
Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

This is the story of a crazy lich who possesses an internal game system and brings catastrophe to the entire world. “Let’s look at the daily quests today… it’s the damned choose one-of-two-options-type again. Destroy a town with a population of 30,000 people or above; reward: 10,000 evil points. Steal lollipops from 3 children; reward: 1 evil point. If neither of the quests is completed, then 2 points will be deducted.” “Tsk! You think I’m stupid? If I really destroyed a town, a crusade of Myth-ranked Holy Knights would definitely come hunting me down. Even if I earned the points, there wouldn’t be any life left in me to spend them. I better just go be a kindly lollipop bandit.” I’ve already had enough of being a notorious lich. Who says a lich can’t be a good person? I’m definitely going to beat this damned system and be an upright and dignified good man.

Angry Squirrel · Fantasy
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841 Chs

Direction of Evolution

Editor: Pranav

When I awoke from my long slumber, I was unable to move. Yet I was greeted with a world no longer the same.

If a mirror were present, I would have been able to see that my eyes were different. One eye had a normal white eye and a black pupil, while the other had a black eye and white pupil. Like the opposite halves of a Yin Yang diagram, it gave off a frightening appearance.

Meanwhile, what I saw was far stranger. On one side was a world of energy that appeared like infrared lights, with red, yellow, orange and other warm colors. The other half was filled with decayed bones and black gunk, as if all the filth of the world was before me.