
Exploration of space; a love story

NexusTV · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5;New Friends, New Enemies

In the depths of space, Selin and Emre were moving rapidly. On the one hand, while they were excitedly continuing their journey, on the other hand, their fatigue was beginning to increase.

Emre turned to Selin and said, "Selin, how are you feeling? My energy is about to run out, do you feel tired too?" he asked.

Selin understood Emre's concern and said, "Yes, I feel tired too. We have been moving steadily for two hours and we need a rest." said.

Emre said, "You're telling the truth. Now we need to get some sleep and rest. Then we'll continue on our way." he decided and stopped his rockets in a safe place.

The two climbed out of the rocket and into their sleeping bags. Selin fell asleep soon after. Emre, however, had trouble falling asleep. Many thoughts were swirling in his mind about the discoveries they would make in space.

Then he was startled by Selin's voice: "Emre, are you sleeping?"

Emre said, "No, I couldn't sleep. I'm thinking about what we're going to do in space." he replied.

Selin said, "I think the same things. We are on the same frequency as you." he said, and added: "Maybe we didn't do enough research. There is so much more we can do in space."

Emre said, "Yes, you're right. Maybe we can travel to different galaxies, explore different planets." he thought.

Selin said, "What about aliens?" he asked.

Emre said, "What do you think about aliens?" he replied.

Selin said, "Maybe there are aliens who think the same as us. We can work together with them and make many discoveries." said.

Emre said, "Yes, that's right. There is a lot to explore in space and we have a lot of work to do. We have to sleep, we'll get up early tomorrow and continue exploring." he said and went back to the sleeping bag.

Selin also fell asleep in the same way, and the duo slept quietly for a long time. In the depths of space, Selin and Emre's adventure was going on and exciting moments were waiting for them

Selin and Emre were sitting in the dining room on the spaceship. There were delicious dishes on the table in front of them. Selin started eating and liked the taste, saying, "This food is really great. I didn't think food could be so delicious in space," he said.

Emre smiled, "Yes, our food should be delicious even in space. We are working hard to prepare the meals on this ship in the best possible way," he said.

Selin said, "Well, how do you calculate how long we stayed in space? How do you measure time?" he asked.

Emre said, "A clock on our ship is the same as a clock on Earth. Also, we have several time measuring devices on our ship. Thanks to these devices, we are able to calculate the time we spend in space according to Earth time,"he said.

Selin said, "I get it. So, where are we going?" he asked.

Emre said, "Right now, we are on our way to Mars. We will explore on Mars and investigate whether life is possible in space," he said.

Selin was excited, "What an exciting adventure! I feel really lucky," she said.

Emre smiled, "Yes, we are really lucky. It's also great to be with you on this adventure," he said.

Selin smiled at Emre and said, "I agree with her."

After finishing their meal, Selin and Emre went to the laboratory on the ship. The laboratory was specially designed for Mars exploration. Inside, there were various tools and equipment. Selin started working in the laboratory and Emre went to the ship's control panel.

Emre said, "Selin, I want to share something with you. Last night, I saw something outside the ship. It was moving very fast and it was quite big. What do you think?" he asked.

Selin said, "Really? I can't say what it is, but we should definitely do an investigation," he said.

Emre said, "Okay, I agree with you. We need to investigate," he said.

Selin and Emre have teamed up with the other crew Dec Dec on the spaceship and are going to travel between the planets

Selin, Emre and Derya were working to collect all the resources on the spaceships. Emre was controlling the robot arm to go outside the ship and collect various minerals. Selin and Derya were analyzing these minerals with the devices inside the ship.

After working in this way for several hours, Emre noticed something strange. "Friends, there is a magnetic field in this region. He started controlling me," she said.

Selin and Derya, trying to understand the situation, noticed that the magnetic field around the ship was getting stronger and stronger. The lights on the control panels began to blink rapidly.

Selin said, "Emre, go back immediately and get on the ship. Derya, try to find the source of the magnetic field,"he said.

Emre quickly returned to the ship, where he used the robot arm. However, the ship began to move under the influence of the magnetic field. Selin and Derya were fighting with all their strength to avoid losing control of the ship.

When Derya identified the source of the magnetic field, she said, "Selin, the source of the magnetic field is a star. It has a very strong magnetic field and attracts us to it," he said.

Selin said, "We need to speed up the ship to get rid of the star's magnetic field. Emre, start the rockets. Derya, calculate a route in the direction of the magnetic field," he instructed.

Emre started to accelerate the ship by activating the rockets. Derya calculated a course in the direction of the magnetic field and directed the ship in that direction.

For a long time, the ship struggled to get rid of the influence of the magnetic field. Eventually, the effect of the magnetic field subsided and the ship returned to its normal course.

Selin said, "Friends, although this adventure forced us, we succeeded. Now let's get on the way back and start analyzing the minerals we have collected," he said.

Emre said, "Selin, we are always succeeding with your leadership."

Derya added, "I am also always happy to be with you."

The three friends continued their work to analyze the minerals they had collected. As they approach the end of their adventures, their bond to each other in the infinity of space strengthens

It may be possible to combine the story of Selin and Emre with Alex, Emma and John. Maybe they will get together in space and go on an adventure together.Dec. I can make an entry as follows:

Selin and Emre had set off to Decamp to the next stop of their interplanetary journey. Although traveling by spaceships is quite tiring due to long-term trips, they were both excited to see adventurous planets. However, at a moment when they did not expect at all, a technical problem occurred on their spacecraft and they had to make a forced emergency landing.

Fortunately, they had with them the necessary tools and materials for repairing. However, the repair process would take quite a while, and therefore they had to wait. At this time, three passengers named Alex, Emma and John arrived with them. They had also set out to go to a planet, but were unable to continue their journey due to a technical problem. This unexpected encounter would create a big change in the lives of all five of them.

Working together, they managed to solve the technical problem and decided to continue on the road together. On their journey between the planets, they Decamped to many challenges and adventures. They encountered various space creatures, harsh natural conditions and many more things. However, because they supported each other, they overcame every difficulty.

After visiting many planets, Selin and Emre had become friends with Alex, Emma and John when they arrived at their last stop. Although they separated at the end of the adventure, they had formed a bond of friendship towards each other in space. Here, Selin and Emre's adventure has gained a new dimension by combining with the story of Alex, Emma and John