
Eye of Evolution

Dominate the whole world step by step! Bai Xiaowen, an online novel writer, was transported to a psychic era that was a hundred years in the future by a mysterious eyeball. With the infusion of psychic particles, mutated beasts ran rampant, and monsters from the spiritual realm invaded. The digitized Earth became a massive video game! There were zombies that could withstand bullets, claw monsters that could leap over rooftops and were impossible to aim at, mountain giants with limitless strength who treated tanks as toys, and vengeful spirits that could tear souls apart with a single glance. To deal with these ferocious creatures, humanity embarked on the path of evolution! Those who successfully evolved were called "the Awakened"! "I came, I saw, I conquered!" Bai Xiaowen roared with his divine eye open, but there were only 130 days left until the college entrance examination. To conquer the psychic era, he would start by becoming the top scorer in the college entrance examination.

Ash Rover · Eastern
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40 Chs

The Unlucky Duo

Editor: Atlas Studios

Bai Xiaowen continued to read the diary. The latter content was about Margaux and his master Falca after they came to Earth.

"12th June, Light Calendar Year 1153."

"Hunger, thirst, exhaustion… In this dimensional space called 'Earth', my master and I trekked for ten days before we finally saw people."

"Heavens, why are there so many towering palaces? Any one of them is even more majestic than the palace of the Lionheart Empire. This dimensional space called Earth has a civilization that far surpasses the Aaron Dimension where Lionheart Empire is located."

"My master and I sneaked into Earth's human cities and tried to exchange some gold coins for Earth's currency to buy supplies. But what's an 'online banking account'? What's 'online payment'? Why do I need identification and an 'account' just to exchange gold coins?"

"Maybe it's because our attire is a little different, so many people look at us as if we're crazy. If it were anyone else, they would be just like us and have this stench. After all, we have gone without washing, bathing, or changing clothes for several months."

"13th June, Light Calendar Year 1153."

'Someone took pity on us and gave us some coins. Praise be to the Lord of the Light! Master and I will at last not have to go hungry.'

"But Master is the chief royal alchemist, so his pride won't allow him to be a beggar. A new plan had been hatched in his near-insane mind, and as before, he told me about it."

"Goodness! Master is intending to rob a bank in such a powerful plane like Earth!"

"I'm doing what I can to stop him. I don't want to be hunted down again. I'd rather be a beggar than a fugitive."

"Maybe our argument was a little too loud, so it attracted the patrol officers. Damn it, I don't understand a word of what they're saying. Even the well-read master is the same."

"The patrol officer obviously noticed our anomaly. He took out a black box and loudly chanted a mysterious incantation."

"We have no choice but to use a lower-grade invisibility potion to escape from the patrol officers' sight and escape from the human city."

The corners of Bai Xiaowen's eyes twitched.

After a long while, he finally said, "Ignorance is scary.'

First, Margaux's problem of exchanging gold coins. After passing through the spatial rift, if that duo's first stop was at a horrendous capitalist country, it would be very easy for them to exchange gold coins. The control of such a federal government over its citizens was weak, to begin with, and it had been even worse since the Spiritual Energy Era. For the sake of benefits, many powerful guilds dared to resist the government.

Even if they approached a civilian, as long as that civilian was sure that the gold coins were authentic, he would probably be happy to exchange them for some local currency. The Spiritual Realm's gold coins were of great collection value and very valuable, not to mention the gold and silver from the Spiritual Realm that were used to forge the gold coins were something so invaluable that even Awakened needed.

The most important thing was that the master and servant were speaking Old Latin. In a capitalist country where English was the official language, it was not difficult to find a few people who understood Old Latin, so they would have no problems in communication.

Unfortunately, the first stop of this master-servant duo was Huaxia. In terms of state machinery, Huaxia could be said to be the best in the world. Although the Awakened Guild had certain privileges, they definitely did not dare to go against the state machinery.

As for language… Mandarin was a hellishly difficult language. Just the poem "Lion-Eating Poet in the Stone Den"1alone was enough to make countless foreigners cry out in frustration. Foreigners might argue that the poem was written in classical Mandarin so that did not count. However, modern-day Mandarin was also equally difficult.

An example would be as followed.

This is a conversation where Xiao Ding gave her superior from work a monetary gift. There would be a pun on the word Mandarin word "meaning" which had several meanings to it. It could be considered as "meaning", "small gesture", "inadequate", "no big deal", or "interesting".

Superior: "What do you mean by this?"

Xiao Ding: "I don't mean anything. It's just a small gesture."

Superior: "It's not very nice of you to do this."

Xiao Ding: "It's not a big deal."

Superior: "You're a really interesting person."

Xiao Ding: "Actually, I don't mean anything else by this."

Superior: "Oh really? In that case, I'm a little embarrassed."

Xiao Ding: "I'm the one who's embarrassed!"

Question! What do the "meanings" in the above-mentioned conversation mean?


Bai Xiaowen's train of thought was a little far-fetched, and he easily digressed. It was an inevitable side effect of having a super brain.

Actually, it took Bai Xiaowen less than 0.1 seconds to process all these words.

Bai Xiaowen mocked them even more when he read that part about the patrol officers.

"A black box? I guess she's referring to a walkie-talkie. As for the mysterious incantation… I think everyone knows it to be law enforcement jargon," he thought.


"21st June, Light Calendar Year 1153."

"Master and I roamed the wilderness while trying to learn the language of Earthlings. I must admit that it is incredibly difficult."

"2nd July, Light Calendar Year 1153."

"My nightmare has come true again! That Royal Knight named Gloria is as crazy as a fly chasing after poop. She's so relentless in her pursuit of us! I can't believe that she actually came to Earth! Master's Soul Perception Potion can't be wrong. The moment Gloria stepped onto Earth, we already knew that she had arrived."

"Master is tired of the endless escape. He wants to hold a forbidden ritual and completely absorb the power of the Soul Stone!"

"Master said that as long as the seal on the Soul Stone is completely undone, he can easily kill Gloria. It'll be as easy as crushing an ant!"

"Is the Soul Stone really that magical? For a moment, I even had a bold idea…" There was a line that crossed out the rest of the words, making it tough to make out the words that were written there.

"4th July, Light Calendar Year 1153."

"We've chosen an underground cave as our hiding place."

"It is evident that our presence was very unwelcome to the original owner of the cave, a group of Plague Rats. They attacked us. Master could easily have crushed them, but he didn't. Yes, he needed these rats as the ingredients for a forbidden ritual."

"After some effort, Master captured the leader of the Plague Rats. The other Plague Rats finally submitted to the Master's power and stopped attacking. We used a large number of rocks to seal the original hole to avoid being tracked by the outside world."

"The rat cave is a little too narrow for us. We can't even set up a ceremonial venue. Under Master's orders, I—who is so thin that I'm almost skin and bones—begin to dig with great difficulty."

"Damn it, why do I have to do all this dirty work? Is it because he's the master and I'm the servant? What if I have more power?"

"Ambition and desire sprout in my heart like weeds…"

The two lines recorded Margaux's ambition. Bai Xiaowen had to spend a lot of effort to recognize them. He could tell that Margaux was on the verge of a mental breakdown. As for his master, Falca, he must have gone crazy.

At this point, the diary was missing a large number of dates. There were only occasional records. Obviously, the author of the diary, Mr. Margaux, had been working miserably for those days, so he did not have the habit of persisting in writing his daily diary entries.

"Hmm… I can roughly guess what's going to happen next," Bai Xiaowen muttered to himself as he continued to flip through the pages. Soon, he reached the last page of the sheepskin diary.