
EXILED : The journey of Unique Hero ELEMENTAL

In a distant future, where continents have merged, new powers have arisen, and the fate of the universe hangs in the balance, a young martial artist named Avalon discovers a hidden secret within himself. Hindered by his lack of understanding and a poor upbringing, he faces numerous challenges and ridicule from those around him. What happened next? How he overcame those ordeals? Dive-in in my world and find out.... "Exiled : The journey of Elemental" is a thrilling and action-packed novel that combines elements of science fiction, fantasy, and martial arts. It explores themes of self-discovery, friendship, and the enduring power of the human spirit. With its dynamic characters, captivating world-building, and unexpected twists, this epic tale will leave you on the edge of your seat, eagerly turning the pages to uncover the ultimate destiny of Avalon and the fate of the universe itself. NOTE : The initial 3 chapters are a bit slow as I'm trying a new approach but you'll definitely have fun after that. Enjoy ;)

ShivamSingh · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 5 : Friendship Amidst Tears and Torn Uniforms

As some time passed, Avalon grew into a lively three-year-old boy with silver hair, black ends, big eyes, and a wheatish complexion. He was always on the move, filled with energy, and had started attending a small private school. Being the youngest among the fifteen kids in his class, who were mostly four to five years old, Avalon held a special place in his teacher's heart.

One of the kids in his class was Chad, a chubby and adorable boy who had developed a fondness for a girl named Daisy. During lunchtime, in the small playground outside their classroom, Chad called out to Daisy from behind and approached her, intending to share his lunch. However, as fate would have it, a boy named Michael, who was running around, collided with Chad, causing the sandwiches in his lunch to fall onto Daisy's face and clothes, ruining her uniform.

Daisy started crying loudly, pointing her finger towards Chad, believing he was responsible for the mishap. Chad, feeling unjustly accused, became angry and shouted at Michael.

Chad (angrily): "That's not fair, Michael! I didn't mean to!"

This caught the attention of Michael's friends, who arrived and started teasing Chad.

Michael's Friend 1 (mocking): "Look at chubby Chad, making a mess!"

Michael's Friend 2 (laughing): "Yeah, he can't even share his lunch properly!"

Chad's face reddened, and tears welled up in his eyes. "I'm not a baby! It was an accident, I said!" he insisted, his voice shaking.

Unable to control his anger, Chad swung at them, accidentally grazing one boy's face with his hand, causing him to bleed. In retaliation, the other four kids ganged up on Chad, pushing him to the ground, restraining his arms and legs, and mercilessly beating him.

On the other side of the playground, Avalon noticed the commotion. He saw the bleeding boy, the crying girl, and the group of kids ganging up on Chad. Without a second thought, Avalon grabbed a pencil from his bag and tightly held his water bottle in his other hand.

Avalon (determined): "I have to help him! Nobody should be mean to anyone!"

With a burst of bravery, Avalon sprinted towards the bullies, forcefully pushing Michael off Chad.

Avalon (firmly): "Leave him alone! Stop being mean!"

The kids turned to Avalon, and Michael smirked. "Oh, look who's here, Chad's little baby friend!"

Avalon stabbed the pencil into the shoulder of the boy restraining Chad's left hand with his right hand and banged the water bottle on the head of the boy holding Chad's right hand with his left hand. Chad turned over on the ground, and the kids holding his legs loosened their grip.

Chad (grateful): "Thank you, Avalon! You're my hero! You're the best friend ever!"

Avalon (proudly): "I'll always protect you, Chad! Friends help each other."

Meanwhile, Michael stood up again and joined the other two kids to continue the fight. Just as they were about to attack again, the teacher finally arrived, swiftly intervening to separate them.

Teacher: "Stop this at once! What is going on here?"

She sent Chad, the boy with the pencil in his shoulder, and the boy with the swollen head to the nurse's office. Michael, quick to fabricate a story, accused Chad and Avalon of harassing Daisy, and the teacher, without fully investigating, believed him.

Teacher (sternly): "Michael, Chad, Avalon, this behavior is unacceptable! Sit down and reflect on your actions. Avalon, go stand outside the class with your hands raised."

Avalon obediently stood outside the class, raising his hands above

his head as a form of punishment. After some time, all three boys returned from the nurse's office. The two boys who had previously ganged up on Chad glared at Avalon, but he simply ignored them. Chad, however, passed a grateful smile to Avalon, silently thanking him for his help. For Chad, who came from an orphanage and hadn't had many friends, it was the first time someone had stood up for him.

Avalon returned the smile, but his worries shifted to another concern—the state of his torn uniform. Despite his young age, Avalon was perceptive enough to be aware of his mother's financial situation. When the school bell rang, he made a decision not to go straight home and burden Riya with worries.

Avalon (determined): "I won't go home just yet. I don't want Mom to be upset."

After walking for a while, Avalon sat down on the road, head down, absentmindedly drawing circles in the dirt with his finger. Chad noticed his friend's troubled expression and approached him, thankful for his help and ready to strike up a conversation.

Chad (curiously): "Avalon, why are you sad? You helped me, and you're really cool!"

Avalon (sadly): "I'm worried about my uniform. Mom might get upset. let's find a way to fix my torn uniform. I don't want her to know about this. She'll be sad."

Chad (brainstorming): "Oh no, that's not good. Hmm, maybe we can use tape or ask someone for help? Don't worry, We'll figure it out together."

Avalon (curiously): "Chad, why do you like Daisy so much?"

Chad (blushing): "She's nice and pretty. I like talking to her."

Avalon (confused): "Why do those kids pick on you?"

Chad (sadly): "I don't know. They're just mean sometimes."

Avalon (determined): "Chad, don't worry. I'll always protect you from bullies. Wait! Your face looks swollen."

Chad (wincing): "It hurts a little, but I'll be fine. Thanks for helping me."

Avalon (curiously): "Chad, what's it like living in an orphanage?"

Chad (thoughtfully): "It's okay, but I wish I had a family like yours."

Avalon (excitedly): "Want to play superheroes during recess?"

Chad (enthusiastically): "Yes! I want to be the strongest superhero!"

Avalon (grinning): "Chad, you're my first real friend. I'm glad we met."

Chad (beaming): "Me too, Avalon! Best friends forever!"

The two boys continued talking, their innocent voices carrying the weight of their concerns and the joy of their newfound friendship. They chatted for what felt like hours, engrossed in their conversation, until the darkness of evening began to set in.

Just as their friendship began to blossom, Avalon heard Riya's voice, filled with worry and nearly on the verge of tears, calling out his name. Avalon's face lit up, and he waved at her, shouting back with enthusiasm.

Avalon (joyfully): "Mom!"

Riya spotted her son with Chad, both of their clothes torn and Chad's face swollen. She experienced a mix of emotions—worry, relief, and curiosity about what had transpired. However, before she could jump to conclusions, Chad stepped forward, ready to explain the truth.

Chad (eagerly): "Aunty, don't worry! Avalon helped me when those kids were mean. He's my hero!"

Riya's heart skipped a beat as she listened to Chad's words, understanding the situation better. She got even more worried and frustrated.

Riya (sternly): "Avalon, haven't I taught you to avoid fighting under any circumstances? You should have called the teacher for help instead of engaging in a fight!"

Avalon looked at his mother, tears welling up in his eyes, and his voice trembled as he explained defensively : "But Mom, they were beating up Chad! I had to help him, and nobody was coming to stop them."

Riya's anger softened as she saw the genuine concern in Avalon's eyes. She knelt down, embracing him tightly and soothingly said: "Oh, Avalon, I understand that you were being protective of your friend. And I'm sorry for getting angry but you have to take care of yourself as well."

Avalon nodded, his tears subsiding. Riya turned to Chad, smiling warmly....