
Eye System in RWBY

Our MC used to be an idol, singing, dancing and seducing were all in the job description. Unfortunately, a fan was a bit too enthusiastic about him and kidnapped him. Spending time in a crazy woman's sex dungeon was surprisingly fun but that’s beside the point. He ended up dying to a different woman that had found him chained up. Without explanation, he woke up in a far more attractive body in a world full of attractive women. There is no world better suited for out protagonist. …He also had an Eye Power System but who cares.

BillNyeThePGGuy · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs


Understanding that Raven knew that he was there despite not being able to see him, Gojo deactivated his invisibility and promptly threw her bed's blankets on her.

Out of instinct, Raven was about to cut the blanket in half as it was coming towards her all of a sudden, but she was able to stop herself and cover below her shoulders with the blanket.

"Sorry for perving, but we need to talk Raven." Gojo spoke to her. She knew that he had no hostile intentions, she had to know otherwise she would've been killed many times long ago.

"..." Her silence was a signal for him to continue.

"I've heard from a special somebody that Raven is actually quite the caring mother, watching over the daughter she abandoned." This was the theory that Salem and he came up with. Judging by her frequent outings with no other sightings of her, it was assumed that she'd watch over Yang while still on the run. Meaning that she was forced to leave Tai, but alike Summer.

Both Summer and Raven had been betrayed by Tai, although it was uncertain if Ozpin had a hand in it.

"...as if I care about that little slut." Raven replied with a venom tone. Despite her words, Gojo was confident in his theory.

"You know, even though she was abandoned by you, she's still looking for you. She's already given up on getting her mother back, but she wants answers." He spoke. He tried to appeal to her sympathy. To his surprise, Raven's expression shifted ever-so-slightly.

"Tsk. Why have you come here?" She questioned.

"To set up a meeting between you and your daughter. If you're lucky, I might even throw Summer and Ruby in there." Gojo spoke. She scowled.

"Summer? She's already dead, don't bullshit me." Raven was just about ready to kill Gojo.

"Except she isn't. I saved her a while ago and she's seeking refuge in my house. Tai can't find her, Ozpin can't find her." He informed.

"What do you know of Ozpin? You think that just because you know his name you can earn my trust?" Raven retorted. She was grasping at straws as to not get influenced by Gojo's words. Despite running away, she was still best friends with Summer before she was killed. Her greatest regret after having to abandon Yang is that she was too scared to tell Summer about Tai and Ozpin.

"I know about Ozpin, and I know about Salem." Gojo replied. As expected, Raven was shocked once again. Anyone could look at what happened to Raven and Summer and guess what happened. Most that figured it out, didn't say anything about it. They didn't want to become Ozpin's enemy after all. However, Salem was kept a secret to anyone but Ozpin's best huntsman and huntresses. Therefore, Gojo knowing about Salem gave him a higher degree of trust. However...

"As if that proves anything! You can still be Ozpin's spy." Raven continued. This level of paranoia is exactly was kept her tribe alive.

"That's true. How would you like to be convinced? Shall I bring Summer here? Or should I show you that Salem isn't a threat if you're my ally?" He asked. Raven took a couple dozen seconds to process everything that had happened and what her next action should be. While she was thinking it through, Gojo enjoyed staring at her body.

"How would you show me that Salem isn't your enemy. And why should I care?" Raven asked. Knowing what would happen will allow her to make counter-measures.

"You see, I have multiple girlfriends. It just so happens that Salem is one of them. And you'd care, because you can see Summer, Ruby and Yang without the danger of being caught by Ozpin or Tai.

"...you expect me to believe that not only do you have Salem as a girlfriend, but Ozpin can't track you?" She laughed at his idiocy, and herself for starting to believe in him. She then stabbed her bloodied sword towards Gojo's neck.

Of course, Limitless wouldn't allow that. The sword stopped before it could make contact with his neck. While attacking, Raven dropped her towel in order to gather more momentum for the attack. Now with Raven's naked body in front of him, Gojo pulled her closer, to the point where he had to de-activate Limitless on his chest in order for her nude body to come into contact with him.

As soon as Raven felt Gojo's erection against her pussy, she was about to attack again, but was interrupted by Gojo's kiss. He invaded her mouth, using his tongue without mercy. He assumed Yang got some of her horny traits from her mother. And he was right, Raven melted into the French kiss, it was too good for her to resist.

In fact, it'd been so many years since she last got laid, that the kiss completely emptied her mind, to the point where she accidentally dropped her weapon.

To clang on the ground was enough to wake Raven up, and she tried to punch Gojo. The attack was once again stopped by Limitless. She struggled but couldn't get out of Gojo's embrace.

"Are you sure I couldn't get Salem with this level of power?" He asked her. She stopped struggling for a second to think about it. From what little she'd seen from it; she was extremely impressed with the semblance. No doubt Raven would try to recruit Gojo if he hadn't embraced her while she was nude.

Even if he was just Salem's boy toy, it would still provide protection against Ozpin should she got on good terms with him.

"...if you can prove that you can provide Salem's protection for me, then I'll meet Yang." Raven spoke. She stopped struggling to get out of his grasp but that didn't mean she wouldn't try to kill him should he try anything.

"Understood, let's go now." He smiled and teleported them.

"What?" Raven questioned how and why they'd go now. Considering she was butt naked.

The both of them appeared in a luxurious and large bedroom covered in white, black and red coloring.

Raven looked around; she was surprised by the quality of the furniture. However, the thing that surprised her the most, was a completely naked Salem on the large bed.

It hadn't been long since Gojo paid a visit and filled her with his sperm. She had since cleaned it out of her, but she hadn't gotten dressed and instead decided to lie down in bliss.

"Ready for another round? I need to prove something." Gojo asked Salem. She opened her black-red eyes and smiled. She spread her legs, revealing a beautiful and pale pussy. Despite already having sex today, her pussy was drooling juices in anticipation.

Raven looked on as Gojo pulled out the biggest dick she'd ever seen, even after masturbating to porn for the past decade or so and plunged it into Salem's depths.

The sight was enough to make her short-circuit. She had no clue what was going on, the queen of grimm was submissively taking a massive dick while showing an ahegao that'd make the straightest of women become bisexual.

Raven was completely shocked, she stood in place, completely naked watching two beautiful people having passionate and rough sex. Despite her shock, her body was aroused. Raven's nipples went hard, saliva threatened to escape her mouth and her pussy tightened.

By the time they'd finished fucking, covering each other in their juices, Raven had also cum. She never even put her fingers close to her pussy, asshole or tit, but she came just from the visual stimulus.

"Do you understand now? Salem is completely mine, if I wanted to teleport to Ozpin's office while fucking the soul out of her, she wouldn't resist in the slightest." Gojo spoke. Salem didn't reply as her mind was clouded with euphoria, but the look on her face said it all.

"I've also completely seduced Summer, your daughter, and I'm working on Ruby." He continued. He got up from the bed and walked towards Raven who still said nothing.

"I'll unite the family by making you all mine. I'll steal you all away from Tai. And I'll ensure that you girls won't even consider separating from each other ever again." Gojo spoke. His cum-covered cock rested against Raven's bare stomach. The cum fell from his dick onto her stomach and flowed down to her dripping pussy.

"..." Raven didn't reply.

"So, what will you do?" He spoke. Raven seemed to have snapped out of her trance and resumed thinking. Thankfully, it didn't take much thinking. Raven was relatively blunt. The reason she dated and had a child with Tai was because he was a high-quality male, or so she thought. The second he pulled down his pants, the high-quality male turned into a disappointment.

However, stood in front of her was a completely perfect man. Strong, attractive, sexually gifted. He even added the queen of grimm to his harem. The only negative trait she could think of is that his eyes may be damaged.

Seeing that her thoughts caught up to her and that she was staring at his blindfold, he took it off.

Of course, seeing his eyes reinforced Raven's decision even more.

She immediately got down on her knees and began sucking Gojo's 10-inch cock.

I have 10 advanced chapters on my pat reon.

https://www.pat reon.com/BillNyeTheHentaiGuy

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