
Eye System in RWBY

Our MC used to be an idol, singing, dancing and seducing were all in the job description. Unfortunately, a fan was a bit too enthusiastic about him and kidnapped him. Spending time in a crazy woman's sex dungeon was surprisingly fun but that’s beside the point. He ended up dying to a different woman that had found him chained up. Without explanation, he woke up in a far more attractive body in a world full of attractive women. There is no world better suited for out protagonist. …He also had an Eye Power System but who cares.

BillNyeThePGGuy · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

More Female Madara

Salem watched as Raven got down on her knees, and started to suck Gojo's dick.

Raven didn't particularly have a lot of experience with sex. She only ever gave her body to Tai, who she believed to be strong and the best man around. Not only did she give her virginity to him, but she also had his child.

Of course, she was wrong. Not only did he have the smallest dick she'd seen, but he also betrayed her.

After running away, she built up the Branwen Tribe and made it into the menace to society it was today. However, no man had matched her expectations for a man, until today that is.

On her knees, Raven's mouth engulfed Gojo's cock in its entirety, she grabbed his thighs as leverage to move her head easier and faster. Never had Gojo ever had a blowjob so fierce. Raven looked as if pleasing Gojo was her purpose, and she'd do anything to make him cum.

Gojo didn't slack off either, he helped push her head down his shaft, adding to the force that his cock would hit her throat with.

'Yang definitely got her libido from this bitch.' Gojo thought to himself and smiled. As his dick continued to get vacuumed, Salem recovered from her trance and began making out with Gojo.

As she sucked his cock, Raven used three of her fingers to mess up her insides, it felt like she'd cum with every thrust but release never came, not without a dick.

Realizing this, Raven wanted Gojo to cum. Adding to her fierce blowjob which spilt her saliva all over the floor and her chest, Raven also began massaging Gojo's balls, encouraging the cum to shoot down her throat.

She wasn't disappointed when multiple mouthfuls of cum was ejected down her throat. She kept swallowing and swallowing in order to drink all of the cum that entered her mouth. Even when he was cumming, Raven continued to move her lips up and down his shaft.

After filling her stomach with his fluid, she stood up and sat down, her bare, wet pussy against Gojo's hot, hard shaft. Raven then rose her hips, letting her pussy juice drool on his cock.

Seeing this, Salem propped Gojo's dick upwards. Raven immediately lowered her hips as soon as his cock was pointing towards her pussy.

To Gojo's surprise, she actually immediately passed out. Raven said she was going to sleep when the dude she killed tried to grope her. It was pretty early for sleep, so there was a decent chance she was exhausted or was drugged with sleeping pills.

However, this didn't stop Gojo and Salem. Salem got behind Raven and placed her hands on Raven's plump ass cheeks. She then rose her waist, only to drop it back on Gojo's cock.

Raven's eyes opened and she moaned. Seemingly out of instinct, she rose her hips again and descended down his shaft, rendering her unconscious again.

Both Gojo and Salem nodded to each other. What followed was perhaps the best night of Raven's life. Salem would continuously force Raven to move her hips while she was sleeping which would force her awake, out of pleasure or instinct, she'd do the same on her own, which would knock her out again.

Every time Raven woke up, she felt Gojo's massive cock kiss the entrance to her womb, only to fall asleep again, and repeat the cycle.

After only two of three thrusts, Raven began squirting like a broken faucet, ejecting her juices all over Gojo's chest with her face in a permanent ahegao.

The last thing that Raven was conscious for, was Gojo's cum flooding her womb and her pussy. Her moan filled the room as she once again fell asleep.

The next time Raven woke up, she was lying on Gojo's chest with his warm, erect cock fitting comfortably in her pussy. To her surprise, she was far more comfortable than aroused for the moment, so she didn't move, only enjoying the moment.

Thankfully, yesterday was Friday, which meant today was Saturday. Gojo wasn't required to be at the dorm. Therefore, he could enjoy himself at Salem's castle as much as he wanted.

"Morning." Gojo spoke to Raven, who was happily lying on his chest.

"Good morning." She replied. She didn't move her head. The way she saw it, she'd do whatever made her happiest in this relationship. She wasn't going to put up appearances for someone she didn't 'like'.

"You were tired last night. What was up?" He asked.

"Why do you care? It's not like we're dating. I'm just planning to marry the perfect specimen." Raven spoke as if what she just said was less romantic than 'dating'.

"Because if somebody tried to use sleeping pills on my future mate, then I'll need to get rid of them." Gojo smiled and began making out with Raven.

Raven didn't object to it, and simply enjoyed it. Gojo could feel her pussy clamp around his cock as they made out.

"Where's my morning kiss?" Salem teased to the side. The blanket hid most of her body, but her pale breasts and beautiful face was still visible to Gojo.

Gojo laughed and disconnected from Raven and initiated a kiss with Salem.

For the next 15mins or so, he switched from Raven to Salem and Salem to Raven, exchanging saliva with the both of them.

"You didn't answer me, were you drugged or tired?" Gojo asked Raven.

"...drugged." She dejectedly replied.

"I understand, the Branwen tribe isn't safe enough, I'm kidnapping you." He decided. To his surprise, Raven just nodded.

There were a couple of reasons for her decision to leave the Branwen Tribe behind. To begin with, she was betrayed by them. One man wouldn't be able to drug her food, she wasn't stupid after all. There were multiple fail safes in order to prevent her food or drink getting drugged. There had to be multiple traitors in order to pull it off.

The fact that she was naked was her own decision though. She couldn't sleep with clothes on. Regardless, another reason, was that the Branwen Tribe was a way for Raven to defend herself from Ozpin, which was fixed through her new mate being sexually and romantically involved with the Queen of Grimm.

She'd finally be able to connect with Yang, and lastly, Gojo said that Summer was still alive. All four reasons were almost enough for Raven to abandon the tribe individually. Now, they were all together, she had no reason to stay with them.

"..." She didn't reply to Gojo's kidnapping joke as she was thinking about it. "Ok." She replied.

"Good. Also, when will you be ready to meet with Yang?" He asked.

"...tomorrow." She replied. She was conflicted on if she wanted to meet with Yang. On one hand, despite abandoning Yang, she still loved her daughter, it was her instinct as a mother after all. On the other, she had abandoned Yang, and left her with Tai, the man who betrayed her.

"We'll meet Summer later, then." Gojo spoke. Raven didn't object. She simply remained in his arms. It surprised Gojo how relaxed she was with such an insignificant gesture of intimacy. Raven was far lonelier than he expected.

Both Salem and Raven used Gojo as a pillow for the next couple of hours. Raven even had another go with Gojo's dick. This time, she didn't pass out. She felt every nerve of her body melting at the pleasure than his dick provided.

'Shit, I don't think I can live without this anymore.' Raven cussed internally. She often hated how blunt and logical she was with things. She left Yang behind because Ozpin would pursue her far more than he was currently and she took control a tribe full of shitty people in order to defend herself. Now that her body demanded Gojo's dick, she wasn't used to resisting such strong urges and she knew that she'd have to indulge.

The three of them enjoyed each other's company for hours. However, all of that was interrupted when Cinder opened the doors of the bedroom, she had news for Salem.

"Mistress, My King... concubine?" Cinder questioned Raven's presence in Salem's bed. She didn't scowl at her words either. Cinder's words were pretty accurate after all, she definitely wasn't Gojo's first and she 'only' wanted to marry Gojo because of his strength and connections which is what a concubine would usually do.

(A.N. This will be Raven's mentality for a while. Logically thinking about the relationship and justifying her need to stay with Gojo. Of course, she can't hide from the truth for too long... hehehe.)

"What is it?" Salem spoke. She wasn't at all concerned about the fact that her pale body was fully on display to Cinder.

"Some of the White Fang are going against your orders. They said that they didn't want to work for a human." Cinder explained.

"What an annoyance. Come here." Salem demanded. Cinder followed orders and approached her. Salem then pointed to her pussy which was filled with Gojo's cum. Cinder's eyes fell on Gojo's cock which was hardly being concealed by the blanket. She then nodded and began sucking the cum out of her mistress' pale and tasty pussy.

"Good girl." Salem praised.

"We have no need for dogs that aren't loyal. Kill them." She told Cinder after she finished cleaning her pussy.

"Yes, ma'am." Cinder replied and left the room. Before she left, she eyed Gojo's cock again. This time, Raven had pulled down the blanket and revealed it to Cinder's eyes.

It was something that Cinder would use as masturbation material until she inevitably joined Gojo's harem as well.

I have 10 advanced chapters on my pat reon.

https://www.pat reon.com/BillNyeTheHentaiGuy

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