
Factory Inc.

More than 500 years have passed since World war III, A war that changed everything. Humanity has long since recovered from the war's effect. Many human lives were lost, in return they also gained much more. But the Scars of war remains. Monsters and Beasts roam the Earth, and many places remain deadly due to radiation. Still, humanity stood firm and was able to persist and even surpass their ancestors in terms of science and technology. One day! A boy receives the greatest gift in the universe, in the form of a System that can produce factories. Now everything he needs is within his reach. He only needs to grasp this opportunity. But it won't be so easy, as he finds himself surrounded in a quagmire of conspiracies and attacks from powerful gods and demons that are trying to spread chaos in the universe. Follow Arc in his adventures to uncover the secrets of the System and the universe, while creating a safe haven for him and his loved ones. PS. I'm doing this by myself, and I'm no expert in English, so don't expect much. I'm just doing this for fun.. if you have any suggestions let me know every bit of it helps.

Gravedagger · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
274 Chs

268 Growth

V.66 Battle

Ghidorah despite its enormous size was very fast. And as a veteran warrior who has been into countless battles, he easily evaded Arc attacks and even manage to counterattack.

Arc notice the difference in the fighting experience between him and Ghidorah.

Ghidorah can easily deal with Arc's attacks, no matter how much he tried. Using first and tail. Ghidorah can easily block and counterattack at the same time without using magic or weapons.

At first, Arc only wanted to use his fist but as the fight goes on he started utilizing some of Diablo's weapons such as its cable-like hair that can fire compressed energy beam.

But despite that Ghidorah easily blocks all his attack. But despite being frustrated he seems to be having more fun. He was also successful in his experiment.

He was able to confirm that Diablo's energy comes from him. Or, to be more specific, the untapped power residing inside him. Arc knows that massive energy was sleeping inside him, Adam confirms it too. It's like Adam once said he has an ocean's worth of energy, but he was using straws to draw them out.

But for some reason, Diablo was able to tap into this massive energy inside him, he has no idea how much Diablo was able to tap but for now, he knows it was enough.

Despite using weapons with high energy consumption, Diablo's energy bar is still full.

Arc dodges the incoming tail attack of Ghidorah using the most minimal movement he can muster, and using that momentum he counterattacked.

Surprised for the first time, Ghidorah uses magic to block the attack. That could have hit him in the face.

The surrounding area was instantly demolished, craters can be seen all over the battlefield smoke and ash covered the entire area.

"He has good battle instinct, as expected of Adam's kin. He was watching Arc every movement. At first, he was kind of disappointed by how clumsy Arc's movement is.

But as the battles go on, he noticed that Arc's movement is starting to become refined and sharp. "He must have been getting used to the armor he was wearing." Ghidorah mused. He was almost fooled, thinking the enemy is a complete beginner.

Arc on the other hand was happy that he was able to fight a strong enemy willing to fight him in equal standing. If not with Ghidorah's strength, he would be defeated in no time at all. And because of that, he was able to progress and learn to improve his fighting ability very fast.

As the fight progress, Ghidorah thought Arc was testing him too and was also fighting him using minimal strength. This misunderstanding was stemmed from Ghidorah's experience fighting Adam's monstrous children.

And because of that Ghidorah was unable to use his full strength, he was afraid that if he used his full strength Arc would also do the same, and when that happens life and death would happen in an instant. But Ghidorah doesn't want that to happen he still has so many questions to ask Adam's Kin, and so during the fight, he was matching Arc's power and that allows Arc to improve his fighting ability very rapidly.

When Ghidorah was forced to use magic to block an attack, he knows he lost this exchange.

But he continues to counterattack, this time mixing magic with physical attacks, still matching Arc's energy output.

Arc was happy to oblige, in this fight alone he was able to progress much faster than all his battle experience combine. Ghidorah was able to match him in everything he does. Allowing him to progress much faster as his fighting instinct takes over.

BOOM, BANG.everywhere they go, the area was decimated. Buildings and hills vanished every time they clashed.

By now, Arc and Ghidorah are fighting for more than fifteen minutes. And there's almost no building intact even the small mountains have been destroyed, leaving the whole area where they are fighting a total wasteland.

At first, Lilly was envious, but as the fight progress, she can be seen shouting and cheering at her Boss. Eve on the other hand remains expressionless, she was watching and talking to ruby and the rest. A few minutes ago, She was able to confirm that Ruby and the rest were able to successfully get all the relics in the HOC vault.

They are now inside Specter waiting for further orders. They are also watching the fight that Eve was transmitting to Specter.

After blocking a magic attack, Arc dashes, using his wings to boost his speed. This is the first time he was using the wings to boost his strength and speed. It's not that he doesn't want to use it before, but because he was still getting used to fighting as Diablo. Using the wings would only make him vulnerable to attack.

But now that his control and fighting ability has progressed so much, he was confident in using the wings for boost. But as soon as he used it, he knows he greatly underestimates it. Luckily Diablos AI was able to correct his mistake, if not, he would be flying beyond Ghidorah and probably hitting a few mountains along the way.

But with the help of Diablo's AI, he appeared in front of Ghidorah in a blink of an eye. And because of that, Ghidorah was caught unprepared by Arc's sudden acceleration. If he uses blink, Ghidorah would be able to trace the energy and would be able to respond in kind. But because he uses the wings as a boost, Ghidorah was caught unprepared because of how fast it was. And so Arc for the first time was able to land a clean hit. A massive crater was formed when Ghidorah hit the floor. Green blood can be seen on his face.

But Arc didn't follow up the attack.

Ghidorah slowly gets up from the crater. The wound on his face is already healed, showing how great their regeneration is. There was still some trace of blood on his face, but all would have already been healed. It was only a minor would anyway, so Arc wasn't surprised when he sees it.

"Looks like I won this time," said Arc smiling.


Arc knows Ghidorah doesn't mean any harm, as he can't feel any killing intent on all its attacks. He figures Ghidorah is not an enemy, at least not yet.

"Shall we talk?"


Ghidorah sat down cross leg in the center of the crater. Moments later, his body began to shrunk down until it matches Diablo's size.

~Damn, so cool, ha can do anything~ Arc said on his mind.

"I don't know if I can answer all your questions, but I'll be happy to answer your question with my capability" Arc then flew down and sit in front of Ghidorah a few meters away. Lilly and Eve, knowing the fight is over, follow Arc down, Eve stands behind him while Lilly sits on diablo's right shoulder.

"First of all, you can call me Arc." Arc introduces himself and Ghidorah follows, Arc already knows the basic information regarding Ghidorah because of Eve.