
Extraction Chronicles: The Rise of Alucard

Guess i have to clarify, THIS IS NOT THE BLOOD SPILLING, BLACK AIR FORCE ENERGY FILLED, MISTER YOU CANT FUCK WITH ME, DEMONIC SMILING, VAMPIRIC MOTHER FUCKER Alucard awakens in a world where anything is possible. He sets out on a journey of self-discovery, determined to uncover the secrets of the universe. Follow Alucard as he explores the DCEU, witnessing the wonders of this dying universe while unaware of the hunt that is going on. Note: English is not my first language, and I still have something to learn, but power stones will help.

Rala_Beast · Movies
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44 Chs

waking up [chapter 1]

"Private," said a voice loud enough to wake up the knocked-out soldiers. "We have to get moving," the same voice continued, belonging to a man who grabbed the now awakened private. Confused by the gunshots and loud bangs of the bombs, and the number of soldiers charging forward towards a trench under heavy gunfire, the private, wearing normal soldier's attire, had no clue what was going on. He did not remember who he was, where he was, or what was happening, but he knew he needed to stay alive in the war.

"Private, what are you doing?" asked the man who woke up the private. "That is no man's land, get back!" However, the private couldn't hear him as the adrenaline pumped through his veins, triggering the fight-or-flight response. Bullets whizzed past him as he charged forward, miraculously avoiding being hit. When the first enemy soldier appeared, the private lifted his gun and aimed at the enemy, taking his shot and hitting him in the chest as he continued to move forward.

The private continued to run, immediately aiming his gun again when another enemy appeared. He killed the enemy, but his luck ran out as he got shot in the shoulder. Thanks to the adrenaline, he continued to move forward until a screen appeared with a gold outline.

[Extraction system online. Basic extraction system available. Free wide-range extraction commencing automatically,] the screen reads.

The private did not seem to care about the strange phenomenon that appeared in front of him as he continued to shoot and charge. Eventually, the adrenaline in his blood started to calm down, and his brain became clearer. "I am fucked," was the first sentence the private said since he woke up.

[Free wide-range extraction successful. The host will need to commence wide-range extraction manually next. Please keep in mind that wide-range extraction will put the system on cooldown for a month,]

the screen displayed.

+[ healing: 10,000]

+[ paralysing poison: 80 ]

+[ cyanide poisoning: 1,000 ]

+[ enhanced condition]

+[ lasso of hestia ]

Now that his brain was clearer, the private registered what was happening and wondered, "What the fuck is happening, and why can't I remember anything?" Privately, though, as he took cover behind a tree, a piece of information appeared in his mind. It was about the extraction system, something otherworldly, a program that allowed the private to extract anything valuable, even superpowers.

"You've got to be fucking joking," the private thought as bullets hit the tree that he was hiding behind. "Fuck," he said as he got out of cover and started shooting at the enemies. "Shit, that hurt," he realised as the adrenaline subsided, and he started feeling pain. "Let's hope this works," he thought as he mobilised one of the things extracted by the system, the healing, which he could then use on himself.

Mobilising the healing, the private healed himself. Then, suddenly, the same gold screen appeared again.


[ ENERGY: 100/100 ]


[Healing: 9,990] [paralysing poison: 8 ] [Cyanide poison: 1,000] [ money: 1,000 ]

[ enhanced condition: the user possess enhanced condition, giving the user superspeed, strength, durability, stamina, immortality and healing( passive: off) TIER 1 ]

Another gunshot to the tree drew Alucard's attention, and he continued to use healing on himself. While using the healing, he suddenly had an idea. "Since you have so much cyanide, why don't you try some more?" he thought

He took a grenade from his belt and filled it with cyanide, which was somehow possible, and threw it in the enemy's trench.

The explosion, coupled with the cyanide poison, killed nearly 70% of the enemy. Suddenly, their attention was drawn from Alucard to someone else - a woman dressed in mediaeval armour, wielding a sword and shield. She wasn't using the shield to deflect bullets, only the gauntlet on her hands. "What the hell is that?" Alucard muttered to himself as he saw what the woman was capable of. But then again, if what he read was true, then he shouldn't be that surprised.

"Now that I think about it, didn't the system say that it did wide range extraction? Could the enhanced condition be from her?" Alucard thought to himself. With every inch she took, he became more and more certain that the enhanced condition came from her.

Some of the soldiers turned their attention to Alucard and continued to put pressure on him, but he picked them off one by one. More men came, likely to support the woman who was pinned down. One of the newly arrived soldiers threw a grenade on the enemy, which gave the woman enough time to leap onto the trench and start to smash the weapons with her shield. With only a few soldiers remaining, Alucard was able to snipe the enemy soldier and kill the last one.

After all of the soldiers were killed, the woman came up to Alucard and said, "That was very brave of you," smiling at him. "It was stupid," he said as he got up and continued to move past the trenches since he couldn't stop now that he was this far in. "Why did you do it then?" the woman asked, leaving Alucard with no answer as she leaped, but strangely, no one questioned it.

Moving into the village, "I will go in," the woman said, leaving the men speechless. But what they didn't notice was that Alucard was already in the village. "Alright, let's see how this works," he said as he activated the enhanced condition skill. As soon as he did so, everything began to slow down, even his heart, and the gunshot faded. It was like his body continued to release adrenaline, but it was ten times, if not a hundred times, stronger. He could feel the strength coursing through his veins.
