
Exorcist of the American Nightmares

"Father Yorks, may I ask what is meant by scientific exorcism?" A large group of priests in divine robes at the bottom stared at the man on top of the high platform, their eyes fiery as they asked. Listening to the task released in his ears, the corners of Yorks' mouth rose slightly, and "What do you mean by scientific exorcism? My answer is that we have to utilize the characteristics of modern technology in conjunction with our traditional exorcism methods to exorcise demons ......" "We all know that the evil spirit hates our recitation of the Bible, so we can record our recitation and play it out through audio, tormenting it every day and making it physically ill ......" "The evil spirit hates holy water and holy water will cause it as much damage as fire, if it doesn't come out and does its little tricks to disgust people every day, then we can ask the homeowner's permission to use the showerhead to sweep through the house and irritate it every day, of course this will require a lot of holy water, so roll it up ...... " "If an evil spirit or demonic being descends, we'll just blast it to death with a gun, if the gun doesn't work, then a cannon, if the cannon doesn't work, then a nuke, if the nuke doesn't work, then just wait for it to die ......" "......" Perverts, witches, magic, vampires, werewolves, demons, killers, the main one is a scientific [physical] exorcism ...... ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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Chapter 141: Welcome Party

Since the cheat descended upon him, accumulating his four attributes to this extent was considered very lucky.

After all, supernatural events weren't always encountered, nor did they happen all the time. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many atheists in the world—people who outwardly believe in ghosts and gods but actually don't.

Mostly, he eagerly looked forward to the pitiful 0.5 attribute points from the daily fixed tasks.

So, this book named the Book of Death, which is more like a summoning or monster encyclopedia of evil, truly felt like a surprise to him.

Because these recorded monsters, when summoned, had a high chance of triggering random tasks.

No, it would definitely trigger random tasks.

Because the conditions were fully met.

Just for this reason, he directly chose not to hand over the book, abandoning the investigation into the so-called Reed Bank and the truth behind that priest.

"Not bad, another one..."

Carefully noting down the first monster named Winged Merfolk and its related ritual and spell, York turned the page again.

This second page also introduced another monster, its ritual, and spell.


"Vine Demon Spider: Covered in entangled vines and spikes, its abdomen emits a deadly poison, capable of spitting corrosive acid, swiftly crawling and extending its vines over long distances to capture prey or attack enemies..."

"Shadow Stinger: A monster covered in black barbs and sharp teeth, slender and agile, emanating dark shadows, capable of moving quickly in the dark, using its long teeth and claws for lethal attacks on its prey..."


Unconsciously turning to another page with a different number of pages and a grayish-white color as if lifeless, upon seeing the monster in the illustration, York finally snapped out of it.

"Spirit Fusion Monster..."

This was the abyssal monster he had eliminated today.

Staring at the illustration of the Spirit Fusion Monster and its introduction and spells, York exhaled softly, his gaze resting on the now silent human figure in his mind, closing the Book of Death, and heading upstairs.

He had been too engrossed, almost forgetting about the novice nun.

York shook his head, exited the basement, and went straight to the living room.

The novice nun, dressed in a white novice's habit and having taken off her hood, was already sleeping on the sofa, her peaceful and graceful appearance showing she was quite exhausted.

Glancing at the wall clock.


Dedicating himself to memorizing half of the recorded abyssal monsters, he had spent almost three hours.

This meant he had left the novice nun alone for a full three hours, and she had been sitting on the sofa waiting for him all this time.


Feeling somewhat awkward, York gently picked up the seemingly weightless novice nun, carried her into the room, gently placed her on the bed.

A deaconess nun assigned to a priest, if not instructed by the master, usually accompanies the priest for life, even after the priest's death, continuing to guard the church awaiting the arrival of a new priest.

The novice nun lying on the bed naturally belonged to this category, and although she was a novice, she was already considered passed in his heart, hence equivalent to an official nun.

Withdrawing his gaze, York pulled up the thin quilt, turned on the humidifier, setting the humidity to 45%, then gently closed the door and left the room, returning to the basement.

Having surpassed a hundred in life points, he had already escaped the need for sleep, feeling no fatigue.

"Let's try to finish it all tonight..."

York stared at the Book of Death on the table, ignoring the records beside him, and continued to flip through.

For a while, the quiet basement was filled only with the sound of turning pages.

Shh! Shh!

A night passed in silence, the sound continuing until the moment the sun began to rise.


At this moment, there was also movement in the room.


Eileen suddenly opened her dazed eyes, taking a few seconds to realize she had changed locations.

"I wasn't..."

Recalling last night, Eileen grasped the thin quilt, looking around the room, seeming to understand something.

Just then, a slight noise came from outside.

Blinking, she instinctively grabbed the novice nun's hood from the table and slowly walked towards the door.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door, walked down the narrow hallway towards the source of the noise.

Just as she stepped out, she found the priest standing in the kitchen, looking up at her.

"Awoke? Go to the bathroom to wash up first. I've prepared a new toothbrush and towel for you, and clothes."

Saying this, York looked at the just-awake, somewhat dazed novice nun, then smiled and said.

"Today, the congregants of Pluto Church will hold a welcome party for you at the church..."

Eileen paused, blurting out, "A welcome party?"

Seeing the novice nun's stunned look, York smiled, remembering the excitement in the group chat when he formally announced a new clergy member was coming.

"Yes, because of me, they've always been looking forward to having other clergy members at Pluto Church, so when I announced a new clergy member was coming, they all clamored to make you feel the warmth and support of a family...

Of course, it's also an opportunity to formally introduce you to the old congregants.

They must be preparing over there now."

Looking at the smiling priest, Eileen suddenly felt a bit nervous.

At the same time.

Pluto Church.

For the first time in years, there was such liveliness, which hadn't been seen in several years.

Word of mouth, one after another, familiar congregants arrived together.

It was a celebration joined by several communities, every congregant wearing a smile.

As York said, they prepared many things, almost every congregant bringing something, homemade snacks, food, fruits, vegetables, etc.

With the church doors already open, Robert was as busy as a spinning top.

When an elder spoke, he had to help, after all, he was young and strong.

"Hey, Robert, please decorate these flowers and streamers a bit."

Just after arranging a table, an elder grabbed his hand, pointing and laughing.

"The place is a bit high, I can't reach."

Robert glanced at the streamers and flowers in the elder's hand, then at the indeed high decorative wall, nodding and taking all the items.

"Of course, Mrs. Isara."

Mrs. Isara smiled.

"Thank you."

Robert smiled, "It's my duty."

He went straight to the decorative wall, using his height of 183 cm, tiptoed, easily placing the streamers and flowers up there, and casually arranging them.

"That should do it, done."

Feeling almost done, Robert exhaled softly, put down his heels, about to continue with other tasks.

Just then, a shouting voice came from the church entrance.

"Everyone, please assign tasks to my husband! Don't hold back, because it's his honor!"

Robert instinctively looked over.

At the church entrance, a simply dressed woman appeared, holding many things, beside her stood a pot-bellied man with a helpless face, and next to the pot-bellied man stood a lean man.

However, the only common thing between the two men was their visible fatigue, especially the lean man, with heavy dark circles.

Robert raised an eyebrow, knowing who these three were, Officer Beck and his wife, Mrs. Hardy, and Officer Beck's colleague, Officer Jeffrey.

Were these busy officers here for something with the priest?

Robert specifically looked at the file bag in Officer Jeffrey's hand.


Hearing the shout again, Robert looked at Mrs. Hardy, proud because many congregants were looking for her, and Officers Beck and Jeffrey, all wearing smiles, also unconsciously smiled and hurried towards the source of the voice.

"Please help me move this table over there."

"Sure, Mr. Edgar."

He enjoyed life at Pluto Church and this harmonious and supportive atmosphere.


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