
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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586 Chs

Chapter 217 Distortion of Human Nature?

Are these people really those CP9s from before?!

The performance of CP9 in front of them is completely different as that of CP9 who was arrogant and with bloodthirsty and ruthless eyes in their eyes.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, how could they believe that CP9 was making money by performing on the street.

Maybe singing is fine. But what is Jabra and Blueno doing, jumping through the hoops, a zoo show?

There are also slides by Kaku and Fukurou, and many people went into cardiac arrest watching the children sliding over them.

They were afraid that these two guys would suddenly get angry and kill these children who were "disrespectful" to them, but it didn't happen. On the contrary, there were only children's laughter to be heard

These two CP9s are very popular with children.

And Kalifa's Bubble Bubble Fruit ability cleans up the town.

Seeing this video, people who were very disgusted and feared of CP9 even began to think that if these CP9 were not with the World Government, they can be a group of good people.

They are fully capable of robbing, and they are fully capable of getting as much money as they want, but they rely on their own abilities to make money. This wave has won the favor of many people.

People can only sigh, CP9 is actually not what they think, they are all good people, just like when Kaku and Lucci were in Galley-la before, everyone thought they were nice and respectable shipwright.

However, when they recovered their identity as CP9s, they became cold and ruthless killers.

And now that they lost their CP9 status, they regained their normal human nature.

The only difference is that whether they with the World Government or not.

Thinking of this, people can't help but begin to wonder if there is something wrong with the World government.

Otherwise, why did their people lose their humanity when they work for the World Government

Is there correlation between World Government and the loss of humanity?

And Tenryuubito is also the same, obviously the essence of Tenryuubito is also ordinary human beings, why did they become cold-blooded animals who are superior to others, despise life, and play with human life when they make the World Government.

The Doflamingo family, who lost their Tenryuubito identity, were obviously no different from ordinary people.

If it is the World Government that dehumanizes people, the only way to reverse all this is to overthrow the World Government.

Let all return to their true colors.

The commoners are no longer slaves and the Tenryuubito are no longer Tenryuubito, everything goes back to what they were.

All this is the fault of the World government!

When Lucci and the others saw their performance in the video, their expressions were embarrassed and complicated.

But they don't think it's shameful to do this. After all, they are not pirates. Even if they defect from the World Government, they still have their justice. They will not do bad things that go against the principles.

They are embarrassed mainly because they feel a bit socially dead when the world sees them like this

Especially Jabra, seeing the way he jumped in the ring of fire was seen by the whole world, he felt embarrassed.

And when Lucci saw that they did all these things in order to collect the treatment fee for himself, he felt a touch of emotion in his heart for a while.

For a while, people discovered that there was also a partnership between the cold CP9s member.

In this Enies Lobby incident, the Straw Hats showed that they valued their partners, the Galley-la Company also showed that they valued their partners, and the Franky family also showed that they valued their partners.

Even CP9 has shown that he values their partner.

Only in Marine, where there a lot of soldier being sacrificed by their own high official.

So, the question is, what kind of organization is Marine? Even pirates, CP9, ordinary citizens, bounty hunters, and gangsters value their partners. Why does Marine don't care when they sacrificing their own soldier? Is this the justice of Marine??

For a while, the Marine was particularly embarrassed.

In the video, Vice Admiral Onigumo, who shot at his own Marine and shelled at his teammates, received "eager attention" from the entire headquarters.

Vaguely became Second Generation Akainu.

In the video, after Rob Lucci received treatment, the others in CP9 finally had time to rehabilitate, and they began to enjoy the rare tranquility in the city, shopping and drinking afternoon tea.

With the passage of time, Lucci finally recovered and was discharged from the hospital. However, the good times did not last long. The city was attacked by pirates, and they also have hostages.

At this moment, CP9, who had already defected from the World government, stood up and defeated the pirates. It can't be said to be defeated; it should be said to be killed.

Instead of taking down the pirates and handing them over to Marine to deal with, they kill them, and the port begins to flow with blood.

The townspeople and citizens who were originally happy to see someone defeat the pirates became frightened when they saw Lucci and the others slaughter them, and fled in all directions.

Looking at the empty streets, they don't care much about it, they just do what they want, and that's their justice.

But they couldn't stay in the city any longer, so just as Lucci and the others were about to leave, the little girl who had just been taken hostage offered Kalifa a flower to express her gratitude.

However, this action made Jabra, Fukurou, and Kumadori sweat all over, and it seemed that they were very uncomfortable with being thanked for this situation.

Kalifa took the flower, and then CP9 left the city on the pirate ship of the pirate group.

Watching this video only makes people feel very awkward, yes, it is awkward.

When facing the pirates, CP9 became the group of cold-blooded and ruthless killers, but when facing the thanks of the little girl, they behaved like a socially inept person.

They are bloodthirsty, but they have their own righteous beliefs, only do what they want to do, and do not seek gratitude from others.

And when others thank them, they don't know what to do. …

What a bunch of contradictory guys.

At this time, people couldn't help but think of the source of Cipher Pol. They were originally orphans, most of them were bought by the World Government from human traffickers, and then they were trained and brainwash from a young age to cultivate them into tools loyal to the World Government.

That's why they are the most trusted subordinates of the World government, and their status is higher than Marine.

Perhaps it was the education of the World government that allowed them to form such a distorted personality.

Thinking of this, people's hatred towards CP9 has been alleviated. They say that they are evil people, but they don't do illegal things and they do good things. They say that they are good people, but their methods are too cruel.

After all, they are just tools of people who have been brainwashed since childhood, and they don't even have their own independent thoughts.

They had no other choice from the start.

The real sin is the World government that abducted these children and cultivated them into tools.

The evil of CP9 is actually the evil of the world government. They have trained their children to become these executioners and assigned corresponding tasks. They are the culprits of all this.

And with the playback of the video, it finally came to an end.

Having left the city, CP9 has nowhere to go, and they think about where it all started, which is their hometown.

They were nurtured and raised here, and later entered the World government to become CPs.

CP9 came to his hometown, and what appeared in front of people was a group of children who were following the master to practice.

Seeing this group of children, people only feel a burst of sadness, because they are the CP9 of the past, and their future will become murder tools like Lucci and the others.

Although in the eyes of Lucci and the others, seeing their hometown is nostalgic and beautiful, but in the eyes of others, they only feel sad.

Then, with the arrival of Lucci and the others, warships appeared on the sea with Marine who was chasing them also arrived.

In order not to involve the war in their hometown, they took the initiative to attack and defeated Marine.

The scene turns to awkward as Spandam, apparently bruised by Robin's previous attack on him.

The phone in his room rang, and after picking it up, Lucci's voice came from there.

"I'm Rob Lucci, your former subordinate."

Spandam turned pale when he heard this. He didn't expect Marine to fail to deal with these guys.

And the snail continued to hear Lucci's voice, "Spandam, we'll be back sooner or later."

Spandam, who was threatened by Lucci, sat up from the bed in fright, and quickly discussed countermeasures with his father, Spandine, and soon Spandine showed a sly smile on his face.

On the other hand, Lucci and others changed the ship to a warship and left their hometown.

The received flower was left on the land of his hometown, and the video stopped here.


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