
Facial Paralysis Husband, Good Morning

"Chu Zhaoyang, what are you doing unbuttoning?" Gu Nian stepped back. Chu Zhaoyang unbuttoned the last button of his shirt, "Sleep." "But it's daytime now, hey... weren't you going to sleep? Let me go first..." To outsiders, everyone thought that Master Chu was cold and face-paralyzed as if he didn't have any expression, but they didn't know that he was kidnapped when he was young and had nightmares every night. It wasn't until he met Gu Nian, that he suddenly felt that sleeping was quite enjoyable... He knew that there was someone living in her heart, and even if that person would never come back, all he had to do was to drive that person away and change the tenant in her heart. However, the person who should have been dead came back..... He said pitifully, "Gu Nian, I seem to be homeless." But Gu Nian pointed at his heart: "When you moved in, I signed a lifetime residence agreement with you." He laughed. .................................................... Hi guys, This time I'll try to translate one of my favorite novel that I've been a fan of. Since I can't find the novel in Webnovel, I thought about giving it a try to translate it. And, I would love to let you all enjoy this novel. Plus, if you know that this series is from the seven gentleman series. You may know that this novel is the third book before the story of Han Zuoli, The Long-awaited Mr Han

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187 Chs

Chapter 116 : Get Her Back!

Chu Zhaoyang turned around and went to find Mo Jingsheng. He happened to be in the corridor and saw Mo Jingsheng who had come out of the monitoring room and was walking this way.

Seeing him, Mo Jingcheng gradually slowed down his steps.

"Where are they?" Chu Zhaoyang asked.

Such a calm voice, but with a trembling anger.

Mo Jingsheng was silent, not knowing how to answer.

"Where are they!" Chu Zhaoyang suddenly raised his voice, his eyes were scarlet, and veins appeared on his neck.

His shouts could even be heard by people in the banquet hall.

Chu Jiahong, Xiang Yulan, Jiang Wanli and Tian Xinyue all followed, and when they heard Chu Zhaoyang's voice, they were all confused.

At the same time, they felt uneasy in their heart.

"Zhaoyang, what's wrong?" asked Xiang Yulan.

Because they knew the situation tonight, they were followed by bodyguards wherever they went, and they tried not to leave the banquet hall and act alone.

As if he couldn't hear Xiang Yulan's words, Chu Zhaoyang clenched his fists and his voice was lower than before, but with a slight tremor, as if...with fear: "Where are they?"

The tone was calmer than before, but it makes people's hearts tremble even more than before.

"Sorry, I've already asked someone to chase them." Mo Jingcheng said in a low voice.

"Why let her go!" Chu Zhaoyang's red eyes seemed to be bleeding at any time. He suddenly strode forward and grabbed Mo Jingsheng's collar, "Get her back!"

Chu Zhaoyang suddenly raised his voice and shouted: "Get her back!"

Xiang Yulan had never seen Chu Zhaoyang so agitated. Before he was seven years old, no child could be so angry.

And after he was seven years old, he was in the same situation. He rarely even had any emotions, let alone such anger.

Xiang Yulan was surprised and worried, and took a small step forward: "Zhaoyang, what's going on?"

Tian Xinyue also felt something was wrong and asked: "Where is Xiangxue? Isn't she always with you? Where has she gone? I saw they sealed the hotel. What happened? Where did Xiangxue go?"

"You said you were looking for someone, but Xiangxue has disappeared?" Xiang Yulan asked.

"Xiangxue is missing?" Tian Xinyue's face turned pale, and she grabbed Chu Zhaoyang's arm, "What happened to Xiangxue? What happened to her? Where did she go? What happened, tell me! "

Chu Zhaoyang was so irritable and wanted to tear someone apart that he didn't care about Jiang Xiangxue's life or death.

His Gu Nian was taken away, and his girl was now in danger, and it's all because of Jiang Xiangxue!

He wished that Jiang Xiangxue would just die, so that she would not hurt others.

He was so annoyed by Tian Xinyue's question that he was not willing to answer her at all. He shook Tian Xinyue's hand away unceremoniously, turned around and left.

Mo Jingcheng heard Chu Zhaoyang leaving and telling He Haoran: "Contact Lanshan Courtyard."

"What's going on? What's going on?" Tian Xinyue grabbed Mo Jingsheng again and asked.

Mo Jingsheng helped Tian Xinyue and talked about the matter in general.

When he turned around, he heard Tian Xinyue's cry behind him: "Save my daughter, save my daughter quickly!"


Gu Nian frowned and slowly opened her eyes. The back of her neck was still sore and felt intense discomfort.

Before her vision could be restored, she felt a chill first. The biting chill directly penetrated the waiter uniform she was wearing, irritating her skin and causing goosebumps to appear.

Her hands and feet were cold.

She tried to move her hands and feet, but found that they were handcuffed.

His sight gradually recovered, but it was of no use.

It was vaguely possible to tell that they were indoors, in a place similar to a bungalow in the countryside.

The windows were old-fashioned wooden frame windows, with one small grid and one small grid, not too big. In addition, the windows were very dirty and had not been wiped for an unknown period of time. The dust covered the windows with a layer of gray and white, preventing the only light outside, the moonlight, from shining in.

There was only a faint light in the room that could vaguely distinguish its own outline.

She and Jiang Xiangxue were leaned against a pillar together. The walls around the house were mottled and dirty. The plaster on the walls had almost fallen off, leaving the bricks inside overlapping, uneven, with missing corners and edges.

Even the ground where she was sitting was like this. A biting coldness penetrated into her skin. Because she had been immobile for a long time, the coldness became stronger and stronger.

This house looked like it had not been able to hold back for a long time.

She could also hear the calls of birds, insects, cats and dogs coming in from time to time.

Gu Nian moved her wrists and ankles a few times to let her hands and feet moved freely.

Then, the arm that was handcuffed on the back was raised as high as possible, and the elbow was bent to an arc that could no longer be bent.

At the same time, tilt her head back and bring the back of her head as close to her fingers as possible.

Finally, after several times, her fingertips pinched a thin hairpin in her hair. A very ordinary black hairpin without any decoration.

The waiter's hair style was required to be pulled up and meticulous. This hairpin was what she used to fix her broken hair, but she didn't expect it to work at this time.

She found the keyhole of the handcuffs with her fingertips, and slowly move the hairpin into the keyhole of the handcuffs.

This skill was given to her by the president of the club she joined when she was still in college.

At that time, the president said that they would be policemen in the future, and of course they could not use their skills to do anything illegal or disciplinary.

But no one could guarantee that there will not be any accidents when performing tasks in the future. It was still necessary to master the skills of unlocking.

When she asked the president how he came up with the idea of ​​learning this.

Gu Nian still remembered that the president touched his nose and said with an embarrassed smile: "Because I often acted in TV dramas and thought it was very cool, so I went to learn it."

However, the president still felt that this was a very useful skill.

After Gu Nian learned it, she never had the chance to use it. After so many years, her hands were a little raw, and she wasn't sure whether she could succeed this time.

At this time, Gu Nian could no longer felt the cold. She was highly focused and a little nervous. Unconsciously, sweat broke out on her forehead and body.

When unlocking, she should also pay attention to the sounds outside, in case someone comes in from outside.

This idea came to her not long ago, and it turned out that whatever she's afraid of will happen.

She heard the sound of someone coming in.

Gu Nian quickly stopped moving, closed her eyes and pretended to be unconscious.

She heard the sound of the door opening in front of her, a harsh creaking sound from the old door, and then the sound of footsteps.

The footsteps circled the room before going out.

Faintly, she heard the discussion of the two people outside: "How is it, we got in touch?"

"They will arrive tomorrow, let's keep them safe tonight."

Judging from the voices, they should be the bald man and the scarred man who kidnapped them.

"Okay, I'll go take a nap first, you stay there for three hours, and then I'll take your place." The bald man said.

"You don't need to be so cautious. The two people are tied up inside. They are just two women. How can they make a big difference?" The man with the scar said disapprovingly.

"You have to be cautious and don't get into any accidents. From my perspective, that female police officer doesn't look like a fuel-efficient person." said the bald man.

With that said, the scarred man also came to talk about sex, and asked quite gossiping: "Tell me, among the two, who is Chu Zhaoyang's girlfriend?"

"Who knows, I think the one with the surname Jiang is more likely. She is dressed so stylishly. ***, she is very beautiful at night, and she always stands with Chu Zhaoyang, for fear that others will not know that she and Chu Zhaoyang Yang's relationship. Everyone at the banquet knew about her affair with Chu Zhaoyang, so how could she still run away?" the bald man said, suddenly vomiting something unknown.

"I think, if that doesn't work, chop off a finger from each of them and give it to Chu Zhaoyang. There must be one of them that he cares about." The scarred man suggested.

"Don't worry about it blindly. When people come tomorrow, they will make a decision." The bald man said.

The scarred man clicked his tongue twice, and his voice became a little lewd: "Rich people really know how to enjoy themselves. On the surface, they have a lady from a wealthy family as their girlfriend, and behind the scenes, they find a policeman to seduce them in uniform. Life is really good."

"Okay, once the matter is resolved, I don't think the superiors will actually let these two women go. If not, then let us have a good time first. Then what kind of rich lady, what kind of uniform... seduction,  you can experience everything that rich people experience, and you also enjoy the same treatment as them." The bald man laughed twice.

After hearing this, the scarred man licked his tongue obscenely, rubbed his hands and nodded: "Yes, yes, you are right."

Gu Nian was trembling all over as she listened, and her heart became colder and colder.

After a long time, the two stopped talking, and Gu Nian continued to open the lock.