
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

64. A demon 2







Arthur's POV:


* Scree..ech *


" This skill is kinda broken "


It's quite satisfying to see a one shot skill this effective. This kinda reminds me of an RPG game I used to play back in my previous world. Some skills like this one were quite amusing to the eye.

" Hmm? What was that? "


Although I might not have strong perception, but with the vampire trait fully activated, I can honestly say that my senses and perception could be compared to that of a mage.

" It was faint, but that was definitely a strong presence "


Could it be the dungeon boss? I need to confirm whether it was that same demon mage or not...


" Well there's no other way but to find out myself "








Zen's POV:


I'm a Sylvicous...


" Kekekeke...where was that pride? show me your courage! Kyahahah! "


Sorry father.... I didn't live up to your expectations... after mother's sacrifice and your advice and help... I still failed you both...


" K-kill me... y-you bas-?!


* -Kick *


" Cough!! Y-


" -Kill you? Why would I do that... That would be boring... "



" Human... there's nothing more thrilling than seeing those prideful weaklings realize what they are "


" ... "


" I'm stronger.... that's why I can have this fun! I can feel your little sense of pride.... Killing you would be just like killing an ant.... no...no.... I want to break your pride..... I want to see you begging on your knees..... I want to break your little ego.... "


" ...N-no "


W-why.... why is he so happy to see me suffering? N-no!! I can't fall in his trap! I'm Zen Sylvico-


" -well your pride seems to be quite strong in enduring pain so far....but will you still endure this? "

[ Puppetry Art: Cunning wires ]

" It has been a long time since I used this type of magic. Now we can start having the real fun! Hmm? what should I do first? "

?? What is going on? Why is my body moving on its own?

" kneel "


" ?!!!! "


No!!! Why?! Why am I kneeling to this demon?!!!!!

" Well you seemed to hate the idea of submitting to me... let's strip you from your dignity first... "


Move!! Urghhh!!! 


" What a good human! Now you understand the situation! Don't worry!! I will make you my personal servant! What an honor! Be happy human! you have the chance to serve me! "


Me?! A servant to demons...like that demon worshipper?! NEVER!!!


You bastard!! I will never succumb to a demon!!


I-I can't speak!?

" Ohh? Don't get flustered now just yet... we will have much more fun together! Kekeke! Next! "







' Zen, you are going to become the pride of our family. Raise your head '


' Young master!! You are genius among geniuses!! What an honor to be serving you in person! "



' Hohoho? I taught many kids but you are the smartest I have ever seen, be proud son of the Sylvicous.'



I-I'm just pathetic.....


" Kyehehehhe! I like those tears! Ohh human see? This is what you are.... a weak ant.. pfttt..hahahaha!! Where is your pride now? Come on? Why are you still prostrating!! Pftthahahaha "


H-How?...how am I a noble and on this pathetic display? Wasn't I supposed to be the genius?


" Weeellll I think we should rap this up by killing you...after all, there are other intruders to play with "

I want to die....


" Good bye human I enj-


" -Hoo? It's the same demon mage "



W-who... a student? no... don't come any closer.... I don't want anyone to see me like this..


" a human? Another toy? "


Another student? Run away you idiot! Go!


* Step *


" Humans...humans....humans.....why is every human here this dumb? "


* Step *


" Why aren't you scared? What is wrong with your stupid relaxed face? Tsk... do I look like an easy prey? Why is every human this blinded? "


" You are even more ridiculous than in the novel. Can't you just shut up? "


Run away... there is no way you can fight him alone this demon is too strong....

" I see now... that's why the presence was faint... did you apply your magic to hide this place? "


" ..... "


 But why? such confidence... how is he not s-scared? No who is he?


" a D rank and you have this arrogance? Sighe... you humans are quite the ignorant fools... let's put you first in your place right beside that servant "


[ Puppetry Arts: Cunning wires ]


I-it's that the same skill?! ...that kid is done for....


* Vwaaam *


" ??? "


What was that? 


" Listen up demon, I need your help with something..... "


" What was that just now? How can you a D ranker defend against my magic!! "

" As I thought you won't listen to me anyway.... so I guess I need to give you some beating "


Did he really defend against it? H-how? But it's useless...if he is indeed a D rank then he will never break through that damn barrier....


" You know human? The difference between me and you ? I'm stronger "

" Oh yeah? "

* Dash! *


" It is all useless human, none of your hits will reach m-






" -Eh? "


* SLAM *


Did he just punch him?! What a terrifying strength!!!


" Cough..cough...h-how you hum-






" N-no-






" Please!! sto-




* CRACK * 




* CRACK * 











" Phew... unconscious already? Too weak for a B rank.... "


I-Impossible! How is he this strong!!! I must be dreaming!! yes.... t-this is a nightmare.... there's no way that I lost patheticly and worshipped that demon.... it is just a bad nightmare....



