
Eyes of Abyss

Zain an orphan, whose parents were killed by a psychopath in cold blood trying to find meaning in his life and to seek revenge. Adopted by a mafia boss as his successor. Will he be able find the meaning of his life or die trying? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Author's Note: NO HAREM!!!!! I am a newbie and its my first ever novel. I am writing this novel in my free time. My English is subpar so JUST bear with it. And have fun until I drop it.(just kidding). The artwork in the cover does not belong to me. (I know the book cover is not good, I will change it later).

Anubis_Death · Realistic
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4 Chs

A new start.

I bowed towards the director of the orphanage, I knew he helped me with the the trouble I made during my stay here. He nodded at me and said "Good bye."

I entered the car with the old man looking at the orphanage for the last time. The old man sat next to me, while the driver started the car. The car was the famous Rolls-Royce brand. I was surprised to know that this old man is more rich than I thought.

"I am from Mafia." he said. My eyes opened wide, I was shocked at first then thought it was funny, my life will be adventurous I guess "You don't have to worry, no one is gonna touch, I am your new father after all." He said jokingly.

I knew that this old man has some ulterior motive to adopt me. Not that I care. We left the small town, and arrived at London in a couple of hours. Its really a big city, it would be a lie if I said i was not fascinated by the beauty of the city.

We stopped at a luxurious villa estate, the gates opens up automatically and the car enter the gates. This was villa was different than the other villas I saw on the road, it was at least five times bigger. The car stopped at the door of the villa. The old man and I got out of the car and entered the villa. A butler came to the door to greet us. "Welcome master." He said politely and then looked at me "You too, young master."

"The dinner is ready master, it will be served in 15 minutes." He said. "I have some tasks to complete, you can go and take a tour of your new home." The old man said. He went away with the butler while a staff member gave me a tour of the villa. I had a mixture of feelings. "So, this is going to be my new home, now I am really looking forward to my future" He thought.

At dinner, I saw the old man sitting on the chair opposite to me. "Zain Acker, I have chosen you yo be my successor, You will be called Zain Azzaro from now on. I never had a family, I never married." Their was a strange light in his eyes when he said that "But you have to prove yourself, if you are worthy of the name Azzaro."

The old man looked at the kid who was still wet behind the years (Literally). "You don't have to worry about anything you will be trained" he said while looking into the deep black eyes of the kid. He knew that this kid will become a monster, he believed in his intuition, which has saved him many times.

"Your training will start in a week, you should enjoy the luxuries until you can" he said with a smirk on his face. I looked at his smirk without a tiny bit of emotion on my face. I was just looking forward to the training.

I ate my dinner and went to my room which was showed to me by the servant. It was elegantly furnished. A phone and laptop were present on the table for me. It's going to be fun. I thought.

“The rest of us can find happiness in misery.”

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