
Fairy Tail: Another Dragon Slayer

I'm just writing for fun. Anyway same old cliche reincarnation. Guy dies gets reincarnated to Fairy Tail with no cheats or system just a blessing. Mc is an idiot from time to time. Slow pace for a couple of chapters so please be patient. Since I'm writing for fun probably gonna follow the cannon with some changes here and there. Any comments and suggestions are highly appreciated.

_Daemon_ · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 12


*Clang!* *Bam!* *Clang!*

"Don't underestimate mad dog Wally!" He said while swinging a shovel to one of their enemies head knocking him out.

"Thanks for toughening me up, you bastards!" Simon said kicking another one in the face.

"A bunch of filthy slave think they can fight us!? Kill them all!" One of the masked men said.

"Don't be afraid! We have numbers on our side! Take their weapons and fight! We will have our freedom!" Shouted Erza taking the front.

"OOOHHH!!!" They yelled while raising their weapons.


*clang!* *clang!*

"We're going to free the other from the 8th sector! Lets go everyone!" shouted Erza.

"We can't! There's too many of them!" said Simon.

"But if we don't save Dino soon-!" before Erza can finish, someone grabbed her shoulder.

"I'll go." Jellal said grabbing Erza's shoulder, much to Simon's dismay.


"It's fine. It will be faster to save him with less people. Besides, I feel bad for not standing up that time." Jellal said remembering when Dino took Erza's place.

Before Erza can say anything. Jellal took a sword and ran towards the punishment room while taking out any enemies he comes across.

"Hey~ Simon~, While Dino and Jellal are out of the picture~. How 'bout confessing your feelings to Erza~ or are you afraid~?" Teased Wally, which embarrased Simon making him push Wally away and walked towards Erza.

"E-Erza... Do you like Dino?" Asked Simon causing Erza to blush.

"Wha-?! Why, why are you saying that now, D-Dino is... Now's not the time for that!" Said Erza with a red face matching her hair.

Steeling himself, Simon said, "Erza, there's I wanted to tell you... Actually I have always lo—." before he could finish, a fireball exploded in his face comepletely cockblocking him. 'Fuck you author!' Simon thought before he lost consciousness.


"Magicians! Run!"

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*


*Slash!* *Bang!*

"Huff! Huff! Where are you Dino!" Shouted Jellal while bringing down another masked man.

Jellal kept running and searching for Dino while taking down any enemy he sees.

"Take that brat down!" shouted one of them while rushing towards Jellal with the others.

*Clang!* *Clang!*

'Shit! There's no end to these bastards!' Thought Jellal while dodging one of the enemies strikes but another one hit the back of his head making him fall down.

"Gah!" Forcing himself to stand up the one who hit him stomped his leg on Jellal's back pinning him down on the ground.

"This is one strong slave!? After we take down those fucking slaves, we really need to show them their place!"

"I know right! Who the fuck even started the revolt!?"

"Hmmm... I think one of the guards say it was a girl with red hair leading them. Let's see if that girl can continye to fight after we rip off all her limbs, kekekekeke."

"You bastards!" Shouted Jellal trying to fight, but was still pinned down.

"What do we have here? Aren't you one of the slaves who tried to escape? Did you cause the revolt to save your friend?" said a voice coming behind them, Jellal turned around to see the fat and thin masked men who bought Dino to the punishment room.

"It's you lousy brats again!? Do you not fucking understand the greatness of your job, you fucking slaves!? I'll kill you!!" Shouted the fat man, taking out his whip but was stopped by the thin one.

"Wait!" he said.

"What do you mean wait?! Do you not see what this fuckers did?! They started a fuckin' revolt?!" retorted the fat man.

"I'm angry too. But simply killing him will only make it boring." the thin man said with a sinister smile.

"Then what do you suggest?" understanding his meaning, the fat man asked with a smile similar to his coleague.

"There's that red head girl with them right? She also started the revolt. Why dont we get the girl, **** and ***** her before killing her infront of this and the other slave. It looks like that girl is important to the two. Hehehehehehe."

Hearing the thin man, Jellal snapped and managed to stand up. But before the can fight them, lighting struck him electrecuting his body making him fall down again.

"You better wait patiently slave. You and the other one will see an amazing show later. Maybe we will let you have some after we have our fun with her, hehehehehehehe."

"You fuckers!" Jellal yelled hatefully at the men.

'Shit! Shit! Why am I too weak? I hate my weakness! I hate these bastards! I hate this world!' thought Jellal while gritting his teeth from anger.

[Hate strengthens me...]




"This place looks familiar... Even these guys look like the one's I beat up earlier." Dino said looking at the scene infront of him.

He walks towards one of the masked man lying on the ground with a swollen face and slaps him to wake hime up.

*Slap!* *Slap!* *Slap!* *Slap!* *Slap!*

"Oi! Wake up!" Dino said.

"H-Huh!? Where am I?" The man said, before seeing Dino infront of him. "E-Eeekk! please don't hurt me anymore!?"

"I'll only ask this once. Which way towards the rebels?" Dino asked.

"I keep telling you to just follow the path to the right!? It's a straight path!?" The man said almost crying. "I've told you eighteen time already!? How bad is your sense of direction!?"

"Is that so? It's not my sense of direction thats bad. It's your instruction that is hard to understand." Dino said while walking away.

'Fuck you!' Is the only thought of the man before losing consciousness while foam started forming from his mouth.


I'm back baby!

I just wrote this down earlier!

I didn't write shit during the entire time! I was so engrossed on the fanfics and novels I am reading and completely forgot that I was writing a fanfic of my own. (ノ≧ڡ≦) Teehee~!

Do I regret it? No, no I don't.

Will I continue writing? Yes, yes I will.

Will I have a regular update? I don't know.

I also had an exam last week for the Navy recruitment.

I will finally be able to learn Haki and Rokushiki.

Take care everyone. Ciao! (*・ω・)ノ