
chapter 2

A warm fuzzy feeling enveloped me as I woke up. The first thing I noticed was that I was in a giant room with two people surrounding me. One of them was a female who had black hair and looked to be in her mid-30s while the other was a man who was in his 20's.

"Doctor the child is not crying". The woman said.

The Man who was now identified as the doctor held me upside down and hit me on my bum.

I started to cry reflexively. 'My dignity went down the drain'.

After I started to cry, I was lulled and brought before another woman who looked at me as if I was the most delicate thing in the world. She had green eyes and silver hair and looked to be in her 20s.

"My baby shhh no need to cry..Mama is here shhh". The woman who I understood was my mother cooed gently.

Suddenly a man burst into the room. He had leather attire and brown eyes as well as brown hair. He looked to be in his 20s as well and I understood that he was my father.

"Are you ok is everything ok". He asked panicked.

"Everything is fine Lucius". The doctor replied.

"Dear, I want you to hold him". My mother told my father who came forward and held me in his eyes...I swear I could see his eyes tearing up.

"Jemma he is beautiful..what should we name him?".

"Jin...Jin Russel". My mother now named Jemma replied.

I could not move or speak at this point so all I could do was drift to sleep.

2 Months later.

[Jin Russel POV].

Currently, 2 months have passed and I was sucking on my mom's tits for nourishment.

In the past two months, nothing of note has happened except a few findings. First my A. It isn't working or hasn't responded to me for some reason. I also can't feel any magic in me. I tried sitting down and meditating and thought that I would awaken some form of magic like those Korean novels with op MC but that didn't happen. Second, the language is different..I mean it was a given but I can't understand anything. Third, I learned through going out... mostly my Mother carrying me outside to show me around that we lived in a small medieval village with houses that looked to be the same as one another and fields surrounding them that were planted with a crop I couldn't recognise.

It looked like Lacroma tech was less available than I expected in the fairytail world... least we only used fire and normal non-magic items in our house as well as the village. However, it could also be that we were a somewhat reclusive community.

[2 Years later].

[Jin Russel Pov].

I Was Now able to read and write the language of Earth land and go to the bathroom by myself..big accomplishments I know. I also found out the year..it was X767 currently. Although I wanted to know how that fits in with Cannon I couldn't since I didn't know the birth dates of other members except that Natsu arrived at X777.

[Initialisation complete.... Downloading database... Complete.]

Suddenly a voice sounded in my head.

[Answer: Individual 'Jin Russel' is born in the same year as Individual 'Erza Scarlet'].

"A.I?....Where have you been?". I asked shocked. I thought that the A. I was broken or not working for some reason and eventually abandoned the idea of awakening.

[Answer: Individual 'Jin Russel' was under Constant forced High-speed healing due to his body having too much magic power and it running rampant around tearing the body apart].

[Individual A. I was using ability control magic to optimise and eventually build the body of individual Jin Russel. Therefore communication wasn't possible until the body was stable].

"Alright now that you are here..what can you do?".

[Individual A. I have the ability. Thought acceleration, parallel thinking, database and control magic].

Suddenly I knew what each of the sub-abilities did. Parallel thinking allows the user to carry out multiple thought processes simultaneously. Possible applications include the detachment of analysis of phenomena from the user's regular thoughts, and the preservation of consciousness by using additional thought processes as backups.

Thought acceleration allowed me to think 10 times faster.

A database is a collection of information about several phenomena.

And control magic allowed the A. I control the amount of input and output of magic from my body making it so that my magic use is extremely efficient.

"A.I., do you know why I can't yet use my magic?".

[Individual Jin Russel wasn't able to access his magic due to A. I suppressed it to not increase the already large container which could result in crippling or even death of individual Jin Russel].

[Individual Jin Russel also possessed a Dragon seed which would have grown if the Individual Jin Russel used Magic].

Dragon seed!, how could I forget? It was one of the most problematic things when it came to dragon Slayer magic."How the hell do I remove it, i don't have a dragon who can make antibodies for me".

[Individual Jin Russel's Dragon seed has been integrated into His body without any problems using Control magic and the seed no longer exists].

"Really..well that was anticlimactic. So wait I can train in magic now?".

[Yes: individual Jin Russel can train in magic however will need to start from the very basic being sensing and reinforcement].

I began my training that very day and it wasn't easy at all although according to A. I was doing a better job at it than most. It was also due to my thought acceleration that I could understand most things that A. I explained to me

I also changed the A. I'm Name to Sage since that was much easier to call her than A.I.

According to Sage, even before I could tap into my element I needed to first learn to gather Ethernano into my body and circulate it throughout my body reinforcing it and making my body stronger.

I usually trained in the night because my parents wouldn't allow me out of their sight during the day. It made me sleepy during the day but there was only so much I could do during the day that I didn't mind napping during the daytime.


4 years later.

I was currently 6 years old and all I did for the past 4 years was learn how to control my vast reserves and reinforce my body. I also started training by punching and kicking trees.

The only other notable thing that happened was my mother's death last year. She had a weak heart and it eventually claimed her life. My father Lucius doesn't talk to me much after my mother's death....he blames me for it. I am also considered a weirdo by the other children in the village one plays with me...but I am used to isolation also I am an adult in a child's body so I can't play hide and seek and picture myself enjoying it.

I am thinking of leaving this village in search of a fairy tail guild however I don't have any money on me to do so...staying here however will only affect me negatively.


I will improve my writing so please be patient.