
Exploration of space; a love story

NexusTV · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Loneliness and Fear

n the fourth part of the book, the story goes back to the first part and we find out what happened to Alex.

When Alex opened his eyes, he found himself in an unknown place again. When he looked up, he saw that there were hundreds of people around him. He closed his eyes again and came to himself, shaking his head slowly.

"Hey, how are you?" a voice asked.

Alex turned to the person who was talking and encountered a face he recognized. He was Emma's father. Alex regained his memory and realized that the last thing he remembered was the explosion on the Eve ship.

Emma's father told her what had happened. Alex learned about the events after the explosion and the fate of the Eve ship. However, good news was also given to him. Emma found out that Adam and John were saved by the escape module and are alive.

Alex, with a sense of relief at being saved, took action to reach Emma. He was given the technological tools necessary to locate them and began tracking down Emma, Adam and John.

After a while, Alex found the lost escape module. Emma is reunited with Adam and John Dec. He listened to their adventures in space and told about what happened to each of them. Alex rediscovered his feelings for Emma and a romance began between the two. Dec.

After days full of adventures, Emma and Alex started their journey back. The chaos and damage caused by the explosion on the Eve ship have been completely repaired and the ship has been put back into operation.

Alex, Emma and the others felt safe at the end of a long journey when they returned home. By the end of their adventurous space journey, each of them had learned about survival, resilience and hope, and strengthened their bonds with each other, while Alex was trying to get used to his loneliness after losing Eve. He spent his days concentrating on his work, and at night he went home and slept alone. But the past still haunted him.

One night, when he woke up, he noticed a strange light in his room. When he immediately picked up his gun and left his room, he was shocked by the sight he saw. The room had been invaded by an alien entity. Alex struggled to neutralize the enemy, but was somehow neutralized by being injured.

When he woke up, he found himself on a foreign ship. Alex, who could not understand what happened at first, soon found himself inside a laboratory. There, he was being examined by foreign entities. But a few days later, he was rescued by a female scientist.

The woman told Alex who they were and why they kidnapped her. Alien beings wanted to change the genetic makeup of people. Therefore, they wanted to study a healthy and strong person like Alex. The female scientist said she would help Alex escape.

Alex managed to escape from the ship along with the female scientist. However, he had been injured while fleeing and needed treatment. The female scientist took Alex to a secret base and treated him there.

Alex didn't believe in love again after losing Eve. However, as he spent time with the female scientist, the bond between them began to strengthen. Dec. The feelings they felt for each other turned into love over time.

But their happiness did not last long. Alien beings had found their trail. They raided the base and kidnapped a female scientist. Alex took action to save the female scientist and fought against them with only his gun.

During the battle, Alex's gun went off, and the light emitted around as a result of the explosion woke him up. When he woke up, Alex realized that the incident that led to Eve's death was a dream. At that moment, realizing that it was all a dream, he took a deep breath and returned to the real world, Emma, Adam and John, who remained after Alex, joined forces to try to survive and get the ship working again. They worked for several days and finally succeeded. They found the fuel needed to power the ship and made a trip plan.

Throughout their journey, the romantic relationship between Emma and Adam continued to develop. Dec. However, this time it was moving in a more balanced and stable way. John was laughing at this situation and trying to make Decoupling between the couple.

At the end of their journey, they reached a distant planet and decided to start a new life here. The natives living on the planet have become friendly to people and helped them. Emma, Adam and John have built a new house here and started living together.

While continuing to enjoy their new life, one day a danger appeared on their planet. The news came that there was going to be a big natural disaster, and all the locals, including people, had to quickly leave their homes. Emma, Adam and John, on the other hand, made efforts to eliminate the danger.

In the end, thanks to Emma's scientific knowledge and Adam's technological abilities, they managed to prevent a natural disaster. While the locals looked at the people with admiration, Emma, Adam and John brought peace to the planet once again.

By the end of the story, Emma, Adam and John had built a new life and were firmly attached to each other. Their belief in the boundless discoveries of humanity and the power of love will continue to lead them on an endless adventure. When Alex opened his eyes after the explosion on the Eve ship, he found himself with hundreds of people in an unknown place. Emma's father told her about what happened, and Emma found out that Adam and John were alive. Alex Decamped to find them and they were reunited after finding the escape module.

After days of adventure, Alex and Emma started their return trip, and the Eve ship was repaired and put back into operation. Later, one night when Alex was trying to get used to his loneliness, he realized that alien beings had invaded his room. He found himself in a laboratory and was rescued by a female scientist. The bond between them turned into love over time, but the attack of alien beings threatened their lives. Dec.