
Fairy Tail: Another Dragon Slayer

I'm just writing for fun. Anyway same old cliche reincarnation. Guy dies gets reincarnated to Fairy Tail with no cheats or system just a blessing. Mc is an idiot from time to time. Slow pace for a couple of chapters so please be patient. Since I'm writing for fun probably gonna follow the cannon with some changes here and there. Any comments and suggestions are highly appreciated.

_Daemon_ · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 11

"Did you really think that we won't find out about your little escape? You lousy brats!!" said fat man wearing a mask holding a whip.

"Were on a very strict deadline with this R-System! On principle alone, I should just toss you little bastards to the 'disciplinary chamber.' But since were already lacking people, I'll just settle for one." said skinny man next to the fat one who is also wearing a mask.

"Tell me who was the mastermind of this stupid escape? Am I benevolent wor what? Hahaha..."

While the men were laughing, Sho was shivering at the back crying; clearly being seen that he was the one who made the escape.

"I-" Before Erza could take the blame, Jellal stands up and said, "It was me. I planned it all and told them what to do."

"Hmmm.... Is that so?" clearly not believing him and goes to Erza.

"It was this girl, wasn't it. Take her." he said and the other men dragged Erza away while stopping Jellal from getting near.

"No! I planned it all! It wasn't Erza!" shouted Jellal being pinned on the ground by them.

"D-Don't worry about me... I'll be fine. It's just like you said, Jellal... It's not scary at all." said Erza with a smile while being dragged.

"S... Save her Jellal... Save Er-chan..." said Millianna but Jellal was powerless to fight.

Suddenly a rock flew and hit the head of the men dragging Erza.

"Fools! You thought it was her!? But it was me, Dino!" said Dino standing above a crate holding another rock ready to throw at them.

"Do you really think that we'll believe that? You've been our battery for a while brat!" said the fat man.

"A great distraction while they dig the tunnel if I do say so myself, right? mr. Fatass." taunts Dino making the fat man angry.

"Take the battery then, I'll make sure he doesn't try this stunt again." said the thin man.

"Ohhh~ I'm so scared~ mr. Toothpick is soo scaryyy~." Dino says, making them forget about Erza and drags him away after a few whips.


Dino looks at the kida before moving his gaze to Erza giving he a serious look and said, "Erza, if you want to gain your freedom, then fight for it. If you lose, then try again. As long as you're alive, you can continue fighting."

(A/N: I'm cringing just by writing it.)

With those words. Dino was dragged to the 'disciplinary chamber'.

"That damn brat, I'll make sure he suffers!" Said the fat man still angry at his words and followed after the one's dragging Dino.

The thin man then looks at the children left an said. "None of you will be eating for the next three days... Well it's still alot better than what we will do with your 'leader', right? Hahahahha!"

While the others were being bought back to their cell. Dino was being whipped by the fat and skinny men while being tied up in the air.

*Whip!* *Whip!* *Whip!*

"This fucking battery doesn't even make a sound. No fun at all." says the fat man.

"Ha, the draining must have numbed him from pain." scouls the thin man.

The fat man then walks near Dino grabbing his jaws making him look at the fat man. "Listen you little shit. Once the towerbis complete, we will all be taken to paradise. The R-system can revive our 'God', the last dark magician"

Dino stares at the man and replies, "Shut it, pig. Your breath smells like shit."

"What the fuck did you just say!? You think some fucking battery can say that to a high priest like me!?" Yell the fat man then takes a small hook and gouges out one of Dino's eye then continued whipping Dino but much harder than before.

After a while, the two of them left leaving Dino alone in the room bleeding.

'Hmmm. Those two finally left. I need to find my sword and necklace before getting everyone out. I also need to remove this cuffs if we want to have a chance to win. I also need to make that fatass suffer for gouging my eye' Dino thought to himself not even minding the pain.

Suddenly a dark red fog slowly surrounds Dino surprising him. "Huh!?"

[Hate strengthens me... Those arrogant peons... I've been here the whole time...]

"Who's there? Where are you?" asks Dino but smells a familiar scent he hasn't smelled for a year now. 'This smell... It's smells like her.'

[They want to 'revive' me... They want me to take a 'bodily' form... No matter how mich faith you have, it's futile... Witout a powerful hatred, you cannot truly feel my presence... You're very lucky, kid... You have the chance to meet the 'God' worshipped by many... My name is Zeref... Hate is the reason for my existence...]

"Ok." Said Dino plainly while ripping off the rope tying him up.

He walks out of the room and turns around before saying, "I don't know why you smell like Ur. But I'm not interested in your crazy mumbo jumbo. Find some other guys to troll. Bye."

Strolling around while getting lost, Dino finds a room filled with lots of items, 'Hmm, there's a lot of treasures here... Let's see if I can find mine.' He searches for a couple of minutes before finding his necklace and tried to feel if his sword is still inside it. 'Nice, it's still there. They probably thought it's just a normal item.'

(A/N: Ok, so his necklace is a magic item and magic items only work if you pour magic in it. But since the necklace and sword were made from part of Kurnugi's body and Dino has part of Kurnugi's souls and blood in him, the items still work like normal even without magic.)

After finding some cloth to wrap his injuries and his now eyeball less eye socket he lools at the room and said. "Now let's take everything from the room." The necklace starts sucking all of the items in the room, from gold, jewelries, weapons, he even found a pair of artificial eyeballs.

"Ok, that's all the important looking things in the room. Now how do I get back to Erza and the others?" While he was contemplating, he suddenly hears a loud shout.


"Looks like Erza chose to fight. Now let's go join the party." Dino said with a smile, pulling out his sword from the necklace and goes to the sound of the noise whil taking out any masked men coming his way.


A few minutes after Dino was taken away.

The children were huddled together in the cell silent with Erza shivering the most from the events earlier.

Sho couldn't take it anymore and started wailing while crying "I DON'T WANNA BE HERE!!! WAAAHHHH!!!"

"What's with all the noise?! You brats better shut it! Keep crying and I'll rip out your tongue!" His shouting caused the guards to go in their cell.

'Why am I so weak? Dino kept on protecting me everytime. He even became their 'battery' just to give us more food to eat.' She tought to herself.

'Erza, if you want to gain your freedom then fight for it.' Remembering his words, something inside Erza finally cracked. Like a shackle keeping her moving forward slowly shattering.

Erza grabs one of the guards spear and smashes it in their heads making them crash to the walls.


"E-Erza!?" Shouted Simon and Jellal.

"Dino's right, submitting or running away won't give us our freedoms. WE CAN ONLY FIGHT! WE MUST STAND UP FOR OUR FREEDOM!" Erza's shout echoed through the entire tower igniting the other slaves' spirit.



Hey guys, one or two more chapter before they escape. Question, should I save the slaves or only Erza and Dino. Leave your ideas here. Thanks.

Btw I will probably stop posting new chapters for a while in the first week of March for my uncle's wedding. I'll try to write when I have time, but there won't be any update durin that.

Take care and stay safe. Chiao~  (´^ω^)ノ