
Faeron: Realm Quest

Xiang Xiaowen suffered a short life on Earth. Abel Hawthorn suffered a miserable life on "another Earth". What do these 2 apparently separate people have in common and why did they merge amongst the countless beings within the multiverse? They don't know, but they'll eventually find out through the latest fully immersive Virtual Reality game released - Realm Quest! ************* First book, will be part of a series from well though out multi-verse that's been in the works for quite a while. Please be patient for the second and third books, just recently have I put my thoughts into words. If you wish to donate or support: https://www.patreon.com/Hard_Persimmon AI generated cover by Esteban Ibarra

Hard_Persimmon · Games
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93 Chs

Chapter 30- The Prophecy’s Riddle

Abel was joyfully making his way through the streets of Velskryn on his way to the old guardians' district.

He had already skinned the Rat Lord's after killing them and stuffed as much loot as he could fit into his 3 bags. The spacial bag took the most obviously but his starter sack and his other bag also took a hefty amount of Rat teeth and Tails.

Abel felt it was a pity he couldn't make full use out of his second bag but he needed an upgrade. After handing in the quest, he planned on selling off all his loot as well as his outdated bags.

He wasn't sure if Universal Bazaar purchased used goods but it wasn't a big deal if they didn't. He'd just sell them to any player that had their stalls set up in the central square.

The human kingdoms in Caelondia boasted of their merchants and commerce. That's why a large number of players that played as merchants decided to start here. Although there were plenty of other types of people that wanted to start off somewhere more remote, a majority of those in the region had their eye on gaining lots of gold through trade.

It wasn't easy, making money through Realm Quest was beyond difficult. Even as a merchant, a player had to be careful and assess their goods and customers well.

Without sufficient trading skills, they wouldn't be able to get good discounts from NPC's. Without a good network of strong players, they wouldn't be protected from monsters, bandits or other players on their trading routes.

It was tough to make it as a merchant in the game but if a person succeeded, then it would rain gold coins for days on end.

Abel found himself standing before the old weathered signboard once more. He was a little worried the store would be closed seeing as it was so late at night in Veridia's current time zone. He figured he'd try anyway, if it was closed then he'd just go and take care of his own business and come back in the morning.


Surprisingly, the door creaked open and Abel once again found himself standing in the middle of precariously piled items covered in dust and dirt.

"Excuse me…" He called out to the old man and just waited.

He figured old man Rye knew of his entering the shop, whether it was another small test to leave him waiting or the old man simply moved slowly, he would have to wait either way.

A few minutes passed before the back door slowly swung open and old man Rye made an entrance. The second he came through the door, the look on his face changed.

Abel took out the hammer from where ever it was hidden and extended it to the old man.

"I'm sorry to bother you so late at night sir. I completed your quest, there was indeed a reaction but it seems I can't give you the item."

Abel's voice betrayed a hint of embarrassment as he wasn't sure what to do. The quest clearly said to bring back the object but it was now bound to him. He was worried he'd fail the quest but he honestly didn't mind such a thing.

He had reaped more than enough from this hidden quest already. He found a new dungeon that would basically print money in the form of expensive Rat Meat loot. He had gained a hidden profession that advanced three of his stats by 5 points every level while advancing another three stats by 3 points. He also had that untouched ore mine that he was sure could sell for a pretty sum when he was done with its excavation.

Natural Resources in Faeron would refresh by their own rules. Abel still didn't know what type of ore was available in that dungeon but a mine with Iron ore could refresh fully every 3 days. While it would refresh a little every day, it wouldn't reach max capacity. He figured a mine in a small-scale dungeon like the Rat's Nest might need 3 days too.

Abel patiently waited with his arm outstretched, holding the hammer. Thankfully, the old man didn't seem to be angry. Instead, he looked… pleased?

 "So… he finally chose someone." Old man Rye mumbled in a voice only audible to himself but a moment later, he reverted back to his ancient yet strong demeaner.

"That's fine child. Since my big brother has chosen you as his inheritor, then you cannot do any injustice to his legacy!"

The information old man Rye revealed was surprising to say the least. Abel couldn't grasp how the old man before him was related to the blacksmith that owned the hammer in his hands.

He obviously heard him say they were brothers but he needed more information. He didn't hold back in his curiosity and respectfully asked,

"Sir, may I ask for more information about my esteemed master? I-I… I didn't really get all that much knowledge from the hammer. All I know is that he was a Battlesmith and his name… Stonebinder"

The old man seemed somewhat surprised, but after a moment he seemed to have a look of understanding. As though recalling something, the look in his eyes betrayed the nostalgia he felt when he heard Abel's words. He appeared to be lost in his memories, completely forgetting about the young man before him.

After a while, he came back to his senses and answered the question posed to him.

"First, I don't believe I have introduced myself. My name is Bryen Stonebinder, I was once the famous guardian for the Kingdom of Veridia. Although I am still the kingdom's guardian, most people now know me as old man Rye. As to my elder brother… his name was Branthor Stonebinder. He was renowned across the realms as one of the few Legendary blacksmiths, he transcended the ordinary and was fast approaching the realm of Divine. Branthor was not your typical smith; he was a Battlesmith! Despite the demands of his class for combat, he found solace in the craft. The art of forging was dearly held in his heart and he understood that to create truly powerful weapons and armor, a fusion of combat and craftsmanship was necessary."

The old man seemed to be agitated as he recalled those days with his brother. While Abel couldn't believe he was standing face to face with a Legend!

The realm of Legendary was something akin to a myth to the players. Although it was known to everyone, no one had met a Legend yet. Even the players that sought to join one of the many powerful churches across the world had never met anyone close to that realm.

"Big Brother was actually more powerful than me. He was far more powerful. In fact, without the weapons he customized for me, I would have died long ago in some battle long forgotten. But he always kept his strength hidden, only presenting himself to the world as a great blacksmith. Even those snobby Valtorian Dwarves respected big brothers forging skills. The last time we spoke, he seemed intent on following a clue to a myth forgotten in the annals of time. He didn't explain much, only that it was his path to advancement but it was exceedingly dangerous. He said, if he were to fail… then it was likely for him to perish."

The old mans eyes pooled with tears as he recalled their last conversation. His mood affected his aura, which in turn distorted the area around him. It didn't bring any harm but merely brought about a gloomy feeling that seemed innate to the space itself. It was like a grey, cloudy sky on the advent of a long rain.

Abel was terrified of what he was seeing and feeling, he inwardly gulped as the old man carried on.

"He placed our ancestors re-forged hammer in a secret spot just outside the city, leaving behind his will alongside it and… he simply never returned. I had gone to countless seer's, oracles and other mages specialized in fate yet they could not tell me anything. Even demigods couldn't discern my brothers' outcome. All that wealth squandered, only for an apology… what a bunch of umber wolf shit!"

The surroundings started rising in temperature as the old man suddenly turned angry when he recalled all the failed diviners he had gone to see before remembering something important.

The information he was casually revealing had long stunned Abel into a stupor. Legends were myths to the current players while anything related to gods was too far away, even for the players that joined their churches!

"Only one Fatescribe lived up to his reputation. He actually pulled out a string of characters in relation to big brother. He told me to pass this onto my brothers' inheritor, perhaps only then can I find some of the answers I seek."

The old Legend pulled out a yellowed parchment that looked ordinary. But after hearing what the old man had just said, Abel didn't dare look down on this mundane looking piece of paper. It was then that the system notification sounded out.


Quest: Clear out the Rat's Nest complete

+500 EXP


Quest Updated

The Prophecy's Riddle

The old Guardian has placed his faith in you to find out what happened to his older brother. Figure out the text and inform him of your findings.

Quest Difficulty: C

Quest Requirements: Battlesmith Profession

Quest Reward: ???

Although the 500 EXP rewarded wasn't much, it was still a welcome surprise. He thought the quest rewards would be the EXP from monsters he killed, the coins from the loot obtained and obviously the profession itself.

After taking a look at the quest details and difficulty, he felt a head ache forming. Although the difficulty of C was just a little greater than the last quest, he had a feeling that this type of difficulty would be different than fighting monsters.

He took a deep breath and accepted the parchment, the characters projected themselves before his eyes and wiggled around into a passage,

 In caverns deep where shadows breed, 

 A monster's nest, a young apprentice seen.

 Through winding paths, the legacy shown, 

 To where the smith's inheritance was left to be sown.

 Beneath the roots of an ancient mine,

 Find the hammer that is enshrined.

 Through echoes of hammers and anvils loud,

 To the forge of kin, where secrets shroud.

 A guardian awaits with a gaze of steel,

 Seek the entrance with a craftsman's feel.

 Past the flame that flickers bright,

 To the birthplace of weapons, shroud in light.

 Unlock the door, with knowledge profound,

 To claim the treasure, hear the ancestors sound.

Abel was surprised he understood half of the prophecy straight away. The first part was obviously talking about the dungeon. The legacy was shown after it was left to be sown, he found the hammer that was enshrined under the old mine.

The next part he wouldn't have understood without the backstory from the Legendary old guardian. He was obviously the kin shrouded in secrets after considering no one knew the old Legend was living in this shabby old shop. He was also a guardian awaiting any news of his brother with a gaze of steel, though he didn't understand the part about hammers and anvils.

After this, Abel was stumped. No matter how hard he looked over the text, he couldn't understand the remainder. He thought and thought but couldn't come up with anything, he figured he'd have to go to the city library and go through the kingdom and possibly the world's lore to get his answers.

He was dreading the difficulty even more now as he wasn't even sure he'd find the information in the public library but it had to be done. He put away the parchment, took a deep breath and finally said,

"Sir, although I understand some of it, it seems I'll need to access some history records to glean the truth of the prophecy. May I have some time to research and ponder over its meaning before giving you an answer?"

"Certainly! I wasn't expecting you to figure it out right away child. You can take a look at my brother's old records in the back and I can even grant you a pass to the royal library. You just need to show this to the guards at the castle's gate and they'll let you in. I just hope you'll figure it out soon. I have waited countless years for this glimmer of hope, waiting a few more days is not an issue."

The old man replied happily and handed Abel an intricate token with the Royal Family's crest.


Legendary Guardian Bryen's favorability towards you has increased.

'Ah.. I guess the faster I finish the quest, the better the reward.' Abel felt his spirit set ablaze when he realized the quest reward would depend on how fast he figured out the prophecy.

After thanking the old man, Abel respectfully told him he'd be back before bidding farewell. He needed to offload the loot stuffed in his bags!