
Eye of Aragos: The Darkness comes

[ ... In a momentous evening, Christopher Salvatore, a compassionate person who often feels manipulated by others, experiences a profound change when he encounters a mysterious woman. In a twist of fate, this unexpected meeting grants Christopher supernatural abilities as a vampire, forever altering the trajectory of his life. Not knowing what powers he owns, he later discovers that there is an individual residing within his very soul. The individual is known as Ardelean, a servant of The Darkness, the embodiment of Evil, who possesses an intense thirst for revenge upon his previous love partner, The Light. After Christopher is chosen by Ardelean to become his host, The Darkness is determined to possess Christopher's body and unleash its vengeance upon the Universe. If such an event occurs, his life will be lost. However... Is that truly going to happen? Or Christopher breaks free from his puppet strings and emerges as an indomitable Vampire, striking fear into the hearts of all in the Universe ... ] ________________________ ! Warning: Narcissism, Manipulation, and other Toxic behaviors are present in the later development of this book together with R-18 Chapters ! ! Reader is advised ! ________________________ [ Cover is mine. All covers are made by myself or at least edited if they are done by someone else. If an Author wants, I'll change it but only if you have proof the cover is yours :) ] ________________________ [ This story is fiction and any connection to the RW is mere coincidence... ]

Patrik_Crown · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Late night talk

Christopher was lying on a king-sized bed in Vicki's bedroom, with his wives using his body as a pillow.

Vicki was in the middle, covering his body with hers and with her head on Christopher's chest, while Claudia's head was placed on his right shoulder and Rose had hers placed on his left.

Christopher's legs were between Claudia's and Rose's as they were rubbing themselves gently and slowly against his thighs, enjoying the sensation.

Vicki, with a wide smile, was lying right on Christopher's lower member, rubbing herself against him as well.

Claudia and Rose with their heads close to Christopher's neck had the same wide smiles as Vicki, sniffing his scent like drug addicted.

His sent had still a few traces of Sophie, Alice, and Evie, but they ignored it cuz Christopher's revelation showed that they became his dragon wives too, at the same just like them, so there was no room for jealousy.

After all, they were still above them because only Vicki, Rose, and Claudia had the privilege and becoming his vampire wives.

For now...

"Girls, we never talked about our relationship yet," Christopher said, enjoying the warm bodies of his wives.

Claudia showing her beautiful smile to him said *Sniff* "Ahhhh~ Darling~, but you never asked~."

"That's true" he smiled, adding *Ahm* "C-can we talk now?" with a little light of hope forming in his soul.

[... Christopher's soul ...]

"What the fuck is this shit!" shouted Ardelean at the white ball of blinding light with a big sign saying 'HOPE'.

The ball was littering everything around, burning Ardelean's eyes.

[... Vicki's bedroom ...]

"Your first question my dear?" asked Rose and slowly licked Christopher's neck.

A jolt of electricity flew through Christopher's entire being as he parted his lips.

"W-why do you three like me?"

Rose stopped licking his neck and answered "First, we don't like you, we LOVE you! And second, you are different than others, especially vampires."

Christopher's eyes narrowed "What do you mean?"

"She means that vampires are marrying each other just because of money, power, or position in our kingdom. All romantic and love feelings in our society completely disappeared a long time ago. Now it's just a formality. Husbands and wives in 98% of cases don't love each other." explained Claudia and Vicki continued.

"Male vampires just think about how can they gain more political power in our world, while their wives are crying home, alone. They don't care about us, after some time they even stopped having sex with us, enjoying it with girls from other races."

"They stopped giving us their blood as well. Most of the female vampires then became cold as ice, and forgot their feelings."

Christopher's eyes became lifeless.

"That's awful," he commented.

"Yeah" all three answered at the same time, then looked at each other and smiled, this time, letting Rose continue "But when hope died and we felt lost, we found YOU."

Christopher gulped when he saw the possessive eyes of his wives.

"You were completely different," said Claudia, and Vicki nodded a few times.

"Yes, an Angel in a mortal body," Vicki said.

[... Christopher's soul ...]

*COUCH* Ardelean was coughing black blood on the ground because of what Vicki said.

"What the fuck is happening to me?" he spoke.

[... Vicki's bedroom ...]

"After you rescued us, we started looking for you and found out where are you living..." Claudia spoke with little hesitation at the end.

"...so we could break into your room each night..." Rose.

"...to feel the warmth of your body and see you again." Vicki ended the sentence.

Christopher's eyes started watering so he hugged his wives tighter and kissed each of them on their lips.

"Nobody except my parents cared about me until you three appeared. That's the reason I married you, my beloved wives."

The girls' eyes took the shape of a heart as they spoke in unison "Now, when are we going on a date?"

"After the ball" answered Christopher without a slight hesitation and his wives started rubbing themselves against Christopher more.

"Ohhh God~" was all that escaped from Christopher's parted lips, before his head fell on the pillow, thanks to the sensation of Vicki's body on his member.

Vicki smiled and kissed Christopher passionately.

Feeling something warm and wet on his crotch and his tighs, he looked at Vicki and his remaining two wives with desire.

His wives' eyes turned blood-red with dragon-like shapes as they let their emotions take control of them.

Claudia and Rose bit Christopher's neck, while Vicki started kissing him again.

Christopher's golden irises started glowing faintly as two big, bat wings suddenly appeared under him.

The wings covered them like a shield, hiding everything that was happening under them.

[... 2 hours later... Outside the Phoenix mansion ...]

Thirty soldiers were standing hidden behind the trees in a nearby forest, watching the mansion.

"Are you sure about this Captain?" asked a soldier with an assault rifle hanging on his back.

He was standing in front of a plastic table with a map and a mug on it.

The mug was present that the Captain received from the NYC Police Department.

"You are questioning me?" asked the captain who about two hours before received a tip containing information about a bunch of vampires hiding in that mansion.

The information was sent in a yellow envelope and it came from a really rich man.

"You think that Mr. Laire would lie? He is our best sponsor! If there are vampires, we need to kill them! And fast! You understand?" added Capitain.

He was wearing a brown suit with a white shirt and black tie.

"Yes, Captain!" shouted the man and walked away.

'Haah they act like idiots sometimes' thought the captain as he turned and looked at the surroundings.

He saw his thirty armored men, getting ready and controlling their weapons.

"So, I'm repeating this one last time, you go inside, find them, corner them with flash grenades, and then kill everyone with the special rounds we received from Mr. Laire. Spere only those three girls I showed you pictures of at the meeting. Don't forget that there are four extremely dangerous subjects inside as well. Any questions?"

"Yes Captain, what about them?" asked another soldier and pointed at five men in fully black outfits with faceless black masks.

Captain was thinking and when he wanted to say something, one of the men cut him off as he pulled a strange ancient-looking dagger.

"We have our job, you have yours, just don't try to kill that man and the three mature women. They are ours."

"You heard? Kill all subordinates except those three young girls. Get ready, I'm starting this operation in five minutes" added Captain and turned to his desk again.

[... A kitchen window in the Phoenix mansion ...]

"We have guests," said Anna and looked at Marcus and Amanda, who were sitting at the table, playing cards.

"Who are they?" asked Marcus, placing a card on the table.

"Just thirty soldiers ready to assault us I think, and their Captain. I don't see anyone else."

Amanda's eyes narrowed "Why would soldiers make an ambush on us? What we did do? We don't even hunt humans!"

"I don't know, but something is not right here..." Anna wanted to say more but Amanda got up from her chair and walked to the fridge, from where she took a plastic bag with blood in it.

Sitting down again, she started sucking it through a straw but with a disgusted face "All of a sudden, every blood is smelling so disgusting to me. I wonder why?"

Anna turned and looked at her "What are you talking about?"

"Well, I'm talking about that delicious smell of Lord Christopher's blood~," Amanda spoke with dreamy eyes.

"I want it so badly!"

Marcus just smiled and placed another card on the table "I can give you mine if you want~."

Amanda's face lit up for a second but immediately turned back "No, after that night. I don't want to become addicted again."

In the past, Amanda started drinking Marcus' blood and became addicted, but she wanted more, she wanted HIM all to herself and fell in love.

It all ended when he broke her heart and turned her down like every male Vampire would do.

He didn't want to be restricted by one woman, he wanted more than just one.

"Well, your love is too heavy for me. I can barely take it longer than a week." replayed Marcus and sipped from his blood bag that was placed on the table.

Remembering the past, he shuddered. When Amanda was his, he was sucked dry every single day from both sources.

  His white and red life substances were completely emptied every day... 

Anna just rolled her eyes and turned her gaze back at the window.

"I wonder how can Lord Christopher take it so easily." added Marcus and placed his last card on the desk "I won again! Haha~"

Amanda's eyes widened when she started imagining some inappropriate scenes with Christopher.

All I can say is that there were few handcuffs, black female leather outfits, and other exotic toys.

Seeing Amanda's lifeless eyes and wide crazy grin, Marcus shuddered 'Ohhh shit!! Well hehe, I'm sorry Lord Christopher. Hope you don't mind if another crazed girl will run after you.'

[... Five minutes later ...]

"Officers, on your positions. I wish you a good hunt" said the captain who was watching his best soldiers leaving the forest and slowly sneaking towards the mansion.

The five masked men then started walking behind them.

"Bravo six, cover the south entrance, Alpha three, take the north main entrance."

"Delta eight, you are waiting here as a backup," said the leader of the soldiers.

The group split into three smaller groups, ten men started sneaking to the left side of the mansion and the other ten to the right side.

The remaining ten stayed at the edge of the forest, hiding, while the five men dressed in fully black outfits started running towards the walls of the mansion and then disappearing.

"Bravo six, what's your status" asked the leader standing outside.

"Negative captain, we don't see anyone. All clear" echoed from his radio.

"Alpha three, status," asked the leader again.

"Stepping in, status dark. Targets Negative. The hallway looks clear."

"Fine, Alpha three, you have green, continue forward."

"Bravo six, green. Plant the charges on the south wall." replayed the leader.

The leader of the group called Alpha nodded and started walking with his soldiers to the hallway and its rooms as nine pairs of red eyes were watching them from the ceiling with wide smiles and sharp weapons.


... ... ... ... ...

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