
EXILED : The journey of Unique Hero ELEMENTAL

In a distant future, where continents have merged, new powers have arisen, and the fate of the universe hangs in the balance, a young martial artist named Avalon discovers a hidden secret within himself. Hindered by his lack of understanding and a poor upbringing, he faces numerous challenges and ridicule from those around him. What happened next? How he overcame those ordeals? Dive-in in my world and find out.... "Exiled : The journey of Elemental" is a thrilling and action-packed novel that combines elements of science fiction, fantasy, and martial arts. It explores themes of self-discovery, friendship, and the enduring power of the human spirit. With its dynamic characters, captivating world-building, and unexpected twists, this epic tale will leave you on the edge of your seat, eagerly turning the pages to uncover the ultimate destiny of Avalon and the fate of the universe itself. NOTE : The initial 3 chapters are a bit slow as I'm trying a new approach but you'll definitely have fun after that. Enjoy ;)

ShivamSingh · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Shadows Unveiled

POV - Riya Pulse

As Shadow fired the gun at me, the building suddenly plunged into darkness. I felt a sudden force as if grabbed by a hand as big as a person and the next moment i was in the air. I slammed hard on the hard floor and felt pain all over my body. At the same time, a loud sound of explosion came from the place where I was standing a moment ago. Confusion filled the room, and in the midst of the chaos, a voice echoed through the darkness. "Not so fast, Shadow."

I strained my eyes, trying to see through the darkness. A figure stepped forward from the shadows. It was Solaris, the leader of the Eclipse Squadron.

Solaris's powers illuminated the area, casting a faint glow that revealed Flicker, Solaris's trusted sidekick and a skilled assassin, standing by his side. She was famous for her Shadow Control as well as for her Weird personality. Then I realized that she was the one who had just saved me.

Just as Flicker prepared to engage, Skrik, one of the villains, unleashed her Sonic Scream power, causing an ear-splitting noise that irritated Flicker to no end.

"Damn it, Skrik! Can't you give it a rest?" Flicker shouted over the cacophony, her voice tinged with exasperation. She skillfully maneuvered through the chaos, evading Skrik's attacks.

"Skrik, your screams are more annoying than a fucking mosquito buzzing in my ear! Can't you find a better tune?" Flicker taunted, frustration evident in her voice.

Skrik, caught off guard by Flicker's witty response, lost focus for a split second. Seizing the opportunity, Flicker merged with the shadows and emerged from Skrik's shadow, delivering a roundhouse kick that sent Skrik crashing into a nearby wall. The impact momentarily silenced Skrik's sonic assault.

Mid-kick, Flicker smirked at the now dazed Skrik. "Keep it down, bitch!" she quipped with a mischievous grin, her cheerful demeanor contrasting with her momentary burst of anger.

Meanwhile, I held Avalon, my precious son, protectively in my embrace. His innocent laughter filled the air, unaffected by the gravity of the situation unfolding before him. It was as if he sensed the triumph of the heroes and reveled in the energy pulsing through the room.

Flicker's eyes lit up with affection as she noticed Avalon. She was instantly drawn to him and approached me with a warm smile. "What's his name?" she asked, curiosity evident in her voice.

I smiled back, my love for Avalon shining through my eyes. "His name is Avalon," I replied, a sense of pride in my voice.

Flicker's eyes filled with affection as she gently tickled Avalon's tiny chin. "Well, Avalon, you've got yourself quite the squad of heroes looking out for you," she said playfully, earning a delightful giggle from my baby.

However, unable to resist teasing me, Flicker added, "You know, Riya, Avalon could come with us. He'd make a great junior member of our team!"

My protective instincts kicked in, and I pulled Avalon closer to my chest. "He's just a baby, Flicker. He needs to be safe," I replied, concern filling my voice.

Observing the exchange, Solaris stepped forward with a stern expression. "Flicker, enough with your teasing. Let's focus on the task at hand."

Flicker nodded in understanding. "Alright, Solaris, I'll behave," she replied with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "But don't worry, Avalon, Auntie Flicker will always be here to protect you, from a safe distance, of course."

As the chaos subsided, the heroes sprang into action, ensuring the safety of the innocent bystanders and apprehending the defeated villains. Solaris, with his

commanding presence, directed the team to gather the bodies of the fallen foes.

Flicker, undeterred by the recent events, carefully secured the captured villains. With her swift movements and expert bindings, she ensured they posed no further threat. Occasionally, her short temper surfaced, evident in the firmness of her actions.

Amidst the commotion, Vortex, the elusive fifth member of the villainous group, seized the opportunity to escape. With his short-range teleportation, he vanished from sight, leaving only a lingering smirk behind. Unbeknownst to us, Vortex had succeeded in his clandestine mission. He had stolen the highly coveted Permanent Core Suppression Drugs, a groundbreaking invention capable of negating or suppressing the powers of individuals with cores.

The company I worked for had developed this revolutionary drug, posing a direct threat to the villains who relied on their cores for dominance. Vortex, knowing the value of his prize, gloated silently as he vanished into the shadows, plotting his next move.

With the captured villains secured and Vortex's escape noted, Solaris addressed the team with a resolute gaze. "According to the residual energy scans, there was another person with the villains who had spatial powers. It has to be Vortex. We must track him down and retrieve whatever he has stolen. The tech here can pose a grave threat in the wrong hands. Our work is not yet finished."

And so, the heroes departed, carrying the bodies of the fallen villains and ensuring their proper handling. It was a solemn task, honoring both the fallen and the innocents who had lost their lives. With Flicker's playful spirit contained, they ventured forth to confront Vortex and retrieve the stolen items. The battle was far from over, but their courage and determination burned brighter than ever.

As they left, Avalon, in his innocence, reached out a tiny hand towards the fallen villains. I spoke to him in a gentle voice, "These were the bad guys, Avalon. They wanted to hurt people, but we stopped them."

Avalon's bright eyes met mine, a spark of understanding shining within them. With a complicated gaze, I watched the leaving heroes, worried about Avalon's future, where I didn't want him to battle the forces of darkness. But his destiny awaited something entirely different for him.