
F*ck Your Boss, I'm in Charge

' I'm sorry Sir, Madam has instructed not to let you enter her room.' The Butler says. Kevin King was speechless, That was his room! ' I'm sorry Boss, Madam is doing a livestream and has told us to not let anyone enter her office.' The Head Security personnel says. Kevin King was confused, Wasn't that his office? ' I'm sorry Kevin but I can't talk to you till you apologize to Melody. She said she wants all of us to ghost you till you acknowledge your mistake.' Mrs King says. Kevin was stunned, His own mother was ghosting him ' I'm sorry Dad, but Mom said we can't let you leave the house.' Four little buns stop him from passing. Kevin was dumbstruck, Were these really his kids? An accidental one night stand led into a contract marriage between a rich CEO and his domineering singer. After being orphaned at 9 years, Melody Maxwell is forced to fend for herself and her siblings any legal means possible. Things are looking up as she successfully retired from a special agent society but what's the deal about getting a job in the entertainment industry and a husband? Forced to abide by the society's rules, Melody Maxwell enters the legendary flash marriage with Kevin King. Before marriage, Kevin King was the overbearing strict man who was only docile to his elder brother. Melody Maxwell only wanted to be lazy, earn lots of money for her younger siblings and enter hibernation. After Marriage, Kevin King is now the cannon fodder for his domineering wife's antics. Melody Maxwell has only one goal : Make that arrogant Mr King submissive! Who was Melody Maxwell? Retired top special agent, Best Hacker in Fiesta Country and the famous singer ever to enter the entertainment industry. At a family interview for Father and kids ' Who troubles the most in your family?' The interview asks. ' Mom!' Four little buns chorus. ' How submissive is your mother?' The interviewer asks. ' Ha Ha ha! You can't use submissive and my mother in one sentence.' The Kids says. ' Our Mother Mel is domineering and on top.' Netizen A says. ' Our She-devil is submissive to noone.' Netizen B says. ' No one dares to go against our music Goddess, MMS.'

Dontaskmewhy · Urban
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6 Chs


Yes everything was Thier plan. They wanted nothing more than for their mother Mel to be settled down so they conspired with the agency to add the marriage clause and also a job in the entertainment industry.

Who could blame them? Melody's Plan of seclusion was like slow paced suicide to them and they wouldn't let it happen.

' We'll help our brother in law from the sidelines. Let's make them fall in love, if after one year they don't. I'll take the poison.' Aiden says.

Tony had developed a type of poison that stayed dormant for three years before it starts destroying the body. That was Thier Plan B. If mother Mel still refused to not hibernate, they could only take a drastic step to make her stay.

' Hopefully it won't come to that. Come let's go visit our brother In law.' Tony says.

' Why?' Jeremy asks.

' Our task will be a lot easier if our brother in law starts wooing her for real. So let's go and start infiltrating his heart.' Tony says.


Kevin was printing out the contract when he hears the doorbell ringing..

Kevin King preferred his own company so he lived alone in his mansion with the cleaning service coming to clean the house thrice a week.

He activated the video transmission. Seeing the three guys, his green eyes are filled with curiousity.

He opens the door via remote control.

He goes down to welcome his guests.

' Mr King, we have something to discuss with you. It's about Melody.' Aiden says.

' Okay. Please sit down, make yourself at home.' Kevin says. What could they want? It wouldn't be the cliché, " Stay away from her" talk, right?

' Please take care of Mother Mel.' Jeremy says with reddened eyes.

Hehe, time to activate my acting skills.

' You can do whatever you want in this life but you must make sure that during the time Mother Mel is married to you, don't hurt her. Though I doubt if you have the capability of doing so but still if you do I promise I'll....'

' Jeremy! Chill out. We aren't at war. Listen Mr King, Melody is different from your regular girl. She can be very overbearing and blunt and don't doubt her ability to attract trouble. Don't worry she won't go passes her limit but still refrain from mentioning her upbringing because of any such matters because believe me, you will see the reincarnation of the devil.' Tony says.

' One more thing, no matter what happens never wake a sleeping Melody up. No matter what happens.' Aiden adds.

' These aren't any problems but may I ask why you are overly worried?' Kevin asks. He could understand that they had expectations but they were behaving as though it was a matter of life and death.

The three guys exchange glances and sighed at the same time.

' You see, ever since Mother Mel witness our parents' death. It was as if the devil in her was unleashed and she developed a fiery temper. We know she's really a good person but not many people know that.' Jeremy says with a melancholic look.

' How exactly did they die?' Kevin ask. The information revealed nothing about their death.

' There was an explosion and it happened right in front of a 9 year old child. She watched our family members explode and her father's finger landed on her lap. I remember that Tony, Aiden and I wanted to jump into the beach and die as well. But somehow, Melody knew how to comfort us and encourage us forward. That lying shedevil! She would say it is all in the past. But she's the one that would punch the wall every night and then she...'

' Jeremy forget it. My apologies Mr King, Jeremy tends to talk alot.' Tony says while glaring at Jeremy.

' Thank you for your time Mr King, We'll take our leave now. Please don't mention this visit to Melody.' Aiden says as he shook hands with Kevin.

' Sure no problem.' Kevin replies.

' We are leaving now. Bye brother in law.' Jeremy says smiling. The other two glared at him while dragging out.

Kevin was amused, this group seemed quite comical.


' Wow. You guys are even better actors than me. Little Pig, Little lamb you guys are really something. If you guys get tired of eSports and cooking you can always apply for a role. I know a few directors.' Jeremy says.

Jeremy, Aiden, Tony and Melody were in the Secret Agent Society (SAS) till Melody completed tasks to redeem their freedom.

After redeeming your freedom (a.k.a retiring), you have to choose a job that is not suspicious so as to avoid attracting old enemies.

Jeremy went for acting was debuted as Acting King on his first year. He was now a two Time award winning best Actor. ( P.S He had been in the industry for two years now.)

Tony joined eSports and became the best player for Fiesta Country. He always led the Fiesta Dragons (official eSports team of Fiesta Country ) and became the youngest team captain in history.

Aiden always loved eating (which added charm to his nickname as a little pig) so he became a very popular celebrity chef. Money alone couldn't buy his services.

' Guys tomorrow is onesie day.' Tony says.

' Hmm. I have cleared all my schedule for tomorrow.' Jeremy says.

' I'll go get hotdogs and ingredients for barbecue.' Aiden says.

' Then I'll go get orange juice.' Jeremy says.

' I'll go get the real drinks.' Tony replied..

Onesie day was a commemoration to the time when the four became friends and Melody got them onesies.

A rabbit onesie for Jeremy since she said he looked kind and innocent but definitely had hidden claws.

A lamb onesie for Tony since she said he was meek, docile and stuck to his group.

A pig onesie for Aiden since he was a big foodie and was very smart.

She got herself a tiger onesie claiming she was the queen of the jungle and their mother cub.


Bright light Entertainment.

Melody walked in and was immediately received by a sweaty man who looked nervous.

' Miss Maxwell, please come with me.' The man said fawningly.

Melody Maxwell smirked. This was the power of information.

The man was the boss of Bright light Entertainment, the third most influential agency for idols. She just hacked into his computer and found some dirt on him. He had a mistress and a son who was older than his legitimate children. He had to keep them secret because his wealth came from his wife's home.

In the office,

' Name your price.' The man says.

' Oh it's simple. I want to be recruited in your company as a singer and I want my own manager and assistant. I hear there's this popular variety show what's the name again? Aha, 100 Days to Fame. That one, I want to participate in it. This is a song I recorded, I need it published on your company's FatApp* account.' Melody said listing her conditions while sipping hot chocolate.

' Just that? No problem, Miss Maxwell. You can drop by this weekend to pick your manager and assistant. And I will email you the info on the show.' The boss says internally sighing in relief. He had thought that she would demand an exorbitant amount. Luckily the director of the show was his close friend.

Melody takes her bag and leaves the building.

She sees a figure at the entrance waving at her.

Her face revealed no emotion but she was drowning in curiousity.

What was her nominal husband doing here?


FatApp- Fictional all-purpose app in Fiesta Country.

This book is fictional. All characters, Setting and plot are not real.

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