

This is supposed to be the story of a post apocalyptic world where special kinds of monsters called the Aberrant have attached and nearly killed almost all the human population. Whereas the survivors are give special powers called arcs and are forced to fight against them and possibly try to evade their extinction.

Fictional_Hax · Action
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Ella Scarlett

The individual was then attacked by two other people, who were wearing long black coloured clothing.One of the two rushed towards her and attacked her head on with a series of punches,while the other one shot two arrows from a bow which he had in his right hand.

"Grinding wind" he shouted as both the arrows then got surrounded by a sharp covering of wind, which was moving in a manner which was similar to a moving chainsaw blade.

"Hm?" The individual then looked towards them with an uninterested expression.

"So you two must be with them" she stated in a rather displeased tone.

"I guess I'll have to take you down aswell" she said to them and turned her head a bit then both of the arrows  passed right next to her right and left cheeks,she then followed up by quickly vanishing from her spot which left the man who was about to engage her in close range combat a bit surprised,then she proceeded to appear behind the second attacker who shot the arrows.

"Look out, She's right behind you!" the first attacker turned his head around in the direction of his partner attacker turned around and tried to hit her with his left hand using the momentum of the spin.

She stopped his punch by grabbing his wrist then swiftly pulled him towards her,kicked him in the back of the knees,side of the ribs, twisted his arm and swiftly pined him to the ground.

All this happened in about a milli second.

"What happened, How is that fast?" The second attacker said in a time which showed that he was in extreme pain.

"Let him go you Bitch!" The first attacker shouted while running towards them.

She proceeded to knock out the second attacker which he was pinning to the ground,with a swift punch to the face,and then stood straight and faced the first attacker while leaving the unconscious second attacker.

She looks at the first attacker with disgust on her face which can be seen clearly."You people could be using these powers of yours for the betterment of others,while here you are ruining others lives with your treacherous acts.So I would advise you to turn yourself in but you and me both know that it's not going to work so let's get on with the fight" she said that with a bit of anger in her tone.

"You don't know anything about us!" The attacker shouted while getting angrier and angrier cause of her statement.

"But I do know about you people" she stated as her tone and facial expressions stiffened.This inturn lead to a confused look on the attackers face.

"What do you know about us exactly?" He stated while trying to calm himself down.

"You guys were a part of the defence department on the eastern side of Darth city and you guys have been out of business ever since the higher ups learned of the illegal drug dealing you were doing there and disbanded your whole legion" She said to him in a strict expression.

"Now come I'll put an end to this charade once and for all" she stated while simultaneously putting her hand Infront of her face in a close combat stance.

The attacker got angered by this and rushed at her while trying to Punch her in the face with his left hand.She dodged the attack by simply turning her head to the right, then she countered his attack by elbowing him in the face which lead to him falling back a little.

She would then jump high in the air as a blinding flash of again covered her,and proceed to land down on the first attackers stomach with quite the speed and momentum which caused him to loose consciousness.

As soon as she got done tying up the criminals, a crowd of people swarmed her signifying how much she was loved by those around her.

She was well known around these parts as the hero of the people.A person to look up to.A hope to believe in. A saviour to trust in.These were the things that the people saw in her.

Yes, she was somewhat of a big shot.She was the deputy commissioner of the police department. A beautiful girl in the late teens with long white hair running down her back till her waist.Her blue eyes,which were as diverse as the sky itself.

She was the new saviour of the people here.Her name being "Ella Scarlett".