
Extraction Chronicles: The Rise of Alucard

Guess i have to clarify, THIS IS NOT THE BLOOD SPILLING, BLACK AIR FORCE ENERGY FILLED, MISTER YOU CANT FUCK WITH ME, DEMONIC SMILING, VAMPIRIC MOTHER FUCKER Alucard awakens in a world where anything is possible. He sets out on a journey of self-discovery, determined to uncover the secrets of the universe. Follow Alucard as he explores the DCEU, witnessing the wonders of this dying universe while unaware of the hunt that is going on. Note: English is not my first language, and I still have something to learn, but power stones will help.

Rala_Beast · Movies
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44 Chs

Retelling [chapter 14]

Down in the city, Diana, Batman, and Clark watched as a blue light left the lower atmosphere at incredible speed. "Is he going to be okay?" asked Superman, to which Diana replied, "Alucard was able to beat Ares, I have no doubt he will succeed in defeating this too." "You have a lot of confidence in him," said Clark. "Yes," she answered shortly.

Suddenly, a blinding blue light illuminated the sky, making it look like daylight. A second later, something was seen falling at high speed. "Why isn't he slowing down?" asked Batman, as James, who was nearly naked, continued to fall, his clothes burning as he entered the lower atmosphere.

Clark immediately flew up and caught James, who had returned to his regular size. He gently floated down and placed James on a platform. James lay there motionless, with his hand dyed green from the kryptonite. "No, no, no," Diana repeatedly said as she saw James not breathing. "There is no heartbeat," said Clark, confirming that James was dead.

"I can't believe this," Diana said in disbelief as she approached the dead James, She couldn't deny it. To her, Alucard lay dead on a stone platform. Suddenly, someone appeared beside them. They turned around, and there he was, Alucard, with his signature red hair and tall handsome figure.

"Alucard!" yelled Diana as she looked back and forth between him and the now dead James before hugging Alucard, James then turned into a dust particle that floated towards Alucard. "Sorry for the misunderstanding," said Alucard as Diana hugged him. "Wait, was that..." Batman started to ask. "A copy," Alucard interrupted.

"Wanna grab a drink?" Alucard asked Diana, who stopped hugging him. "I need more than that," she said. "Whatever you want," he replied. "Why don't you join us?" Alucard invited Batman and Superman, who accepted his invitation, along with Lois who also joined.

"We have a lot of catching up to do," said Alucard to Diana, who replied, "Yes, we do," as they all left the area for the government to deal with the aftermath.

-Scene change-

"So let me get this straight. You are an immortal and powerful being who has lived since before World War I," said Lois Lane, the reporter, who joined the four said as she leaned back in her seat. "Yeah, actually the earliest memories I have are when I met Diana for the first time," said Alucard as he took a sip of his non-alcoholic drink. "Earliest?" said Bruce Wayne, the Dark Knight, not that it was a surprise to Alucard who could look into the future for some time.

"Yeah, I woke up amidst a gunfight not remembering anything," said Alucard. "So what did you do all this time?" asked Lois. "Well, I did travel around the world for years," said Alucard. "The Red Immortal," said Bruce, getting everyone's attention. "There was a sighting of a man who appeared multiple times across the world, dating back as far as 1929," said Bruce.

"There was a time when I did revert to my normal self. I did let down my guard once in a while," said Alucard. "So what did you do after that?" asked Lois Lane. "After my travels, I started working as a factory worker as Charles, and after many years, I retired, although I did hear Kenneth renamed the factory after me," said Alucard, remembering the fat man with the molecule. "The Charles Factory, by Kenneth, do you mean Kenneth Wayne?" asked Bruce.

"His last name was Wayne," said Alucard with a chuckle. "right, you are wayne, No wonder you analyse everything," Alucard continued, "Anyway, after that, I entered politics and retired in 1940," Alucard said. "Right before World War 2," Bruce interjected. "What was your identity back then?" Lois asked excitedly. "Holdstand," replied Alucard, causing Clark's jaws to drop. "Do you mean the famous Holdstand, the one who provided the blueprint for winning the war?" Clark asked in amazement. "You studied history?" Lois questioned. "What? The guy ended World War 2, he is a hero" Clark replied.

"Then," Bruce said, "after that, I took a 5-year break on a private island that I bought," Alucard began, but was interrupted by Lois. "Wow," she exclaimed. "Well, if I wasn't rich by then, then I don't deserve my immortality. Anyway, after a 5-year break, I took an interest in photography, going by the name, Walters," Alucard said, causing Lois to become ecstatic.

"Wait, are you telling me that you are Mr Walters, the actual Walters?" Lois exclaimed in excitement as she pretty much got on Alucard's face, "Calm down, okay? Yes, that Walters," Alucard confirmed, as Lois continued to beam with excitement as all four looked at her, "Don't look at me like that, Mr. Walters gave meaning to photography and journalism, he might as well have invented photography. The pictures he took are still being sold to this day," Lois said.

"I have some myself," Bruce added. "I can't believe I'm in the presence of a living legend. Wait, you have to tell me, is it true?" Lois asked, drawing confused looks from the team. "What is true?" Alucard inquired. "Is it true that you slept with the Queen?" Lois asked Alucard directly.

"Yes," Alucard admitted. "I fucking knew it!" Lois yelled, and Clark had to calm her down. "Moving on, after that, I took up fishing, which was one of the jobs I enjoyed the most," Alucard said, reminiscing. "You missed the princess of Atlantis City," Diana added, sounding displeased. "Atlantis, like the lost city of Atlantis, it's real?" Lois asked in amazement.

"Oh, it's very real," Diana confirmed. "Cool, so did you sleep with her as well?" Lois asked Alucard. "That is beside the point," Alucard responded. "What is with you and sleeping with royalties?" Lois asked again, "besides the point," Alucard said, wanting to change the topic.

"Because he has higher standards," Diana joked. "Continuing, after that, I became a chef and owned a couple of restaurants until 1984," Alucard said. "After that, I travelled the world again," Alucard continued.

"Why?" Bruce asked. "What?" Alucard responded. "Why did you spend ten years in a single place? I understand that you are immortal, but why not move on and do other things?" Bruce inquired. "During my first travels, I learned that if I wanted to do something, I had to do it to the fullest of my capabilities," Alucard explained with a smile.

"Also, you don't drink alcohol? Is it harmful to you?" Bruce asked. "Ah, you're a Wayne alright, but No, I just don't like it," Alucard said as he recalled more memories.


huh, didn't realise that Diana caught feelings(did she? I don't know, women are confusing, especially a guy with no experience), not good in their kind of relationship, ALSO, HIS IDENTITY IS NOT PRIVATE, HE DOESN'T NEED TO. now then, PUT THE STONE IN THE BAG.