
67. Suspicious

Zorion returned to the castle. It was early morning. The sun was about to rise at any moment. He could see the castle from far. It looks lively. 'Seems like they are awake early today.' He thought.

He rode his horse straight to the castle. His mind was thinking about the incident that happened today. He couldn't believe they went this far, things were getting out of his hand. He halted his horse in front of the castle and waited for the draw bridge to pull down. He took his horse inside and jumped down from the horse. He then directly went into the throne room. The soldiers were assembled in the throne room whilst Lycaon was sitting on the throne.

"What's the meeting all about, early in the morning?" He said while walking in the room.

Lycaon raised his eyes and faced Zorion. "Where were you?" He asked in a commanding voice.

The way he sat on the throne and the way spoke. It looks like there's some matter going on.