
Extraction Chronicles: The Rise of Alucard

Guess i have to clarify, THIS IS NOT THE BLOOD SPILLING, BLACK AIR FORCE ENERGY FILLED, MISTER YOU CANT FUCK WITH ME, DEMONIC SMILING, VAMPIRIC MOTHER FUCKER Alucard awakens in a world where anything is possible. He sets out on a journey of self-discovery, determined to uncover the secrets of the universe. Follow Alucard as he explores the DCEU, witnessing the wonders of this dying universe while unaware of the hunt that is going on. Note: English is not my first language, and I still have something to learn, but power stones will help.

Rala_Beast · Movies
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44 Chs

Battling Ares [chapter 4]

"Would you help me destroy them, Diana?" said the god of war. "I don't think that will be happening," Alucard said as he floated above Ares and Diana. "Alucard!" Diana said, surprised at his sudden appearance. "Who are you, mortal?" said Ares. "You'll find that out soon," said Alucard. "But before that, why don't we even leave the battlefield?" added Alucard as bits of metal floated from the surroundings and attached themselves to Alucard, forming armour with a helmet like traditional armour, but his red hair was visible as the small helmet could not contain it.

Ares, who was initially surprised, now was not, as he made a sword of the surrounding metals before throwing it at Alucard at a high speed. "Alucard, dodge!" Diana yelled, but before the sword could reach Alucard, he melted it down to its atoms before looking at the god of war and saying, "If that's all you've got, then I'm very disappointed."

Ares, angered, lifted a nearby vehicle and hurled it towards Alucard, who simply lifted his hand and stopped the oncoming vehicle before dismantling it. "Impossible! How?" yelled Ares. "You know, humanity might be cruel, selfish, and sadistic, but not all of them are the same. There are some that are pure, selfless, and kind, more than any god could ever be. And you, a god of war, do not have the luxury to judge us. After all, you thrive on the suffering of others," said Alucard as he made a chain out of scraps of metal before heating it to the point of being bright red.

"I am a god of truth, one that knows who you truly are," said Ares, but Alucard wasn't willing to listen. He swung the chain, which broke the sound barrier before striking Ares, sending him flying back. "Who are you?" asked Diana as she landed beside Alucard. "I don't know, honestly, and I don't think I ever will," was Alucard's answer before he was suddenly sent flying back by Ares, who was flying and carrying Alucard with him.

In mid-air, Alucard was able to hit Areas in the head, sending him back down as he hit the ground. Alucard flew down with him as well, creating an even bigger crater. Alucard then started punching the downed Ares over and over again, but Ares managed to summon lightning and struck Alucard, sending him flying. As he got up from the crater, Ares said, "You are capable, mortal, but that is as far as you go," before summoning even more lightning. Diana decided to use her lasso to hold Ares, but he struck her in the stomach with a bolt of lightning, sending her flying. As soon as Ares turned his attention back to Alucard, he was met with a fist of electricity as a surge of electric energy pulsated.

"That is not possible! How do you wield the power of gods?" yelled Ares as he made blades of metal, but the answer he got was Alucard putting his hand on the ground before melting the stones and creating a giant hand of molten stone and metal which he used to hold Ares in place. Alucard, with superspeed, charged at Ares before punching him with all his might, decimating the new construct hand that was capable of holding a god of war in place. Alucard, however, did not give Ares a rest as he used the molten chain to pull him back

Alucard then summoned a huge amount of lightning from the sky and delivered a punch to Ares' face, slamming him to the ground. He didn't stop there, repeating the action again and again until all of the armour Ares was wearing broke piece by piece, and the damage was visible to the god of war. "This is for every life that was taken in your name," said Alucard as he lifted Ares above his head before using nearly all of his remaining mana to create a giant electric bomb that exploded upwards, destroying Ares' body down to the last molecule and clearing all of the clouds above, revealing all of the hidden stars in the night sky.

"He is dead," said Diana, who could see the pain in her eyes from losing Steve. "I hope so. I don't want to deal with it again," replied Alucard as the half-destroyed armour fell to the ground. "I am going to take a long, long break and travel the world," said Alucard. "Me too," said Diana.

(Scene change)

After the death of Ares, strangely, Alucard did not attract the attention or the hatred of any god. Since Ares was the son of Zeus and Hera, the king and queen of Olympus, one would expect punishment or even interference from them for killing their son, but there was nothing, no roaring thunder from the skies.

Aside from that, everything else was normal. The war ended, freeing people from the influence of Ares and bringing peace to earth. Funerals were held for the fallen, and survivors were rewarded. However, the main contributor to this war was never seen.

Alucard was currently standing in front of a train station, waiting for a train with no destination in mind. One thing that Alucard didn't lack was money since he was pretty rich and would continue to get rich as long as he continued to extract. "My first destination is France," thought Alucard to himself as he went over his plan for the future. "I'll travel as much as I can, to any destination I want without working or stressing myself," he thought to himself as he smiled and turned to the window.

"I have money and time. There shouldn't be any limit," he thought as he placed his luggage under the seat before looking at his attribute panel.


[ ENERGY: 1,000/1,000 ]


[ healing: 9,990] [ paralysing poison: 8 ] [ cyanide poison: 1,000] [ mustard poison: 8,943 ] [ money: 10,000 ]

[ enhanced condition: the user possess enhanced condition, giving the user superspeed, strength, durability,stamina, immortality and healing( passive:off)TIER 3 ]

[ war manipulation: this grants the user varies ability such war infliction, violence empowerment and violence telepathy.(active: cost 5 p/m) TIER 1( active:off)]

[ electric manipulation: allows the user to manipulate electricity to an extreme decree, being able to generating everything from precise small tendrils to tremendous torrents from the users hand hands, with the user also able to conduct extreme amounts of electricity through touch,(active: cost 7 p/m) TIER 1( active:off)]]

[ telekinesis: the user can move, hurl and manipulate objects' movements to an immense degree with mere hand gestures, this also allows the user to transmute matter.(active: cost 2 p/m) TIER 1( active:off)]]

[ thermokinesis: the user can manipulate and conduct an immense amount of heat.(active: cost 4 p/m)TIER 1( active:off)] ]

[ enterokinase: the user can control the direction and potency of winds,(active: cost 1 p/m)TIER 1( active:off)] ]

[ telaportaion: the user can instantly traverse immense distance at will, the user can swiftly disappear.(active: cost 10 p/m)TIER 1( active:off)] ]

[ flight: the user is capable of flight. (active: cost 1 p/m) TIER 1( active:off)]]

[illusion casting: the user can conjure up an extreme realistic and vibrant illusion, notably temporarily altering the environment around the user. (active: cost 2 p/m)TIER 1( active:off)]]

[ invisibility: the user can render himself imperceptible to human.(active: cost 1 p/m) TIER 1( active:off)]]
