
Facial Paralysis Husband, Good Morning

"Chu Zhaoyang, what are you doing unbuttoning?" Gu Nian stepped back. Chu Zhaoyang unbuttoned the last button of his shirt, "Sleep." "But it's daytime now, hey... weren't you going to sleep? Let me go first..." To outsiders, everyone thought that Master Chu was cold and face-paralyzed as if he didn't have any expression, but they didn't know that he was kidnapped when he was young and had nightmares every night. It wasn't until he met Gu Nian, that he suddenly felt that sleeping was quite enjoyable... He knew that there was someone living in her heart, and even if that person would never come back, all he had to do was to drive that person away and change the tenant in her heart. However, the person who should have been dead came back..... He said pitifully, "Gu Nian, I seem to be homeless." But Gu Nian pointed at his heart: "When you moved in, I signed a lifetime residence agreement with you." He laughed. .................................................... Hi guys, This time I'll try to translate one of my favorite novel that I've been a fan of. Since I can't find the novel in Webnovel, I thought about giving it a try to translate it. And, I would love to let you all enjoy this novel. Plus, if you know that this series is from the seven gentleman series. You may know that this novel is the third book before the story of Han Zuoli, The Long-awaited Mr Han

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Chapter 115 : Why Didn’t She Die?

The two men behind him obviously didn't expect to meet anyone. One of them had a gloomy expression and hit Jiang Xiangxue with something, causing Jiang Xiangxue to stumble and her waist to sway.

"Ms. Jiang." Gu Nian thought for a few times, turned on the intercom, walked over, stopped in front of them, blocked their way, pretended not to know anything and asked with a smile, "The dinner has started, where are you going?"

At the same time, her whole body was on guard, and her hands were ready to draw her gun at any time.

The man behind Jiang Xiangxue pushed her with a gun again, warning her not to play tricks.

Jiang Xiangxue's lips trembled, completely losing the pride and arrogance she had when facing Gu Nian before.

Gu Nian lowered her eyes slightly, looking at Jiang Xiangxue's waist, and then gave Jiang Xiangxue a wink, telling her to calm down and not to act rashly.

Who knew that, Jiang Xiangxue suddenly said: "Catch her, she is Chu Zhaoyang's girlfriend, I am not! You have arrested the wrong person!"

Gu Nian's expression changed and she quickly stepped back.

The two men behind Jiang Xiangxue were also stunned for a moment and looked at each other.

"She is looking for a scapegoat. Everyone here today knows that she is going to be engaged to Chu Zhaoyang. Don't talk so much nonsense to her. Let's go!" said the bald man next to him.

"What should we do with she?" Another man with a scar two to three centimeters long at the base of his ear pointed at Gu Nian and said.

"Deal with her." The bald man said in a deep voice.

Gu Nian loved and hated her. If Jiang Xiangxue hadn't wanted to harm her, Gu Nian could have delayed time and asked her colleagues to come over and catch these two people. She and Jiang Xiangxue would have been fine.

Now that Jiang Xiangxue had interfered, it was too late to do anything.

"Gu Nian, what's going on over there?" Li Shaofeng's voice came from the headset.

Before Gu Nian could answer, the scarred man led Jiang Xiangxue forward and warned: "Don't say anything, or I'll kill you!"

The other bald man pointed his gun at Gu Nian.

Gu Nian hurriedly avoided it, and there happened to be a trash can next to it, which looked very important.

Gu Nian used all her strength to kick the trash can towards the bald man.

After buying herself some time, Gu Nian hurriedly said to the intercom: "Someone has sneaked in and kidnapped Jiang Xiangxue. In the direction of the six o'clock aisle, immediately notify the first team and the second team to watch the door."

"Damn it, this woman is a policeman!" the bald man said to the scarred man.

Jiang Xiangxue took the opportunity to shout: "She is Chu Zhaoyang's girlfriend, catch her and let me go! It's useful to catch her, but it's useless to catch me! Chu Zhaoyang went to find her just now! The person Zhaoyang really cares about is her!"

While avoiding the bald man's attack, Gu Nian took the opportunity to shoot at the bald man, but missed.

Hearing Jiang Xiangxue's words, he said angrily: "Jiang Xiangxue, you'd better be quiet!"

"Look, I was right! Let me go and replace me with her! If you want to chop off hands, come to her!" Jiang Xiangxue shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Shut up!" The scarred man was impatient when Jiang Xiangxue shouted, so he raised his hand and slapped Jiang Xiangxue on the face.

Jiang Xiangxue had never been treated like this before. She had been pampered and cared for since she was a child. People around her, not only family members, but also relatives, friends, classmates, and colleagues, never dared to say harsh words to her, let alone taking action.

After being beaten like this, Jiang Xiangxue's jaw was crooked, half of her face was swollen, her head was confused, snowflakes kept falling in front of her eyes, and her ears on that side were buzzing.

"The police are coming, stop fighting with her, let's go!" the scarred man said to the bald man.

"What if what this woman said is true?" The bald man hesitated.

"Then take them away together!" The scarred man gritted his teeth.

It was impossible for Gu Nian to really let Jiang Xiangxue be taken away by these two people. Jiang Xiangxue had a personal grudge against her.

But above all, she was also a police officer.

She must fulfilled her duties as a police officer and protect the safety of citizens.

"Gu Nian, hold on, I've sent people to support you! Try to hold them back." Mo Jingsheng's voice sounded in the headset.

The bald man's pistol was silenced, and another shot came, but Gu Nian barely dodged it.

Upon seeing this, the scarred man directly hit Jiang Xiangxue on the back of the neck with the gun holder, knocking her unconscious.

Jiang Xiangxue fell softly on the carpet of the aisle.

The scarred man also joined in and attacked Gu Nian together with the bald man.

While Gu Nian was avoiding the bald man, the scarred man raised his leg and kicked the gun out of Gu Nian's hand.

The bald man took the opportunity to knock Gu Nian unconscious, pulled out the headset and intercom from Gu Nian's ears, and threw them away.

"Let's go!" the scarred man said, and went to pick up Jiang Xiangxue.

The bald man also carried Gu Nian, but the two of them did not go to the door. Instead, they took the elevator to the top floor.

If she was sober at this time, she would know that something bad was going on.

Their arrangement was to block Shengyue's front and rear exits. There were also their people at the entrance of the banquet hall, and others were scattered inside the banquet hall.

But no one expected that the kidnapper would not go to the exit, but to the roof.

The bald man and the scarred man carried Gu Nian and Jiang Xiangxue to the roof of Shengyue's building, and heard a deafening roar.

The further they go, the stronger the wind becomes.

It turned out that a helicopter was hanging over the hotel and was about to land slowly.

The bald man and the scarred man ran over quickly. In addition to the pilot, there was also a person who assisted them on the helicopter and pulled Gu Nian and Jiang Xiangxue up.

The bald man and the scarred man also climbed up, and the helicopter flew away immediately.


The first team and the second team each sent two people to reinforce, while the rest stayed in place, preparing to intercept.

At this time, on the intercom, the people sent by the first and second teams for

reinforcements replied: "There is no one here, and there are signs of fighting at the scene."

Everyone looked at each other and rushed to the banquet hall immediately. On the way, they heard Mo Jingsheng's voice: "They took the elevator and went up! Chase them!"

"Li Shaofeng, take your people and search for them floor by floor. Zhang Jiangke, take the first team and go through the emergency exit. Hu Wentao, take the second team and go directly from the elevator to the top floor." Mo Jingsheng said quickly.

He stood up with a sullen face and looked at the security director: "Now, immediately seal off the entire hotel, no one is allowed in, no one is allowed out!"

Mo Jingsheng blamed himself. He kept staring at the surveillance screen and actually missed the two people and failed to identify the two kidnappers.

When Gu Nian finally struggled with the two of them, she quickly informed them, but was still a step too slow, and actually watched as Gu Nian was taken away.

Mo Jingcheng had a headache and rubbed his temples. He was worried about Gu Nian's safety and didn't know how to explain it to Chu Zhaoyang.

"Switch the monitoring to the elevators on each floor!" Mo Jingsheng said.

The monitoring switch was completed, but because of the angle, he couldn't see the screen on the elevator, and he didn't know which floor it was on.

Only two people were seen carrying the unconscious Gu Nian and Jiang Xiangxue respectively.

There was no movement at all on the other screen, the elevator door.

"They probably went to the top floor." Mo Jingsheng frowned deeply, "Is there a helicopter prepared?"

At this time, the banquet hall has been sealed off.

The guests also noticed something was wrong and there was some confusion.

Chu Zhaoyang frowned and asked He Haoran: "Are they here already?"

"I'll ask." He Haoran whispered, then turned to ask.

Chu Zhaoyang frowned and looked at the whole place, but he couldn't find Gu Nian.

That girl, didn't she say she would stay where she could see him?

At this time, He Haoran came back, with a look of hesitation and difficulty in speaking.

"What's going on?" Chu Zhaoyang asked coldly, his expression became cold and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

But he still held on to hope, hoping that He Haoran would tell him that everything was normal, that the person had been arrested, and that Gu Nian was fine.

However, He Haoran opened his mouth and finally said with difficulty: "It is true that someone sneaked in and captured... captured Jiang Xiangxue. In order to stop them, Miss Gu was taken away by the other party. Now the entire hotel is blocked. Mr. Mo is instructing his men to find them."

Chu Zhaoyang's cold face slowly rose with easily discernible anger, his hands clenched into fists, and his eyes became increasingly red with anger.

"Why didn't she die?" These words were obviously meant by Jiang Xiangxue.

She seeking her own death, why dragged Gu Nian too!

"Are those people still there?" Chu Zhaoyang asked.

"Probably gone." He Haoran replied in a low voice, not daring to express his anger at this time.