
Extraction Chronicles: The Rise of Alucard

Guess i have to clarify, THIS IS NOT THE BLOOD SPILLING, BLACK AIR FORCE ENERGY FILLED, MISTER YOU CANT FUCK WITH ME, DEMONIC SMILING, VAMPIRIC MOTHER FUCKER Alucard awakens in a world where anything is possible. He sets out on a journey of self-discovery, determined to uncover the secrets of the universe. Follow Alucard as he explores the DCEU, witnessing the wonders of this dying universe while unaware of the hunt that is going on. Note: English is not my first language, and I still have something to learn, but power stones will help.

Rala_Beast · Movies
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44 Chs

Altana [chapter 8]


[ ENERGY: 1,000/1,000 ]


[ healing: 400M] [ paralysing poison: 836,034 ] [ cyanide poison: 30M] [ mustard poison: 10,000 ] [ money: 150B ]

[ enhanced condition >> superhuman physiology: the user possesses enhanced condition, giving the user super speed, strength, durability, stamina, immortality and healing( passive:off)TIER 1 ]

[ war manipulation: this grants the user various abilities such as war infliction, violence empowerment and violence telepathy. (active: cost 5 p/m) TIER 1( active:off)]

[ electric manipulation: allows the user to manipulate electricity to an extreme degree, being able to generate everything from precise small tendrils to tremendous torrents from the user hand hands, with the user also able to conduct extreme amounts of electricity through touch,(active: cost 7 p/m) TIER 1( active:off)]]

[ telekinesis: the user can move, hurl and manipulate objects' movements to an immense degree with mere hand gestures, this also allows the user to transmute matter. (active: cost 2 p/m) TIER 1( active:off)]]

[ thermokinesis: the user can manipulate and conduct an immense amount of heat. (active: cost 4 p/m)TIER 1( active:off)] ]

[ enterokinase: the user can control the direction and potency of winds,(active: cost 1 p/m)TIER 1( active:off)] ]

[teleportation: the user can instantly traverse immense distances at will, and the user can swiftly disappear. (active: cost 10 p/m)TIER 1( active:off)] ]

[ flight: the user is capable of flight. (active: cost 1 p/m) TIER 1( active:off)]]

[illusion casting: the user can conjure up an extremely realistic and vibrant illusion, notably temporarily altering the environment around the user. (active: cost 2 p/m)TIER 1( active:off)]]

[ invisibility: the user can render himself imperceptible to a human. (active: cost 1 p/m) TIER 1( active:off)]]

[ night vision: the user's vision is better enhanced to help the user see in the darker environment. (active: cost 1 p/m)TIER 1( active:off)]]

[aquatic respiration: the user can breathe underwater. (active: cost 1 p/m)TIER 1( active:off)]]

[ superhuman precognition: the user dreams that were either vision of the future or of the past (active: cost 100 p/m)TIER 1( active:off)]]

Suddenly, the surface of the sea began to churn, accompanied by a voice, "You shouldn't be here, human," said the woman in scale armour. "You need to leave, now!" she shouted urgently. Alucard, unfazed, replied, "Where to? Should I jump in the ocean? It's already too late, they're here." Alucard said, looking at her as if she was an idiot.

The woman asked incredulously, "You can see them?" Alucard smirked and said, "Of course, it's not like they're trying to hide," he said as a swarm of humanoid fish monsters emerged from the sea.

"What are they?" Alucard asked casually, not bothered by the approaching swarm. "Trenches, a subspecies of Atlanteans," answered the woman, impaling the first monster with her trident. "Atlanteans, like the sunken city of Atlantis?" Alucard asked, grabbing a monster's head without even looking at it and dispatching it. "Yes, who are you?" asked the woman. "Alucard, a fisherman," replied Alucard nonchalantly.

"I've seen my fair share of fishermen, and none of them is like you," said the woman. "Well, this would be my second time meeting royalty from legends," Alucard answered, killing another monster. The woman, who had impaled a monster's head on the ship's deck, looked at Alucard curiously. "I'm Atlanta, Princess of Atlantic," she declared before she impaled the nearest trench without much of a hassle. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Atlanta," said Alucard as he flew up and discharged a wave of electricity, dispersing the monsters.

Alucard then floated down to the ship and landed in front of the queen, leaving her stunned. She muttered to herself, and Alucard asked, "So, what brings the princess of Atlantis here to these waters?". "I came out to hone my skills," she said as she looked around the boat, speechless at the destructive capabilities of this proclaimed fisherman. "I would expect a princess like you to have guards with her," Alucard remarked, quickly making two cups of tea. "Tea?," she said as she looked at him weirdly, as he Alucard chuckled, saying, "Force of habit."

"I did bring guards with me, but unfortunately, they were killed trying to buy me some time," she explained as she sat down. "What are you doing here, in the middle of a storm?" Atlanta asked as she stared at alucard, "Fishing." Alucard replied "I believe someone like you would be better off ruling a kingdom than doing this," she gestured towards Alucard's ship. "Okay, I'm offended. Sara has been with me for 10 years, and she has served me well," Alucard defended his ship.

"What's it like being the princess of a lost kingdom?" Alucard asked. "Atlantis is not lost, nor has it ever been. It was just hidden from the sight of surface dwellers," she replied, as Alucard looked at her with a puzzled expression. "That is what we call you ?" she asked. "Makes sense," he said, taking a sip of tea. "What's it like?" she asked, referring to living on the surface. "Well, you might want to sit down. I have a story for you," Alucard said with a grin.

[ 1965 ]

Inside the familiar fishing boat, in the captain's quarters, two people were sleeping on the bed. Alucard suddenly woke up and exclaimed, "It's time already?" A sleepy voice belonging to Atlanta, the princess of Atlantic, asked, "Yeah, it is." Alucard quickly got up and started making breakfast, with Atlanta's arms wrapping around his neck as she kissed him. "I'm going to miss you, Alucard," she said. "Me too," he replied as they had breakfast.

"You're going to try and do every single job out there?" Atlanta asked, to which Alucard nodded. "So that includes being a ruler too, right?" she said mischievously. "Not happening," he replied with a laugh.

"What's your next job?" Atlanta asked as Alucard looked at the food on his plate. "Well, it's going to take some time to reach the top," he said as he picked up the plate and put it in the sink.


yes, he is a whore, so what, he is immortal, let him enjoy his unlimited life span 😉. Also doing forgot my stones, can't live without them, seriously.