
Eyes of Abyss

Zain an orphan, whose parents were killed by a psychopath in cold blood trying to find meaning in his life and to seek revenge. Adopted by a mafia boss as his successor. Will he be able find the meaning of his life or die trying? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Author's Note: NO HAREM!!!!! I am a newbie and its my first ever novel. I am writing this novel in my free time. My English is subpar so JUST bear with it. And have fun until I drop it.(just kidding). The artwork in the cover does not belong to me. (I know the book cover is not good, I will change it later).

Anubis_Death · Realistic
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4 Chs

A crime scene

Many Years ago,

In a small town of England,

It is a freezing night of December, a kid of almost ten is sleeping in his room


He woke up by the sound of breaking glass from downstairs, he was frightened, just then he heard the cries of his parents. He was too afraid to even breath. He laid back on the bed and tried to hide himself in blankets waiting for his parents to come into the room, after waiting for almost an hour which felt like an eternity, not a single soul entered the room.

He was terror-stricken, but he still got up from the bed and started walking towards the door of the room. He opened the door with the minimal noise, he with his shaking legs came downstairs, into the kitchen, he saw some red liquid coming out of the kitchen, his innocent mind didn't knew what this red liquid was.

From his deep black eyes he saw, his parents sleeping on the floor in odd positions while the blood was coming out of their bodies. He came to his mother and started shaking her. "Mom.... Mom..." He was barely able to pronounce the words while crying, but he got no response from her. He looked at his father who was still sleeping. He ran out of the kitchen to get the phone from the lounge, then he called the emergency helpline [999].

Biu..... Biu..... Biu..... Biu....

The boy was covered in blood when the ambulance arrived, a while later a team of cops came. The whole kitchen was filled with blood. Everything inside the kitchen was a mess. Clearly a crime scene where a couple was killed by a psychopath. "Anything found from the bodies?" The police chief asked. "The bodies were upside down when the paramedic came in. 15 cuts from a dagger were found on each of the bodies, they died an horrible death, everything was in a complete mess but their were no fingerprints present on the crime scene." the cop said who was on the verge of throwing up after seeing the blood bath.

"You are still new to these scenes, (sigh) it's a loss for the child. By the way did you find any relative or friend of the the couple." the chief said. "No, sir there's none. They came here 10 years ago after their marriage. The husband worked in a research lab here while the lady was a house wife. They only had some friends from here."

"This is the first time a case like this happened. We need to find the killer as soon as possible. We have a psychopath here trying to take the lives of the town people. Nothing should be leaked to the media for now, or it would be difficult to calm down the town's people." chief said anxiously. "Sir, what should we do to the kid?" he said. "Send him to the orphanage." chief said with a hint of sadness.

Today a child lost his only family. But no one in the world would have thought that there was more in fate for this little kid who became an orphan in one night.

“When he shall die,

Take him and cut him out in little stars,

And he will make the face of heaven so fine

That all the world will be in love with night

And pay no worship to the garish sun.”

Anubis_Deathcreators' thoughts