
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

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Chapter 238 Live Broadcast Warning

Five Elders immediately asked Marine to arrange someone to go to Dressrosa immediately.

With the order of Five Elders from Marine, they can finally attack Doflamingo.

So Kizaru looked at the Admiral around him and decided to arrange for Aokiji to go, which made Akainu furious.

This obvious opportunity for meritorious service was given to Aokiji.

This bastard is targeting him.

However, Kizaru turned a blind eye to Akainu's anger. Anyway, this guy has been antagonistic to him recently and got used to it.

Aokiji immediately took the order.

Sengoku, on the other hand, stood up and decided to go too.

Last time he advocated crusade against Doflamingo, but Five Elders ruled it out and forcibly saved Doflamingo.

He also resigned from the position of Fleet Admiral.

Now that Five Elders is finally about to take action against Doflamingo, how could Sengoku stand idly by at this time.

He must participate in this battle against Doflamingo.

Anyway, he is not Fleet Admiral Marine anymore, so he doesn't need to be in the headquarters anymore.

For justice, and to avenge Rosinante.

While Sengoku asked to go, Garp also wanted to go.

In addition, Vice Admiral Tsuru also decided to go together, she is Doflamingo's old opponent.

If Garp hunted Roger all over the world, then Tsuru was hunting Doflamingo.

So Aokiji, Sengoku, Garp, and Tsuru boarded a warship to Dressrosa.

At this moment, the cadres of Donquixote's family in Doflamingo are all nervous.

Dressrosa's biggest secret has now been exposed.

Such an astonishing thing will surely cause turmoil in Dressrosa soon.

However, Dressrosa's chaos is not the point, the point is the attitude of the World government.

Doflamingo's face is a bit ugly. In this case, the World government is likely to abandon him

Maybe he will become an abandoned son.

In this case, he could not stay in Dressrosa any longer.

Doflamingo thought for a while and called Five Elders. He wanted to confirm the attitude of Five Elders.

After talking to Five Elders, Doflamingo's face was a little volatile.

Because Five Elders was very angry about the toy.

Moreover, it is impossible to hide it, because the whole world already knows it.

This makes it difficult for the World government.

After negotiations, Five Elders will not deprive Doflamingo Shichibukai of his identity for the time being, but Doflamingo must find a way to minimize the impact of this incident.

If he can't do this, it's useless to say anything.

At the same time, Doflamingo must pay sufficient compensation for this matter to compensate the loss suffered by the World Government to protect him.

As expected by Doflamingo, Five Elders wanted to profit of him for this matter.

But being able to retain the title of Shichibukai, this is already the best situation.

As for money, he can always make it back then.

But the biggest problem is the premise, how to minimize the impact of this incident.

Doflamingo thought for a moment with a sullen face, and then stretched out his hand, and countless silk threads rushed into the sky from his hand.

So people in Dressrosa can see to the that fireworks-like effects appear over in the sky

When people took a closer look, their eyes suddenly widened.

They have seen this scene in the video. This is the ability of Doflamingo, one of the skills of String-String Fruit, Birdcage.

Back then, Doflamingo launched this trick on Minion Island, trapping the pirates and Rosinante on Minion Island

Why does Doflamingo want to launch Birdcage now?

People's originally angry expressions quickly turned into panic and worry.

After being angry, they immediately realized the gap between them and the group of pirates, Donquixote Family.

And Doflamingo made Birdcage, and it was obvious that he wanted to control them all here.

Could it be that Doflamingo wants to kill people?!

As soon as this idea came up, the people of Dressrosa were all in horror.

At this moment people couldn't help but panic. Although they were angry just now, they knew in their hearts that they could not be Doflamingo's opponents.

King Riku also said just now that he would wait for the World government and Marine to come over. When they saw these things, they would never let Doflamingo continue to mess around in Dressrosa.

So calm down for now, don't be impulsive, don't die in vain.

But now they didn't do it first. Doflamingo seemed to want to do it first. Now the crusade team of World government and Marine hasn't come, they are trapped again.

Could it be that today will be the day when Dressrosa will die?!

For a moment, despair appeared on the faces of Dressrosa's people, and King Riku's face was very ugly at this moment.

He didn't expect Doflamingo to start so decisively, but even if he did, Doflamingo would not be able to suppress the matter.

Even if the people of Dressrosa die, the whole world already knows about toys.

Killing Dressrosa's people at this time will only increase his crime.

Doflamingo is this crazy?

But King Riku quickly remembered Doflamingo, he is essentially a pirate, there is no lower limit for pirates, killing people and destroying the country is so stressless for them to eat and drink.

Thinking of this, King Riku couldn't help feeling desperate. Is Dressrosa going to be ruined today?

At the same time, Dragon and others, who had been hiding in the crowd, frowned when they saw the appearance of Birdcage.

Is this guy jumping the wall in a hurry?

If Doflamingo can't help but attack the civilians in advance, don't blame them for killing Doflamingo in advance.

Although they don't want to miss the live broadcast of QnA, they can't control so much in the face of human life.

Immediately afterwards, Dragon and the others found that the screen in the center of the town had been opened.

This is not Luke's live screen, but the screen that Dressrosa uses to convey the king's orders.

Back then, King Riku used this to directly kneel down and borrow money from the people of the whole country.

Several people quickly appeared on the screen, and the people of Dressrosa recognized their identities at a glance.

They are all cadres of the Donquixote Family, and the one standing in the front is Shichibukai, Donquixote Doflamingo.

Although Doflamingo's face is a bit unpleasant, he still maintains a relaxed and unrestrained aura in front of the people. Only in this way can he deter civilians at this time.

"Presumably you have seen the situation in the sky, but you don't need to panic. This is an extraordinary measure of an extraordinary period. Just now, there were a lot of riots and rioters in Dressrosa who tried to cause riots in the country. In order to prevent these riots and rioters from escaping, such measures were taken. Please rest assured, Donquixote Family will not harm anyone who wants peace, but if someone wants to mess up Dressrosa, then we will not be merciful. Therefore, before we catch all the rioters and gangsters, Dressrosa prohibits the entry and exit of personnel. In addition, if you don't want to be regarded as a rioter, don't make any suspicious behavior, and don't spread any rumors. After things calm down, Dressrosa will return to its previous peaceful life. "

After speaking, the live screen was blacked out.

The people who had been clamoring for revenge on Doflamingo were silent at this moment.

This live broadcast is undoubtedly a warning from Doflamingo to them.

Warn them not to make trouble. If you make trouble, none of you can escape. If you catch it, you will die.

If you pass this time steadily, then no one will have trouble.

They are now all trapped by Doflamingo's Birdcage, which is the meat on the cutting board. After hearing Doflamingo's warning, many people were directly timid and stopped saying any words of revenge.

For a while, Dressrosa was calm again.

King Riku couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw this scene, but fortunately, Doflamingo kill them right away.

If Doflamingo is now slaughtering Dressrosa, they will not be able to resist.

Seeing the powerful strength displayed by Doflamingo again, King Riku couldn't help feeling a burst of despair. They could never deal with such an enemy.

Now I can only hope to hold back the time and wait for the World government and Marine to help them.

A miracle will happen then.

But Dragon and the others saw that Doflamingo didn't do it directly, and they didn't do it either.

Continue to watch the live broadcast to see if Doflamingo is still hiding a secret.

On the other side, Doflamingo's face immediately sank after finishing the live broadcast.

To minimize the impact of this incident, all he can do is to stabilize Dressrosa first, and then whitewash the matter in the newspaper.

Only in this way he can impact of this matter be minimized as much as possible.

After that, you he need to give everything time.

Thinking of this, Doflamingo finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he can maintain Dressrosa nothing will matter.

But he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He always felt that this matter didn't seem to be easy to handle.

But Five Elders has already negotiated, and Doflamingo has also used Birdcage to control Dressrosa.

All dangers seem to have disappeared in the bud.

But it's so easy to get it done, but it makes Doflamingo a little uneasy.


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