
Fairy Tail´s Half Dragons

400 years ago, it was the age of dragons. However, the dragons were divided in their opinion of humanity. One side saw them as nothing more than food, while the other side wanted to live in peace with them. In the end, it came to war, a war that would decide the fate of humanity and dragons as well. And in this war, two children, born from the union of man and dragon, would play a significant role in the hope of humanity, for they helped in the creation of mages that could fight and kill dragons, the dragon slayers. These two were Zeldaris and Aversia, the only two half-dragons that ever existed. This is my first time writing and English is not my main language and also not my best language. The cover is not mine. Fairy Tail does not belong to me and belongs to Hiro Mashima. Updates will be 2 chapters per week.

Theelicht · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 63: Fairy Tail´s attack

Oak town an old castle town that was once one of the key defenses of the kingdom, but with the presence of the council wars between kingdoms rarely happened and even then, the council would stop them.

The town was located northwest of Magnolia and build on a large hill, surrounded by forests and mountains and a river flowing beside it.

Towers and battlements stood inside the city and surrounding it and on the top of the hill stood an old castle that now served as one of branches of the guild Phantom Lord.

Although it was only a branch of the guild, it was still treated as the main branch and as the headquarters, because the real headquarters was used to coordinate the many branches of the guild and such things.

The real headquarters also stood a few kilometers away from oak city on top of one of the many mountains.

Currently the atmosphere inside the branch building was quite excited, not only were they finally going to deal with those annoying flies of Fairy Tail but Gajeel had also attacked their guild building and attacked some of their members.

All of them were making fun of Fairy Tail and calling cowards and weaklings.

"Well, I would like to continue but I have to take care of my job. See you later." said one member while standing up.

"Wasn´t the client a woman? You have some fun with her?" said a second member.

"Nah, she is still a client, but I was able to double the reward after threatening her a little."

"Hah, I bet I could have tripled it." said a third member.

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

As the guy arrived before the gates of the building and wanted to open them, the gates were shattered with gray flames covering the pieces that were flying through the air.

The member that wanted to open the gate was also sent flying threw the entire hall until finally stopping by crashing into the bar at the opposite side.

Every member in the hall was looking at the hole and became focused.

As the smoke of the blast settled could they finally see who it was, it was none other than Fairy Tail with Zeldaris, Aversia, Makarov, Natsu and Erza at the front and the rest behind them and every single one of them were furious.

"WE ARE FAIRY TAIL!!!" yelled Makarov and with these words stunned the members of Phantom Lord.

Not giving them the time to react Zeldaris, Aversia and Natsu rushed into the group with their fists ablaze and created absolute havoc.

With every single punch a massive amount of flames was unleashed and created an explosion that sent the surrounding members of Phantom Lord flying.

"GAJJJJJJEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!" yelled both half dragons from the top of their lungs.

Phantom Lord had stepped on the dragon's tail and would now receive their wrath.

Meanwhile in Magnolia, Lucy walked out of the hospital in which Levy, Jet and Droy were being treated in.

All three of them had multiple bones broken and severe injuries, Lucy was not able to understand how someone could do something and why.

Lucy was not the only one that stayed behind, Mirajane, Lisanna, Vulcan and Chico.

Mirajane was not able to use her take over magic anymore and was no longer able to fight, something that depressed her quite heavily.

Lisanna was worried about her sister and stayed behind and try to brighten her up a bit.

Vulcan stayed behind because he wasn´t really a fighter and to make sure that Phantom Lord would do something in Magnolia while no one was there.

Chico stayed behind because of her magic, her magic was called Legend of City and she could capture and use the wandering spirits inside a city, however if she were to leave the city, she would lose all of her spirits and capture them all over again.

Lucy was thinking about her first meeting with Levy when it suddenly started to rain, which was weird because it was a clear and sunny day.

"Drip drip drop." said a woman that walked toward Lucy.

She had snow white skin, long blue hair that was tightly curled at the base and wore a sapphire blue coat and a matching Russian Cossack.

"Yes, Juvia brings rain. Drip drip drop."

"Huh?" was all that Lucy was thinking while listening to that strange woman and trying to cover herself from the rain as good as she could.

"What do you bring?" asked Juvia Lucy.

"Erm… Who are you?" Lucy was not able to cope with the situation, she had met a lot of weird people since she joined Fairy Tail but no one like her.

The strange woman simply past her and continued onward, "I had fun. Farewell. Drip drip drop."

"Non, non, non."

Came from the ground and both Lucy and Juvia looked at the area from which it came.

"Non, non, non."

The ground shifted and rose.

"Non, non, non, non, non, non, non."

Said Sol as he rose out of the ground, his lower half still fuse with the ground.

"Bonjour with non in a 3-3-7 rhythm." Sol said while twisting his body sideways.

"Another weirdo?!"

"Lady Juvia, you can´t just walk away from the mission." said Sol to Juvia, ignoring Lucy.

Juvia just said his name in surprise, although her monotone way of speaking didn´t made that clear.

"My monocle is whispering to me that the mademoiselle over there is none other than our precious sible." (AN: Sible = Target in French; nope I don´t speak French)

"Oh? So, she is the one?"

"Pardon my manners, my name is Sol, but you may call me monsieur Sole. We have come from the great Phantom Lord to welcome you." Sol said while completely getting out of the ground and giving Lucy a weird bow.

"Juvia is a member of Element 4, who brings rain."

"PHANTOM!!! YOU ARE THE ONES WHO ATTACKED LEVI!!!" yelled Lucy first in surprise but then in anger and reached for her keys.

"Non, non, non, I would like to clear up your misunderstanding with three nons. The act of wrecking your guild building and attacking lady Levi; all were done by lord Gajeel. Although, it is true that this was done through a consensus of our guild." Sol said while Lucy was trapped in a sphere of water.

Lucy tried to get out of the water but no matter what she tried she was unable to break out of it.

"Don´t worry Juvia won´t kill you."

However, as Juvia said these words, the water sphere disappeared, and Lucy fell to the ground while heavily breathing for air.

"You are right. You won´t kill her and you won´t take her with you. Do you know why? BECAUSE I WON`T ALLOW IT." Vulcan said, who came out of nowhere and while he talked, he unleashed his magic power.

From the perspective of Sol and Juvia the world lost it´s colors as an unimaginable amount of magic power slammed them into the ground.

Back in Oak town, Phantom Lord was getting a one-sided beating.

Every single member of Fairy Tail was taking on multiple opponents at once and defeated them with ease.

Macao and Wakaba worked together, Macao would bind the opponents with his purple flare and Wakaba would beat them up with his smoke magic.

Gray was freezing every single opponent in his surroundings into ice statues and wherever he went no one was able to put up a fight.

No one was able to predict Cana´s card magic and she was able to defeat multiple people with just one attack no matter how far away they were.

Laki was using her wood maker magic to great lengths as well, but no one knew what her attack names meant, some members of Phantom Lord were more surprised by the names than by the actual attack.

Alzack and Bisca just shot down whoever was dumb enough to get to close to them.

Bisca switched between a shotgun, a sniper rivel and an automatic gun, and all three of them had already defeated more than a hundred opponents.

Alzack was firing his elemental bullets at the nearest groups of enemies.

Even Happy was fighting and defeating multiple members of Phantom Lord, by barraging them with an unrelenting stream of food that he got from who knows where.

Some of them were bound to get scared of cats through this.

Erza slashed through multiple groups of Phantom Lord members without changing her armor.

Elfman, Nab and Joey punched their way through.

Multiple people tried to attack Makarov, but he just grew bigger and crushed them beneath his fists

However, no matter how many they defeated the number of enemies was not decreasing as more people came into the hall.

Zeldaris and Aversia were right in the middle of things, but no one was brave enough to get near them.

That didn´t mean however, that they were fast enough to run away from them.

However, both of them were more focused on something else and they had finally found for what they were searching.

"Think you can hide forever?" said Zeldaris as he punched upwards and created a giant mass of flames that shot toward the supporting beams.

A shadow came flying down from one of these beams toward Zeldaris.

"Gihi, it´s been a while brother!" said Gajeel.

But before he could even get into striking distance, he was punched into the face by Aversia, sending the iron dragon slayer flying through the hall and crashing into the bar.

"Indeed, it has been a while, Gajeel. Your big brother…"

"And your big sister…"

"" Want to have a little talk with you.""

The bar exploded and Gajeel rushed out of the rubble and toward the two half dragons.

"Then let us have a little family reunion."

Gajeel´s right hand transformed into the head of a lance.

"[Iron Dragon´s Lance: Demon Logs]"

A large number of steel lances were fired toward the two, but both half dragons dodged with ease and the steel spears hit the surrounding people.

"You really don´t care about other people, Gajeel." said Aversia.

"Why should I worry about weak scum? [Iron Dragon´s Sword]"

This time his right hand up to his elbow became a large sword and Gajeel tried to cut his older siblings with it.

But jet again, both of them were to fast for them and punched him jet again and sending him flying.

Blood was coming out of his mouth and Gajeel could only look in disbelieve at the blood covered hand.

"Have you finally noticed the difference between us?" asked Zeldaris.

"Maybe, but I have noticed that you two are not good at paying attention to your surroundings." said Gajeel with a grin as the whole castle begun to tremble.

It was Makarov who was making his way toward the guild master of Phantom Lord, Jose.

"My part is over, and it is to late for the two of you to do anything, gihi." said Gajeel as he vanished.

It took the two a moment before they understood what Gajeel meant and when they did their faces went pale and they rushed toward the top of the castle.

But they were too late as Makarov came crushing down through the ceiling.

Zeldaris and Aversia quickly caught him only to be shocked because all of his magic power had been drained from him.

Both of them looked down to search for Erza and saw that the situation was turning bad for them.

There were simply to many people on the enemy's side and everyone on their side was getting tired and had multiple injuries on them.

The two landed beside Erza and gave her Makarov.

"MASTER!" yelled Erza when she saw the condition in which he was.

"Erza, we need to withdraw. Take gramps and the others with you and go back to the guild. Ave, Natsu and I will hold them back." said Zeldaris while Aversia was getting Natsu.

Erza nodded and told everyone to fall back and all of them retreated.

Zeldaris made sure that all of them would be able to retreat without any issues, Aversia was dragging an angry Natsu behind her and threw him in front of Zeldaris, Happy was flying right behind them.

"Happy, wait outside the building. After we are finished here, we need to get back to the others and for that you will need to carry Natsu. As for you Natsu, you can still fight, right?"

"You don´t have to worry, after what they did to gramps, I am going to beat the shit out of them."

"Well said." said Aversia and all three of them rushed toward the horde of enemies.

Zeldaris, Aversia and Natsu proceeded to kick the shit out of every single one of them without giving any of them the chance to leave the building.

The numbers of members were so great that it still took the three more than 20 minutes to defeat every single one of them and after they were finished the building had been wrecked and members of Phantom Lord were lying everywhere.

The three of them then flew toward the others.

When they arrived back in Magnolia, Makarov was sent to an expert on magical healing, a member of Fairy Tail who didn´t like to associate with humans and hated them, Porlyusica.

Bu her skills were second to none and she agreed to treat Makarov.

There was also the shock that when they were informed that two of Phantom Lord´s strongest members tried to kidnap Lucy but were luckily stopped by Vulcan.

As for why they tried to kidnap her in the first place, Vulcan left the explanation to Lucy.

Lucy revealed that her last name was Heartfilia and there was no one that didn´t react to that name, because the Heartfilia family is one of the richest families in all of Fiore.

The fact that they got this rich in less than 30 years is even more astonishing.

The Heartfilia was responsible for the railway system that was spread through the country and had build this system in less than 30 years.

To understand how astonishing this accomplishment was you need to understand that the railways went through the territories of many noble families that still existed in the country.

Lucy´s parents were able to persuade them into building the system on their property.

As for Lucy, she ran away from home over a year ago because she could no longer live there.

Because her father had no interest in her, to the point that would not be surprising that he forgot that he even had a daughter.

What made things even worse is that he had no interest in the fact that Lucy ran away more than a year ago and only now was interested in bringing her back and Lucy was sure that the reason had something to do with his work.

"I am sorry, all of this is my fault." said Lucy as she cried blaming herself for everything that happened.

Lucy would have continued until someone patting her head, it was Natsu.

"None of this is your fault." he said with a smile.

"But… But…"

"He is right you know. Our relationship with Phantom Lord was never good and became really tens two years ago. They had been planning all of this for a long time and all they needed was a reason that they could give to the council. So, all you, or better said your father gave them was an excuse, one they would have found eventually. But even if you were the cause for all of that, none of that would be important."

"You are a member of Fairy Tail, a member of this family. So, no matter what happened we will stick together. OR AM I WRONG?!" continued Aversia, while yelling the last part toward the other members of the guild.

All of them agreed loudly without even needing a second to think.


This time the tears were not of sadness, but of gratitude.