
Extraction Chronicles: The Rise of Alucard

Guess i have to clarify, THIS IS NOT THE BLOOD SPILLING, BLACK AIR FORCE ENERGY FILLED, MISTER YOU CANT FUCK WITH ME, DEMONIC SMILING, VAMPIRIC MOTHER FUCKER Alucard awakens in a world where anything is possible. He sets out on a journey of self-discovery, determined to uncover the secrets of the universe. Follow Alucard as he explores the DCEU, witnessing the wonders of this dying universe while unaware of the hunt that is going on. Note: English is not my first language, and I still have something to learn, but power stones will help.

Rala_Beast · Movies
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44 Chs

Desperate wizard [chapter 21]

[ Name: 01]

[ Energy: 100/100]

[ Essence: 0 ]

[ Extracted: None]

[ Skills:

Telekinesis: F: (0/10)

Self-repair: F: (0/10)

Pyrokinesis: F: (0/10) ]

The café buzzed with activity as people chatted away, and the enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. At a corner table, a man of impressive stature sat, enjoying his cup of coffee. His silver hair and piercing golden eyes immediately drew attention from passers-by, accentuated by his fair complexion that added to his captivating charm.

As he took another sip of his coffee, the man watched videos of various individuals describing their encounters with a wizard. His phone interrupted his thoughts, prompting him to answer the call. "Hello?" he greeted.

"You're saying there's an ancient wizard who tests people, particularly children, to determine their purity of heart?" the voice on the other end inquired.

The man, known as 01, nodded and replied, "Yes, the children—now mostly adults—have been increasingly targeted by the wizard, suggesting their desperation and an imminent significant event. The test involves staring at demon statues to assess their purity. One individual from the 1900s, Thaddeus Sivana, took it personally and is currently on the hunt for the wizard."

While speaking, 01 couldn't help but notice the gazes directed his way in the café. He was aware of his handsome appearance and the attention it garnered, but he focused on the ongoing conversation.

"And I assume this Shazam person is the new champion?" the voice queried.

"Yes, considering Thaddeus's pursuit of Shazam, it's likely he is the champion," confirmed 01.

"Good, extract both of them," the voice stated, surprising 01.

"Since the child passed the test, proving his purity, won't you intervene?" 01 questioned.

"No," came the reply.

"Lately, I've been pre-emptively eliminating global threats, but that's no longer the most efficient approach. I want you to maintain your distance and extract any new individuals. You may interact with the champion or Thaddeus, but let them clash. The more superpowered individuals involved, the better," the voice explained.

As 01 listened to the instructions, he sighed, knowing this mission would be challenging. .

"Alright," 01 acknowledged before the call ended.

Finishing his coffee, he packed his laptop into his backpack and rose from the table, making his way out of the bustling café.

-scene change-

Perched on a rooftop overlooking a corner shop, 01 observed the new champion, also known as Shazam, enduring blows to his chest and face. "Even if the wizard was desperate enough to choose a child, but to chose a runaway who escaped from numerous homes 26 times," 01 mused as he watched the now-adult individual who possessed the powers of six gods and titans. "At least his powers are practical, and the suit is impressive," he thought, glancing at his attire—an outfit resembling Shazam's.

Dressed in a red suit adorned with a large golden lightning bolt on his chest, a white cape with a hood, and golden boots, 01's suit differed from Shazam's. It was the reverse—a white suit with a golden lightning bolt on his chest, golden boots, and a red cape. He obtained it by extracting it from the new champion, as he observed the floating screen displaying his attributes and skills.

[ Name: 01]

[ Energy: 230/230]

[ Essence: 0 ]

[ Extracted:

Money: 34K]

[ Skills:

Telekinesis: F: (0/10)

Self-repair: F: (0/10)

Pyrokinesis: F: (0/10)

Shazam: the users possess the powers of 6 gods, such as the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the powers of uses (which included electrokinesis, regenerative healing factor, flight, and teleportation), the courage of Achilles (provided nigh-invulnerability) and the speed of mercury, B(0/450)]

"Alright, I am done," 01 declared as he stood up, preparing to take off. As he soared through the nocturnal heavens, his cape trailed behind him like a fiery banner. Stars adorned the velvety-black expanse, shimmering like scattered diamonds. The full moon emitted a radiant silver glow, casting its enchantment upon the world below.

The crisp, cool air brushed against his face, and the rush of wind through his hair amplified as he ascended higher and higher. The city lights below twinkled like miniature fireflies, their distant sounds fading into obscurity as he ventured into the celestial realm.

Gazing down upon the world, he experienced both a sense of insignificance and tremendous power simultaneously. The buildings appeared as diminutive toy blocks, and the cars resembled scurrying ants on the streets. A feeling of liberation and exhilaration surged within him as he ascended, his heart quickening its pace with every passing moment.

Amidst his flight through the night sky, he couldn't help but marvel at its resplendence. The stars seemed to twinkle with heightened brilliance, the moon emanated a more luminous glow, and a profound serenity embraced the world below.

For a fleeting instant, 01's mind was consumed by the wonder of it all. He momentarily forgot the chaos and turmoil of his mission, the peril he confronted, and the lives he safeguarded. At that moment, all that occupied his thoughts was the sheer ecstasy of soaring freely through the night sky, unencumbered by the limitations of the world beneath.

Yet, he knew he couldn't linger at this moment indefinitely. He had a duty to fulfill and lives to protect. Taking a deep breath, he focused his mind and harnessed his powers, propelling himself toward his destined endpoint. The night sky became his sole companion as he embarked on his mission, resolute and undeterred.


shazam, here i come!!!!

PS: stones, stones people,