
Failed Resurgence

Aiden reincarnated to a world of magic and mystery as he walks through his world convincing himself of its opportunities? or its lies see his journey as he walks through this world either amused or disappointed or dead

RaphaelThatSleeps · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Author's note: so yes... It might be messed up... suicide warning... If you guys can't handle it i will leave a note of the summary next chapter

And i honestly advice against people who don't like this kind of shit to not read, summary is good enough


Aiden looked around and sighed

["Now I'm at a forest?... I'm happy i can no longer see that boy... But... This"]

Aiden looked at himself, he was wearing a rugged sac for a dress with his hands and legs still tied together with a chain

He had a heavy metal ball locked along with the chains weighing him down

He touched his neck to feel the collar it felt uncomfortable and unfamiliar as he sighed

["This is too much, jokes from my previous world aside... Yes, previous world... I'm pretty sure moving like this would leave tracks

And to me is it really necessary to live this life? I don't even know this world as magic or not"]

He sighed as his body shook slightly

[" If it's magic world... Then i wonder who will control me forcefully"]

He thought about numerous faces while caressing his neck

[" Plus i can't understand why they banished, what did this guy do? Nor can i understand anything this is too much"]

[" Will I be able to survive?"]

He thought and sighed, he doesn't feel any energy coursing through his body to speak about survival

"Death is what awaits me... I rather die than be a slave, i rather die, then think about the horrendous thinks they will make me do"

[" Well they did say i need to be a slave until proven innocent, the thing is, i don't know the crime and i can't be sure the guy baron will we noble"]

His heart reverbated with his brain as if it felt like they both took the same desicion

[" I'm a person who got used to the city, never really suffered much, even my college tuition fees are paid by my parents, the only think i know is eat, sleep"]

["Then how am I going to escape this place with this big ball attached to it?"]

He thought as he thought with his legs finnally giving out tired and trembling

As he pressed his thighs slowly down to his feet

He sighed

"Nope, anytime there might be monsters coming or animal or people trying to capture me again, nope... I'm have already died so it won't be that big of a problem"

He looked at the chains dangling in his arms

He placed his neck around it and swirled it around as if a noose was formed

He sighed taking in deep breath

His thoughts were blank, the only feeling he had is his heart beating over his neck

[" May god bless me... This should end... I already have died... And i think this is the most rational descision i can make! Yes!"]

He found himself a reason as his hands made the chains tighter


His legs slightly dangled as the overwhelming feeling of suffocation hit him

Like squeezing a bottle of pickle he felt his neck tighten with his heart beating fast

His brain screaming for the first time to stop and not stop

His hands become tighter as he could see his eyes become reddish and teary

"This is it"

He thought as he gave his final squeeze with his legs giving a final struggle


His body fell down with a twitch it crashed to the soil forever



Aiden screamed with trees gushing out he dug his nails deep with his legs shaking hard

He felt like just crushing his teeth with his neck feeling hot as if he drank a larva

His eyes opened

He was still there breathing heavy

"Huff... Huff..."


He was dumbfounded, the same dress, the same metal ball as he touched his neck the same chocker

But he could sense a little blood in the place he presumed that he chocked himself to death

"I didn't die"

["What kind of shit did I get myself into?!!"]

His eyes teared up

["Damn it! I didn't really cry even when I got bad grades or slapped, beaten or called worthless, but this... I can't even die... Nope nope! Let's try one more time let's fall of a cliff!!"]

But his body shuddered

[" What if... What if... After waking up i feel the pain of jumping down a cliff... It will be painful... It will be hell.. should i try?!"]

He slapped himself as he stood up slightly staggering as he dragged himself to the cliff

His teeth clenched

[" I'm sure i will die!"]

He trembled as he dragged the heavy metal ball which left a trail

He was already in a elevated ground so It didn't really took him that long to find a cliff

From where he stood he looked down

A moving river, gushed past as he smiled weirdly

"I'm dead"

He thought as he tried to jump but his legs didnt have a but of blood gushing to it

He could feel himself feel empty as if daring him to jump without support

He first made his legs dangling as he held his hands back

Just a push and he dies

["This time I will die!"]

He thought as he pushed himself down





Aiden woke up as he felt his eyes watering

He cried but he didn't scream for some reason nor did he clench his fist or did he grounded his teeth

His hands just dangled his side

With his eyes staring aimlessly with water dripping from it

For some reason he felt nothing after the attempt

[" No pain... Not dead what's going on?"]

He thought as he felt his hands still had chains


"You woke up"

His eyes wandered off as bo more tears fell

His eyes were sharp as he looked around with his eyeballs rotating swiftly

His eyeballs concentrated as he took in deep breath


He was not scared as he eyed a dragon

It had beautiful red scales, western style dragon with a huge jaw the size of a double decker bus

The whole size of the dragon could be atleast 50 double decker bus arranged above one after another

"Oh no screams?, How unamusing"

"Well you need to be intimidating to be scared"

"Oh, a human with a mouth! I see!"

The dragon raised its voice as if the whole cave lit by it's mere voice

The whole place was burnt hot as he focused on the dragon's eyes and could see fire burning in its nostrils

"What am I supposed to be scared? Lizard!"

He laughed at the dragon's face as the dragon suddenly laughed

"How cunning, you think I wouldnt have seen your attempts to suicide?, I won't kill you living will make you suffer but rather i am interested about how you are still alive"

["Tch.. i thought I can make it kill me.... But this dragon seems to have seen through all of it from the beginning"]

"Whatever... What is your name?"

"Oh a opposite characteristic i see, my name is Valan of North"

"Valan of North, My name is Aiden"

"Hmm, you should be thanking human haha i saved your life"

"Yea, you can shove that thank you up your ass"

"Hehe interesting, a slave, shouldn't you know, i as a dragon have multiple methods to torture you for eternity in my cave"

"I know and i dare say you wouldn't"


"You would've not saved me in the first place, you want answers either from me or you will find one by using me, now now just start, you can make it as painful as you can"

[" Yes i can die from that too!"]

"Hmm not really interested in that, slave"

[" Whatever bitch, i don't like being called a slave but now i am one along with being an hostage"]

"Then how about a deal?"

"A deal?"

"Yes, do you as a dragon like knowledge?"

"Yes, i sure do love exotic knowledge about this world, new inventions and new products"


"Have you heard about ____? Or do you know ______ r? Or _______ or do you know what shape your world is? Or do you know how to make an upgraded version of a ______ which can _____ without the need for ______?"

"Hmm interesting forbidden knowledge"

["What! I just thought I couldn't speak about the airstrike and now this!, now this dragon will want me alive even more! This really backfired! "]

"What was your deal again?"

"Whatever do what you want"

Aiden said as he sat on his butt with his mouth shut

His heart beat faster but he didn't care

["There is no use, honestly let's wait and watch what will my fate be! I will die at its hand, that's for sure!!"]