
experiment S-23

angeldust_fightme · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 3: the process

The doctor noticed my frantic and confused straight and chuckles lowly"well your not strong now but you will be soon"he says as a short women walks in pushing a computer and a tray holding multiple syringes in it. No why me why would they think I can be something great like they want, I don't want to be here!

The nurse walked over to me "please stay still well me do the procedure"she said, speaking in a weird accent that I had not heard before. I clearly didn't want to know what would happen if I didn't listen so I stayed still to the best of my abilities as they injected me with all these weird liquids that sent a burning sensation all over my body. After about 10 shots I hear somebody shoat something about it working and then everything goes black.