
Fairy Tail´s Half Dragons

400 years ago, it was the age of dragons. However, the dragons were divided in their opinion of humanity. One side saw them as nothing more than food, while the other side wanted to live in peace with them. In the end, it came to war, a war that would decide the fate of humanity and dragons as well. And in this war, two children, born from the union of man and dragon, would play a significant role in the hope of humanity, for they helped in the creation of mages that could fight and kill dragons, the dragon slayers. These two were Zeldaris and Aversia, the only two half-dragons that ever existed. This is my first time writing and English is not my main language and also not my best language. The cover is not mine. Fairy Tail does not belong to me and belongs to Hiro Mashima. Updates will be 2 chapters per week.

Theelicht · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 64: Phantom´s counter attack

While Natsu was cheering up Lucy, Vulcan grabbed both Zeldaris and Aversia by the ears and dragged the two behind him.

He brought the two toward a separate room that was currently empty.

Vulcan placed a hand each on the back of the two and started to concentrate.

"Like I thought, the seal inside of you two is damaged and is now leaking low amounts of magic powers outside."

"Is it really such a bad thing?" asked a doubtful Aversia.

"The seals were meant to seal your draconic side and magical power away and not to let it slowly back inside. It would slowly corrode away and release increasingly more magical power to the point that the seal would collapse, and all of the magical power and the draconic side would be released and just for reference, the current amount inside the seal is multiple times higher than 7 years ago."

"In that case, thank god for the training that we received." said Zeldaris while sighing in relieve.

"Magical power is influenced by the emotion that a person feels, in your case this includes the sealed magic power. When you two saw Levi and the others crucified at the tree you became so angry that you not lost control over your draconic side and transformed back into your original form but also almost broke the seal inside of you. If not for the training that your two mothers gave you and the things that they hammered into your brains to the point that you two, do it unconsciously, then I don´t know what would have happened."

"Yeah, without it and gramps reminder we would have lost ourselves completely in our rage and I don´t want to think what could have happened."

"It is also good that you held back from using your true form while fighting against Phantom Lord."

Zeldaris and Aversia didn´t use their full force because both of them knew that none of the members of Phantom Lord, excluding Jose, could force them to unleash their full might.

The fact that Challot and Emrissen had taught them to never rush into a fight headfirst was also a reason for it, both mothers didn´t want their children to end up like them.

While Vulcan repaired the seals, tried Mirajane and Cana to locate and inform Laxus and Mystogan respectively about the current situation and ask them for help.

However, Cana was unable to locate Mystogan, even after multiple attempts with her cards, while Mirajane was successful in reaching Laxus, but Laxus refused to help unless he became the master of the guild and made fun out of everyone.

Mirajane was so infuriated that she destroyed the communication lacrima with her magic power alone, while tears rolled down her face.

She was frustrated at the fact that Mirajane is not able to fight alongside with the others, that she can´t help them at such a time, that Lucy almost got kidnaped by Phantom Lord and that she was not only not able to help her but also not able to notice the attempt at the first place.

She who was once an S-class mage of the guild and on par with Erza, her former rival, and now not even able to fight.

It made her feel useless and helpless, she wanted to help them, she wanted to fight by their side but she couldn´t and there was nothing she could do about it.

Cana, Lisanna and Elfman tried to cheer her up, telling her that it was ok, that she was helping them through other means then by fighting and that she was not useless, but to no avail.

On the other hand, Erza was trying to cool herself down with a cold shower.

Erza was thinking about what happened back in the fight and the current state of the guild.

Almost every member that participated in the fight were injured, thankfully they were not too heavy, the worst was a broken bone or two.

But she knew that more than half of them would not be able to fight for the next few days and with Laxus and Mystogan not present that leaves only her, Zeldaris and Aversia as the strongest members.

Zeldaris and Aversia were still in top condition and were the only ones that could fight against Phantom Lord´s master, Jose.

Overall, the situation was not good for them, but it could have been worse for them.

However, with their master in such a situation it would be a difficult battle and Erza partially for Makarov´s current situation.

Why didn´t she accompanied him?

The earth begun to shake and Azack notified everyone that it came from outside.

Every member rushed out of the building, not having enough time to change, Erza wrapped a towel around herself.

The shaking became stronger and stronger until a moving castle could be seen.

It walked inside the lake that was north of the city and just behind the guild.

This was the headquarters of Phantom Lord, and no one could believe that this giant castle was able to move, nor the fact that Phantom Lord was attacking them so early.

"Bad move." said Zeldaris and Aversia and rushed toward the cliff the edge of the cliff.

"[Chaos Dragon´s Roar]"

Both of them used their roar and hit the castle with full force and covered the aria in smoke.

As the smoke began to disappear, everyone became shocked because the castle didn´t even had a scratch on it.

"Looks like they have some tricks after all, this should be interesting." said Aversia with a smile.

"Don´t underestimate them. We need to take this serious."

"I just can´t help it. This may be the first real challenge that we had for more than 7 years, and I just can´t wait to tear them apart."

The castle finally stopped a few dozen meters away from the cliff and the front of it opened, revealing a giant canon that begun to extend itself.

"Well, shit." said Aversia, because this was the strongest magic canon that was on the market, the magic canon Jupitar.

It had enough power to not only incinerate the guild building but also destroy a good part of the city.

The only weaknesses that this canon had was the extremely long time it needed to recharge and the large amount of magic power it needed to fire.

Zeldaris and Aversia braced themselves.

The magic canon fired shortly after and shot a giant shot of concentrated magic.

Zeldaris and Aversia took the blast head on and tried to consume and absorb it, they also transformed into their true form for it.

However, the blast was too powerful for them and there was just too much magic power for the two, they would need a long time to actually absorb and or consume it.

Their bodies started to get injured by the raging energy and slowly both of them started to be pushed backwards.

If this continued than the two of them would fail, however this was only if they were alone.

"[Requip: Adamantine Armor]"

"Oh, shield of the brave, oh shield of the just, protect thee under your shine, EAGIS."

Erza and Vulcan came to their aid, Erza summoned her strongest defensive armor, Adamantine Armor.

She stood between both of them and slammed the two halves of the shield, which were attached to her arms together and created a giant magic formation before it.

Vulcan created a barrier that also shielded the three of them.

With the defense taken care of by Erza and Vulcan, Zeldaris and Aversia decided to switch to the offensive side.

The flames of chaos started to erupt out of their bodies and started to form into the flaming, serpentine dragons.

"[HUNTING DRAGON]" yelled both of them and the two flaming dragons flew toward the cannon, while flying through the energy blast.

As both of them emerged out of the blast and tried to rip the canon into pieces, they were stopped by a barrier.

The two flaming dragons tried to penetrate it, but to no avail.

The two flaming dragons soon disappeared and the blast from Jupiter disappeared as well.

Erza, Zeldaris and Aversia were breathing heavily, Zeldaris and Aversia had multiple wounds on their bodies, the first since an exceedingly long time, Erza on the other hand was not hurt but her armor was heavily damaged and at the verge of collapsing.

In the end Zeldaris and Aversia were only able to absorb about 10% of the blast.

The barrier that Vulcan created also disappeared, it would only block one attack.

"Impressive, to be able to withstand my modified Jupiter, but alas this is all you can do. Now hand over Lucy Heartfilia or be destroyed." said Jose over loudspeakers.

Every single member of Fairy Tail, including the staff members, refused immediately.


Zeldaris and Aversia didn´t say anything but instead threw some fire balls toward the castle.

"Then we will fire another, stronger blast. So, enjoy your remaining 15 minutes of live."

And as Jose said these words, all of the windows of the castle opened and released a massive number of phantoms.

"Shit, this is Jose magic." said one of the members that knew about Jose´s magic.

"I will take care of the canon. Happy!!!" yelled Natsu while jumping.

"AYE SIR!!!"

Happy caught Natsu and the two of them flew toward the cannon.

"Don´t try to destroy it from the outside, you need to destroy it from the inside!" yelled Zeldaris toward Natsu and Happy.

Elfman, Lisanna and Gray also made their way toward the castle.

Mirajane and Reedus brought Lucy inside the building, while the rest started to fight the shades.

However, the phantoms stayed away from Zeldaris and Aversia.

The two half dragons attacked and absorbed as many phantoms as they could, while also attacking the castle.

It seemed like the barrier also needed to recharge, however Jose blocked all of the attacks with his phantoms.

Ten minutes later, the canon exploded, Natsu had successfully neutralized it, but Jose had other surprises as well.

Because the castle transformed into a giant robot. (AN: Every time I see that thing in the anime, I just can´t help and think that the was located at the crotch area. I apologize for the pictures in your head.)

Everyone could only stare at it, also because they just realized that it was moving meaning that Natsu was unable to do anything.

However, thinks were fated to get worse, because the giant begun to create a giant magic formation, for the spell Abyss Break.

Abyss Break was one of the most destructive spells.

"I won´t let you! [Open Gate of the Serpent Charmer: Ophiuchus]" yelled Aversia and summoned Ophiuchus.

Ophiuchus emerged from the lake and wrapped herself around the giant, stopping its movements and slowly tightening her grip around it.



Both Zeldaris and Aversia summoned their wings and flew toward the giant.