
Exodus: Infinity 》Connected《

Thirty years from now, humans finally turn their attention into space. At the dawn of a new century, 2100 A.D, Earth's atmosphere is near inhabitable. Orbital colonies are created. It is too late now to emphasize natural energy. With the exhaustion of their natural resources, deep space mining companies started to wander off further away from the system. This became a form of example. Even with the speed of light, interstellar travel is too slow. Not until the perfection of Suspended Animation solved the issue. After the war with the Dominion. The first colonists were sent into the system of Sarys. Approximately three hundred years away. After thirty years, it was deemed successful. Powerful syndicates and the world government started their own projects; The Exodus. Not wanting to be left behind. People volunteered to the progress. At year 2228, the last Hive Ship left an Orbital Colony, carrying the last human presence in the Solar System, giving Earth a chance of rejuvenation. The introduction of Blink, a signal that can reach any Vults(Receiver) without any millisecond pass, gave humans the ability to communicate with other fleets no matter the distance. It was a leap in human technology that will deem other alien races inferior. Companies started to advertise a new system of VR to entertain people while in Suspended Animation. *Disclaimer: Cover's not mine!*

Concealed25 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
138 Chs


Turran, Motad System

A Lvl. 102 Outworlder stood on a remote location, staring at a cave which is actually a passage to possible countless treasures and artifacts. He had been here before at a lower level but he found that the difficulty is impossible with that current level.

The cave is situated in the middle of a tropical valley called Ismir's Cradle in which most Outworlders avoid because it lacks hunting grounds and dungeons. Only rich with animals available for hunting. So it's been a little secret of his finding the cave. He leveled up so fast just so he can enter it and be the first one to claim what's inside.

With confident strides, he approached the entrance of the cave only to find a notification that drained out his excitement.

>>Difficulty: Impossible<<

"What?" His jaw dropped as soon as he stared at the pop up window. Perhaps I should level up for another one hundred. He thought, scratching his head.

With a sigh, he glanced around checking for anyone who might have spotted him. A frustrated groan left him as he was about to leave when he spotted three figures slowly appeared from the forest. 'Oh shit!' He mentally roared as the trio steadily approach his direction. His hand slowly reach for the battle-ax at his back to try and defend his little cave but hesitated. This area is forbidden for PKs.

The two from the left and right revealed themselves as Turreenes just like him. This race is common in Infinity as they are applicable for both magical and physical. They are also very efficient in technology. So people didn't waste any time and picked the race instead of wasting their breathes on the other races that faced dangerous situations at the beginning.

Between the two Turreenes, the man couldn't help but have his jaw drop as he gazed at a beautiful woman. Her hair and eyes were dark-green. She was wearing a Sunder Light Armor from head to toe. As they came nearer, the man noticed that there are green Spiral Runes on the expose shoulders of the woman.

"Fehr..." He was sure of it, the woman was of the Fehran Race. A solitary race that lived in a once peaceful green planet that have a close connection with the gods. If memory serves him right, there are only four players who successfully acquired the race before they went extinct. His shock went sky high when he realized he just saw one of the four.

The trio didn't paid the man any attention and went straight to the cave.

"Wait!" The man stopped them when they are two step away from the entrance. "What's your level?"

"We're Lvl. 105. The three of us.." The Turreen on the left side who's a blonde woman, answered. She had a speck of beauty that can attract men.

"But.. but the difficulty for me is impossible.. I'm sure it's the same even with the three of you!" The man said, a trace of worry in his voice.

"It's impossible..but only for us." The Fehr gave him a single glance before she proceeded waving a hand, "Feel free to join us..I could use an audience once in a while."

They disappeared into the cave and the man glanced around in confusion. Unable to comprehend what she just said. With a bit of hesitation, he jumped into the frey muttering that Infinity has a one-life rule. As soon as he stepped into the entrance of the cave, he screamed in shock as he felt being flung into light speed. Then he materialized on a place that gnawed at his very existence.

The ground was red and at his back is where the earth ended. He can see the bottomless unrefined space that promised an eternity of falling. He turned around and found the trio standing in front of him, waiting patiently for something.

'This is suicide! Let's get the fuck out of here!' He scream in his mind as he realize that they were standing at the only matter in this void.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Constant shaking of the ground contributed to the fear rising up in his throat. He gulped as a pair of giant foot slowly appeared from the distance, greaves with glowing metals. His eyes slowly rolled up and saw the full figure, standing 500 feet above them.

"What's your name?" The Fehr suddenly asked, turning her face towards him.


"Your name?"


"Your name is Uh?"

"No.. no.. I'm.. My name is Zack.."

"I'm Lessi.." She introduced herself and motioned at her two companions.

"Glen," Said the man on her right.

"Mika here. Nice to meet you Zack." The woman on the left introduced.

Zack couldn't help but blushed when Mika winked at him. But this feeling was short lived as a thunderous voice boomed that shook the very space itself.


The giant figure stopped just 500 meters away from them, ready to stomp on them like ants.

"god Ismir!" Glen roared as he step forward, "We came to claim you."

Ismir, the 67th god of Death glared down beneath his mask depicting a wolf.


Zack at the back involuntarily took a step back. All the plans he made up in the future clearing this place alone completely disappeared in his mind. Only lamenting what he's gotten himself into.

Glen grinned wickedly as his eyes intensified. His silver armor started to shone as he clenched a fist and raised it, calling out proudly, "Soul Release! Aros, reveal yourself!"

A destructive pulse resonated from Glen, throwing Zack at the back from his heels as a winged figure slowly rose from Glen's back until it came in comparison with Ismir's height. It glowed with blinding light once before swinging a gigantic sword.

'The Commander of the 16th Legion. Hmpf. You think you stand a chance by bringing an angel with you!'

Ismir sniffed, unimpressed.

"Glen. Leave this to me." Lessi declared as she took a step forward. Glen and Aros glanced at her, regarding her with respect as they made way for her.

The Fehr continued to advance, each step faster than the earlier until she came into a sprint and bursted into an unseen speed which Zack's eyes couldn't keep up. Ismir groaned with disgust as Lessi came into striking range. A dark spear appeared on the hand of the Death god. He raised it, ready to swat a fly. An unparalleled danger glinted from his eyes as he brought it down effortlessly.

Lessi knew that dodging it is futile. It's destructive force will catch her from its aftermath. Using her motion, her legs propelled her to the air to meet the giant spear head on. She twirled in mid air as a long sword the length of her body appeared on her hands.


The three on her back, even Aros had their jaw dropped witnessing that she just tried to block a swing from a god. But even if she manage to cancel 60% from the force of the swing, the spear continued to push her down until she deliberately let herself get thrown away.

Lessi slid through the ground for hundreds of meters. She only came to a stop when she stomped the ground. Not giving her time to relax, the also shocked Ismir who had his swing blocked by a mortal stomp his foot. The Fehr seeing the coming danger prepared to defend herself. She crossed her forearms as she balanced herself as a devastating shockwave pushed her for several feet.

Lessi blinked twice, waiting for the smoke of dust around her to clear. When everything died down, her eyes widened as she saw the Death god raise his left hand. An orb of negative energy was in full grow above his palm bending the space.


Ismir snarled as he hurled the Ball of Death.

Lessi on the other hand found that she cannot move. Her body was still reeling from blocking the swing of a god. It's futile to do anything now. She closed her eyes and waited for her doom.

"She's going to die!" Succumbing to his manly instinct to save a damsel in distress, Zack dashed on the rescue but Glen stopped him, shaking his head. Aros cast a barrier around them as they waited for the destruction to occur.

The Death Ball reached its mark with the speed of light and an explosion occured that ripped the space itself and wrapped everything in total destruction. Enveloped by the destructive light he himself created, Ismir fixed the black spear on his side with a satisfied smirk. But in contrast to his expectation that everything will be encompassed by his essence energy, a speck of golden light was struggling at the center of the explosion. Then that light slowly expanded and devour his essence energy.

The time seemed to fast forward as everything went normal. Until the sit of attention was revealed. Lessi surrounded by sparks of golden light was left unharmed.


Ismir's eyes was wide in disbelief. He had no idea what just happened. Even other gods hit by his Ball of Death will suffer even if they are only inflicted with a scratch. As if in a cue, his question was answered.

Lessi's eyes snapped open, devoid of any emotion. She stared directly at the Death god before she muttered calmly as a figure slowly formed at her back. "Soul Release!"

The Fehr waved a hand as she proudly declared, "Shiila, 33rd Goddess of the Hunt!"