.

"Oh Ur! I'm done with my practice so I'm going back home." Dino said and continued to walk.

"The way home is to the right side of the mountain. You're going the other way. How bad can your sense of direction be!? You can literally get lost in a straight path!?" Said Ur with a tired and angry tone.

"My sense of direction isn't that bad." Dino refuted.

"Oh really? Then what happened last week when you tried to go to the bathroom and we found you the next day in the middle of town, which by the way is 3 kilometers away from the house!" Said Ur.

"Ok, fine. My sense of direction is a bit bad." Said Dino.

"A bit!? If we scale your sense of direction from 1-100 then it's –100! Haa~ why do I even bother, just take my hand and let's go home" said Ur.

"H-Holding hands! Ur, e-eechi!" said Dino acting shy cupping his cheeks with his hands.

Ur punched his head and grabbed his hands.

"Stop with your teasing! Your ten years too young to try flirt with me. It's almost time for breakfast, and you're the cook." she said.

"It hurts! So I can try after 10 year? Besides It's not that I'm complaining, but I've always been the cook for the past month ever since I cooked that one time" Said Dino while looking at Ur.

"Well who made you an amazing cook. Besides, after tasting your cooking, all other food I ate almost tastes bland. Anyways. Any progress with your dragon slayer magic?" she said.

"Still no progress, the recording lacrima Kurnugi gave me doesn't even have anything to do with dragon slaying magic. Its just a record of him saying 'Do this and slash like that and baam dragon slayer magic'!" Said Dino.

"Hahahah, its not all that bad though. Atleast your swordsmanship improved and your body has finally gotten accustomed to your new strength." Ur said and Dino just gave a nod.

(A/N: So basically Dino's body got reconstructed and became stronger because of the dragon blood he absorbed from the pool Kurnugi made. I based it from the story of Seigfried but he's not immortal nor did a leaf stick to his back. The blood was just there to heal Dino's body preventing it from breaking down sort of like what happened to Hajime from Arifureta, his physique and magic capacity improved by a wife margin making him be able to properly use Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu since I remembered that every technique puts a lot of strain to the body.)

Dino and Ur talked until they reached the house.

Opening the door Dino saw two boys almost similar to his age. One has pale blue hair and black eyes and the other ha black hair and eyes. They were Lyon Vastia and Gray Fullbuster, the students of Ur.

"Your finally here! What's for breakfast, we're starving!" Said gray.

"Control yourself Gray. You do know that it would take weeks or even months for Dino to come home if Ur didn't go get him." Lyon said.

Ur chuckled while Dino's lips kept on twitching hearing the two talk. He sighed and went to the kitchen.

"The kitchen is to the left Dino." Said Ur. The two boys laughed while Ur was shaking her head.


After breakfast the three boys and Ur went outside to train. After going to the open field where we usually train, Ur stops and looks at the three boys.

"Today the two of you will be having a spar with Dino at the same time." said Ur looking at the three boys.

"Hold up! Can Dino finally be able to wield his magic properly?" Asked Gray confused and feeling a bit scared. Lyon was the same but tried to act calm.

"No. Although Dino still can't fully control a full take-over but he can do a partial one. Besides, Dino will only be using his swordsmaship and Ice-make to fight" Ur said looking at Dino to which he nods.

(A/N: Its similar to Elfman where he can only do partial take-overs and lost control when he tried a full-body take over. Well that's before he managed have complete control of 'The Beast' soul during the Phantom Lord arc.)

After listening to her explanation they sighed in relief and immediately took distance from Dino.

Ur was in between the three and acted as the referee. "Ready? Start!"

As soon as Gray and Lyon heard the signal they immediately attacked.

"Ice-make: Lance!" (Gray)

"Ice-make: Eagle!" (Lyon)

Staring at the two ice magic coming straight for him, Dino jumped back and countered with his own.

"Ice-make: Hyōrinmaru!"

Dino fires of a winged chinese dragon made of ice to Gray and Lyon's own attacks.


Snow scattered everywhere blocking Gray and Lyon's vision forcing them to cover their eyes. While, with Dino's improved eyes, he unsheaths his sword and ran straight though the snow cloud while preparing his magic.

"Ice-make: Gate of Babylon!"

Weapons made of ice with differing sizes and shapes slowly started appearing above Dino; from claymores, short swords, knives, arrows, axe's, etc... He stopped whe the weapons reached a hundred and feeling his magic power halved.

The ice cloud subsided and Gray and Lyon were able to see Dino running already halfway through the field and saw the huge amount of ice-made weapons above him pointing at them making them sudder. 'Shit!'

"Ice-make: Shield!" They both said at the same time forming a two layer shield to protect them.


The shield managed to last for quite a while before it started to break. Gray and Lyon immediately dodged to the side seeing the shield not going to last any longer and started a pincer attack.

"Ice-make: Lion!" (Lyon)

"Ice-make: Hammer!" (Gray)

Looking at the pincer attack coming from both sides, Dino fires the remaining ice weapons to the ice lion and Lyon while he ran straight to the ice hammer.

Just before Dino and the hammer collide, he jumps up dodging the hammer.

"Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū: Ryūtsuisen (Dragon Hammer Flash)"

Dino raises the sword and goes for a downward swing stopping only a couple of inches from Gray's head.

Gray almost feeling death felt his legs go weak and fell on his ass. Before Dino can say anything, he felt danger and immediately rolled to the side. He saw Lyon attack him with an ice sword.

Dino took some distance and sheathed his sword and rotates his body while Lyon just charges straight to Dino.

"Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū: Hiryūsen (Flying Dragon Flash)"

Dino suddenly stopped rotating. The sudden pause of momentum fired-off the sword from its sheath out like and arrow flying straight to Lyon.

The pommel hits Lyon's stomach making him fly through the air a couple of feet before falling clutching his stomach.

Dino looks at Gray and Lyon before smiling.

"I win."


Hey guys! So I just wanted to do some info dump and a bit of detailed explanation before I forget again, and a bit of action instead of just conversations with the characters.

Maybe in the next 2-3 chapters will be the last time Kurnugi gets a chance to talk since I plan for him to leave after the Deliora fight.

You can leave any comments or suggestions. Anyway, see you guys next time.

Chiao! (*・ω・)ノ