
Failed Resurgence

Aiden reincarnated to a world of magic and mystery as he walks through his world convincing himself of its opportunities? or its lies see his journey as he walks through this world either amused or disappointed or dead

RaphaelThatSleeps · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


Author's note: Hi, my pen Is Raphaelthatsleeps, and i would like to thank you for reading my novel and a special thanks to two of my friends for writing this novel

I will consider 15 chapters a Arc and [] is the inner Monologue he has with himself

It has suicidal thoughts and i also write another Novel called Mission of gods which will be updated 5 days a week

And this will be updated every days for now and will be changed later.... Thank you


"Introvert or extrovert?", The cab driver asked Aiden


["This new trend at Instagram is quite useful"]

He sat behind the cab driver, he booked the cab online so he didn't need to mention his address as he stretched his hands

Took out his earphones wore it with rock music blasting off in his ears

It didn't cause any noise outside as the car just moved at night

He looked at the lyrics of the song, half assed he sang the lyrics at mind but soon sleepy he sighed

[" I need to buy my brother a gift, why is buying gift always fucking hard!, I think the more plausible gift would be to just gift him a family photo

But *sigh* he is just 12, will he be able to understand the meaning behind the gift with his childish ass"]

He sighed as he googled for answers

good gifts

Good gifts to brother

Good and sentimental gift etc..

[" Well i think it's best to buy him a boot but that shits expensive and I'm just a broke University student with a lot of savings

but it will be burnt in a single stretch If i bought one"]

The cab stopped as Aiden smiled at the driver and nodded

Getting off before a house with a big garden, a car still outside, he walked in

The house was silent but the TV still at it, the living room had two sets of sofa

As his brother watched a movie on Netflix ignoring him

"Kyle, did you study for your exam?"

["Of course he didn't"]

"Yea yea, did"

"Nah, go revise for the exam, pretty sure you will get your ass kicked this time if you don't score well"

"Ha just go do your work!"

"Hmm fine fine, did you buy any snacks?"



Aiden said as he took out a 10$ bill and placed it on the table and just walked inside

Upstairs at his room he sighed,

["Mother should be back at 8:30 and father by 10:30, it's honestly quite nerve wreaking"]



{ A sudden Air strike incoming! Red alert!, People are requested to stay safe!}

{ Jason: bitch! I saw the news! They are attacking our area!, There is an air strike!}


["The fuck is going on here!"]

Aiden rushed downstairs and saw his brother still watching Netflix as he took his phone and googled

Air strike safe place to stay at!

He searched


EAS flared as his brother looked at him, Aiden looked at him mobile clicking the first link he saw




["Haaahh!! Really?!!! There is no such think!, Only historical references and fucking bunkers where should I search for one!!!

What is a bunker?!"]

He breathed heavy as he searched what is a bunker as he pulled his brother close

They stood at the centre of house away from windows not below fans

[It's a specifically made-


"What is going on?!!"

"Calm the fuck down!"

He pulled his brother downstairs to the underground storage place

He pushed him to the corner as he pulled around the old furniture near trying to arrange it

So that the onlookers can think as if there is no one

"Stay there!"

[Bunkers and underground basement, i will take that now some small food and drinks that's good enough!]

He walked upstairs and slowly went and brought every eatable things he could hold with three bottles of water in fridge

And before going down he switched off the main power supply using his phones flashlight


He opened and closed the door and locked the door with the house key he held as he walked below the steps

He saw his brother fiddling with his phone texting faster

As he sat down and placed the food over a old table

He sat nearby his brother who was visibly shaking and just peeked at his phone

{ Friend 1: there is a air strike at your place!

Friend 2: i just hid at basement, nobody is at home! Not even my sister

Friend 3: should be just leave and fight?

Friend 4: yea you can't even fight the pee you are holding, fight military fuck yourself

Friend 5: is it really safe to stay at home?, What if it just drops down

Friend 1: we die}

"It's best if you don't use your mobile... It can be used"

Aiden said as he tried to call for his parents, police but the signal solwy weakened

His parents phone ringed back saying switched off and to calling police it just rang

"Is it really safe to stay here?"


Aiden nodded confidently

["Of course i don't know, i just thought so... As per the building being demolished, i don't know, I'm pretty sure it's not a war

So it will only last 3-4 hours at Max, so just keeping quiet is enough i hope so"]

[ "Well if I'm going to die i Better just hold by brother... And i should die listening to music!"]

He thought as he took his headsets

The outside was eerily quiet after two bombs as he wore it

His brother looked at him as if he is insane but he followed Aiden and wore his own headphones

As they blasted their respective music

[" It's a bad move if the other country started this war by foot but fuck it, I'm sure it's not going to be that far"]

He and his brother stayed close as the rock music made him shake his head slightly with his heart forgetting the situation he is in

Off course that doesn't mean he couldn't feel his brother's body trembling

For some reason he didn't feel any lingering fear

["Maybe because I just blast music in whatever emotion i feel to calm down it might have become a habit or I'm just confident in my hypothesis"]

He thought as he closed his eyes to the music


Aiden opened his eyes, his eyes were hazy as if he had been sleeping for awhile

His head felt like a swirling ball as he sighed


"Yes, are you okay! You slept for three days straight!"

"Huh? ______ huh?"


He tilted his head

["I tried saying airstrike but just air came out of my mouth, looking around what?!"]

His eyes twitched he saw a boy same as his brother, black hair blue eyed eeirely same with a same exact mole below his lower lips

But the boy wore extravagant dress like the one he never saw one wear in modern times

[ Ha shit, did I miss truck-kun? But this is eerily similar... It would've been nice if this boy is not here... No it would be nice if he died

Shit! Aiden! Think straight!"]

[" What do you think! It would be nice if this child is not fucking similar to my brother! My brother! Now i want to know whether he survived, is he alive!! And this boy is going to make my every cell remember this feeling"]

"Young master Kyle"

[And his fucking name is Kyle too!! Oh lord this is crazy!!]

He looked up and saw a butler behind him stood two knights

[ Wow... They look ripped...]

The butler bowed to him as the knights walked up holding a scroll

His body moved itself as his legs excereted pressure standing while his eyes wandering

His mouth spoke as if he was used to this ritual

"Is it an order from father?"

"Yes, your highness"

The knights said as they knelt prompting the butler and his brother look-alike to kneel

He is the only one who stood as he looked at the knight who unscrolled as he read out the content

"I hereby banish you for the crimes against our family, unless the council of investigators, prove your innocence you are to be banished from the lands of our family, chained and be a slave to baron wintermint,

In the name of the Archduchy of valentine, i declare it and Aiden samyual of valentine is stripped of his name, valentine and his position "


He couldn't think as he felt the knights get up, one knight swiftly made him wear a collar as they cuffed his legs and hands

Chains dangled as they pushed him to walk


He tilted his head as he was able to only take two steps