
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

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Chapter 220-I’m Not Afraid

The reward of healing potion has appeared more than once.

They are already familiar with this.

They also knew that Franky body was change..

Although Franky is now a cyborg, able to walk, move and fight, it seems to be fine.

But this does not mean that his body is healthy.

Cyborg are still semi-human, and parts of his human body will not be unaffected by the mechanic part

And this cyborg transformation will definitely affect the life span.

Remodeling the body is not a treatment, but a measure that must be taken in order to survive, even if it is a loss of life, it is worthwhile to survive.

But now there is a way to restore health in front of Franky, which is indeed a good choice.

This is an opportunity for him to become a normal human again, and the life span he lost because of his cyborg transformation may also be regained as a result.

The question now is whether Franky wants to be a human.

Five Elders and CP9 stared at Franky closely, wanting to see if he was interested in this. If this can take up a as one of the option, then Franky can be avoided as far as possible from choosing the first option.

As to whether Franky returns to health, it makes no difference to them. All they want is the blueprint in Franky's hands, nothing more.

When Franky heard this option, he was slightly taken aback to get the chance to become a normal human being.

This makes him a little different, although it is said that he had no choice but to reform himself at the beginning, and he did it to save his life.

In this process, he also suffered a lot of pain and torture. After all, it is not a comfortable thing to rebuild his own body.

It can be said that crawling out of hell is not an exaggeration.

But he has adapted to such a body now, and now a potion to let him become a normal person appear, which makes him hesitate.

His body is now considered his masterpiece, but it took him a lot of effort to transform his body into what it is now. If he were to give up these things, it would be tantamount to overthrowing his past effort.

It's like turning him into a child who can't walk, learning to walk again, and everything starts again.

Although this healing potion is definitely very good for his body, it is indeed a difficult choice for him to give up these current body. He is very satisfied with his body. This is his masterpiece.

Franky, who doesn't know whether he should choose or not, put this item aside, and decided to take a look at the other rewards.

At this time Luke said the third reward option.

"Reward 3. Constitution potion, I won't repeat the effect."

The constitution potion can allow the current Franky to obtain a CP9-level physique. However, there is a problem, that is, the adaptation of the transformed Franky to the constitution potion. The constitution potion is not effective on the machine. If the enhancement of the unmodified part does not have much effect on the strength, it is useless.

Obviously he need to use the healing potion first to get the full effect of the constitution potion..

After the body returns to a normal human, take the constitution potion, then he can get a CP9-level physique, maybe Franky can fight back in the pursuit of CP9.

At this time, people suddenly thought that the first option was to escape, and the second and third options were to become normal and resist.

So what will be the next two options?

And Five Elders face are bright, the second option is obviously compatible with the third option. If Franky wants to be a normal person, then there is a high probability that he will choose the second and third.

This is equivalent to giving them a chance to catch Franky, which is quite beneficial to them.

Even if Franky gained the CP9 level of physique, the people they sent to arrest were not only CP9 level, but CP0 and Marine Vice Admiral. This is not something Franky can handle.

When the time comes, as long as they find clues about Franky's whereabout, then the blueprint in Franky's hands will be theirs.

Franky nodded slightly after listening. This was indeed a good choice. After he became a normal human being, he could obtain a constitution potion. This solved the problem of his weakness after losing the help of the machine body.

With this strength, he will not be powerless in the face of the enemy.

"Reward 4.you can get the knowledge that you will have in two years."

Luke's words made Franky a little puzzled. gaining the knowledge he had two years later, where did he study?

Luke continued: "After the Straw Hats met a powerful figure and disperse , you came to an island where there was a former laboratory of Vegapunk, a genius scientist who claims to have technological capabilities that surpassed modern times for five hundred years. You spent two years here learning the knowledge and technology left over from Master Vegapunk. These two years of study have brought you a qualitative change. It can be said that your two years in the Vegapunk laboratory are equivalent to the two years that Luffy trained in Rayleigh.

Vegapunk's lab!

Hearing this name, in an instant, the heartstrings of many people around the world were tickled.

This is a big boss.

the Chief Scientist of the Marine Science Unit, Vegapunks involved in the navigation of warships through the Calm Belt, pacifista programs, and even the artificial Devil Fruit.

The man who is five hundred years ahead of the world's technology is no joke.

Franky went to Vegapunk's former laboratory for two years of further study, my dear, he have also found a teacher no less than Rayleigh.

If Rayleigh is the top teacher in combat, then Vegapunk is the strongest in technology.

Although Franky did not personally guide by Vegapunk, he studied the experimental data of Vegapunk for two years, and the harvest was not small. No wonder it is a qualitative change.

And Franky is also a genius. Could a boy who can create something like that at the age of twelve not be a genius?

The members of the Straw Hats are really not simple.

But then people suddenly remembered one thing, they were wondering why only Luffy went to the Summit War, and his teammates?

After learning that Luffy's brother Ace was publicly executed, the Straw Hats will never let Luffy save his brother alone.

Now they understood that because of an accident they were scattered, so they didn't go.

They realize that during the two years that Luffy was practicing at Rayleigh, the others probably went to other places to practice like Franky and Luffy, and they were fully prepared to challenge Doflamingo in the New World, and even won, and even went to the next tartget Big Mom.

Now people are a little curious about Franky's choice. Two years in Vegapunk's lab must be very attractive to Franky, which can save him two years effort.

And after the World Government learned about this, it would definitely not let this kind of thing happen again. It is almost impossible for him to go to Vegapunk's former laboratory again.

If Franky doesn't choose this time, he is doomed to misss out on this knowledge.

The Five Elders are acceptable. Compared with the Pluton Blueprint, the experimental data of Vegapunk's former laboratory are nothing, as long as Franky does not choose the first one.

Franky's eyes lit up when he heard this option. With this knowledge, he would definitely be able to develop something more powerful.

If he chooses this, then with the first one plus this, he will be able to find a safe place and have enough time to digest this knowledge, he thought about it, compared to being a normal person, he should still be a cyborg more comfortable.

And with this knowledge, he can definitely turn himself into a SUPER..

His hands were a little itchy.

However, seeing the excited look on Franky's face, the Five Elders suddenly felt that something was wrong. If they chose the fourth option, then another reward Franky would probably choose the first option.

After all, the second and third items are matched, and it is useless to choose the fourth item for Franky to gain knowledge. He has to live to fully practice this knowledge, which requires the first item.

That's the last thing they want to see.

Oops! The Five Elders looked a little ugly.

Meanwhile, Luke named the fifth reward.

"Reward 5 Adamantium Alloy Integration"


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